Kenneth Irvine Chenault (born June 2, 1951) is an American business executive. He was the CEO and Chairman of American Express from 2001 until 2018.[3][4] He became the third African American CEO of a Fortune 500 company.[5] He is currently the Chairman of the global venture capital firm, General Catalyst.
So does anyone else not see the absurdity in this whole discussion. ““We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters.” ― Peter Thiel
. Ted is really just the World Economic Forum for the masses.
Enjoy your Technological Bio Security Surveillance state serfdom. And the virtual public square that Elon built, stole, appropriated,saved or Who actually even gives a damn.
#Wasssupp #Trump #Hall Green Backs Ham Acting chicken and eggs. Dr Seuss
History does not support this individualistic scenario for how commercial practices developed in the spheres of trade, money and credit, interest, and pricing. Rather than emerging spontaneously among individuals “trucking and bartering,” money, credit, pricing, and investment for the purpose of creating profits, charging interest, creating a property market and even a proto-bond market (for temple prebends) first emerged in the temples and palaces of Sumer and Babylonia.
The video explores the history of Byzantium, detailing its origins, cultural significance, and eventual decline, while highlighting key events such as the foundation by Greek settlers, the impact of the Gothic Wars, and the fall of Constantinople.
Detailed Summary for [11. Byzantium - Last of the Romans](
by [Monica](
Exploration of Constantinople by French writer Te'o Gautier in the 19th century
- Te'o Gautier's journey to Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire}
- Gautier's descriptions of Istanbul infused with art language}
- The historical significance of Constantinople as the heart of the Byzantine Empire}
- Byzantium as the eastern half of the Roman Empire lasting for a thousand years}
The founding of Byzantium by Prince Byzas and the strategic location of the city
- Byzantium was founded by settlers from the powerful port city of Megara in 667 BC}
- The Oracle at Delphi gave Prince Byzas a prophecy to search for the land opposite the city of the blind}
- Prince Byzas found a better location for his colony on the European side of the Sea of Marmara}
- Byzantium was strategically located at the narrowest point of the Bosphorus Strait}
Overview of the Eastern Roman Empire's territories
- Eastern Empire includes the Balkans and Anatolia}
- European territories with craggy mountains and fertile regions}
- Fertile regions along the Danube and Aegean Sea for agriculture}
- Geographical features of Anatolia and modern Turkey}
- Perception of the Empire as a single entity despite administrative divisions}
The Byzantine Empire reclaimed Rome but at a great cost
- The Ostrogoth hold on Italy collapsed}
- Byzantines caused immense damage to Rome in the Wars of Belisarius}
- Byzantine conquests were short-lived due to lack of resources}
- A plague, possibly the plague of Justinian, weakened the Byzantine Empire}
- The plague may have been caused by Yersinia pestis, similar to the Black Death}
Life in Constantinople during the Byzantine era
- Wealthy houses in Constantinople were centrally heated with a hypocaust system.}
- Distinctive tastes and smells of Constantinople, including spices like cinnamon and fermented fish sauce.}
- Street performers, such as acrobats and jugglers, entertained the residents of Constantinople.}
- Living conditions for the poor in Constantinople were often miserable, with overcrowded tenement buildings.}
Pope Urban II calls for a Crusade to aid Byzantine Emperor Alexios
- Byzantine Emperor Alexios seeks help due to Turkish threat}
- Pope Urban II urges Council of Clermont to take up arms for a Crusade}
- Vision of armed pilgrimage to recover Jerusalem from the Turks}
Decline of Constantinople during the reign of Baldwin the broke
- City of Constantinople became a ghost town with dwindling population}
- City now consisted of villages separated by wasteland and ruins}
- Population mostly consisted of fishermen, merchants, artisans, and cultivators}
- Comparison made to war-torn city of Nicosia in Cyprus}
- Nature reclaiming abandoned buildings with overgrowth and endangered species}
The fall of Constantinople to the Turks
- Emperor's despair at being left to fight alone}
- Panic spreading among the commanders and people}
- Celebration in the Turkish camp as the final assault on the city begins}
- The final assault on the city by the Turkish soldiers}
The crux of inflation is not that prices rise in general, but that they rise differentially. Inflation is never a uniform process. Although most prices tend to rise during inflation, they never rise at the same rate. There is always a spread, with some prices rising faster and others more slowly. From this viewpoint, the engine of inflation is a redistributional struggle fought through rising prices.
The overall level of inflation is merely the surface consequence of that struggle. So in the end, Milton Friedman is right – but only in part. Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon; but it is also always and everywhere a redistributional phenomenon.
King or the Rule of an oligarchy of Barons, What power base is it easier for a People to keep honest?
This is an interesting question. The Nimrodists have form in playing both sides against the middle and care little about “ Democracy” “Justice , or ideals of Fairness.
Those long passages skirt around the point when I recall exactly where I read it Words to this effect I recall.
Magna Charte provided the Barons with a charter against King John, the Treasury corrupted and outside the oversight of a representitive of the people
Thus lead to an erosion of the welfare and fair share of the ordinary people .
Whetehr a Republic or a monarchy one has to avoid Ususry excercised for private interests.
When it comes to me where that is said much better I will post it here.
It is the Nimrodists who have been a plague on humanity, their seat of Government just happened to move to the city of London in 1698, when the Whig Junto installed the Bank.
The Same Nimrodists have corrupted the US constitution.
What The Nimrodists Hate is religious Orthodoxy, they are literally Men who would be Gods.
The Preferred method of controlling World Trade has been through Money and it is the Mistake of Usury which has got in the way of Prosperity and peace between the various Tribal peoples of the world.
What would the Law of peace and prosperity look like?
Carey the late 19th Century US Economist knew this .
The Animus of the British Nimrodist against Russia is that of a Calvanist view of Unconditional Election butting heads with the Eastern Orthodox Church This goes back to the Council of Nicea through to the Split between the Church of Rome and The Eastern Orthodox Church. The Reason is that Usury could not gain traction in any of the Orthodox Traditions following Gods Law against Usury.
The same injunction against Usury came down through the Ages and is found in Aristotles Ethics and Even in Adam Smiths Writing, Read Benthams In Defence of Ussury to see how he tried to Get Smith on Side.
The Nimrodists and the East is a special case the history of which is written in the Ancient Ratio between Silver and gold and The Arbitrage Exploited first aginst The Roman Republic when it forsoke Copper as specie instead replacing Gold and Silver which had never monitised before.
Anyway suffice to say I think the Analysis given in your Link is shooting well wide of the well wide of the mark.
A poem in Three Voices for added 4th part Harmony.
Synthesis Speaks to introduce, And Thesis, Anti Thesis and Synthesis dialogue
The conversation revolves and we find
Revolution plagiarizes past mistakes.
In Consensus the three Voices resolve and entreat your contribution dear reader for a fourth part, shall we harmonIse.
Start here with your own experience. Bring here your
open mind and trust your instinctive feeling for truth.
As resolution of discord demands a return to the tonic. The Tonic for our dissonant condition is a harmonic resolution to the Chord of Nature.
∲6/8 bb :
This post gets to the heart of the Matter, Frances Leaders post compendium on the Black Nobility is what you seek.
"When you refer to the Jesuits/Black Nobility, I take it that stands for the Sabbatian Frankist Freemasonic Crypto-Jewish cabal.... right?" asked a friend, confused after reading one of my articles.
I replied:
No, I do not refer to Crypto Jews.
I mean the Roman Empire and its Catholic Church plus all its globalist totalitarian aristocratic backers.
“The Zionists are Nimrodists and are the arch enemy of the Jews”.
The garden high above there, casts its pearls to our weeds.
17 MAY
00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the background of the ancient Canaanite region, the Pharaoh Merneptah who was known as the "binder of Gaza," and the inscriptions found on a monument commemorating his victories. The discussion then turns to the descendants of Ham, who founded the Canaanite region, and how they inherited the garments made for Adam and Eve before they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. The speaker goes on to mention Nimrod, the founder of Babylon and Nineveh, who had a symbol of evil and founded Freemasonry. Therefore, the State of Israel is in contention over these ancient events.
00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the biblical figure Nimrod and his significance in the story of Abraham. Nimrod, a descendant of Ham, hid Abraham as a baby to protect him from being killed, but later discovered him and ordered him to worship fire. When Abraham refused, Nimrod threw him into the fire. The speaker goes on to discuss the importance of Nimrod in the occult and how he introduced the practice of genocide and cannibalism to the world. He also mentions that Nimrod was responsible for the name "cannibal," which is derived from the combined names of his uncle Kanan and the demon God Baal. Finally, the speaker discusses the fall of Nimrod, citing George Josephus as saying that Nimrod's grandson Nimrod was beheaded by Shem after Nimrod's brazen tower came into conflict with God's will. He also states that the priests of Babylon hid the pieces of Nimrod's body as relics and conducted their forbidden orgies in secret. The speaker concludes by mentioning the ongoing struggle between the descendants of Shem and the descendants of Ham throughout history, and notes that this struggle is often hidden or obscured in historical records.
For a Tear is an Intellectual thing. William Blake
17 MAY
And thus the Spectre spoke: Wilt thou still go on to destruction? 10 Till thy life is all taken away by this deceitful Friendship? He drinks thee up like water! like wine he pours thee Into his tuns: thy Daughters are trodden in his vintage He makes thy Sons the trampling of his bulls, they are plow'd And harrowd for his profit, lo! thy stolen Emanation Is his garden of pleasure! 15 all the Spectres of his Sons mock thee Look how they scorn thy once admired palaces! now in ruins Because of Albion! because of deceit and friendship! For Lo! Hand has peopled Babel & Nineveh: Hyle, Ashur & Aram: Cobans son is Nimrod: his son Cush is adjoind to Aram, 20 By the Daughter of Babel, in a woven mantle of pestilence & war.
To the Jews
Jerusalem the Emanation of the Giant Albion! Can it be? Is it a Truth that the Learned have explored? Was Britain the Primitive Seat of the Patriarchal Religion? If it is true: my title-page is also True, that Jerusalem was & is the Emanation of the Giant Albion. It is True, and cannot be controverted. Ye are united O ye Inhabitants of Earth in One Religion. The Religion of Jesus: the most Ancient, the Eternal: & the Everlasting Gospel—The Wicked will turn it to Wickedness, the Righteous to Righteousness. Amen! Huzza! Selah!
“All things Begin & End in Albions Ancient Druid Rocky Shore.”
Your Ancestors derived their origin from Abraham, Heber, Shem and Noah, who were Druids: as the Druid Temples (which are the Patriarchal Pillars & Oak Groves) over the whole Earth witness to this day.
You have a tradition, that Man anciently containd in his mighty limbs all things in Heaven & Earth: this you recieved from the Druids.
“But now the Starry Heavens are fled from the mighty limbs of Albion”
Albion was the Parent of the Druids; & in his Chaotic State of Sleep Satan & Adam & the whole World was Created by the Elohim.
The fields from Islington to Marybone,
To Primrose Hill and Saint John's Wood:
Were builded over with pillars of gold,
And there Jerusalems pillars stood.
5Her Little-ones ran on the fields
The Lamb of God among them seen
And fair Jerusalem his Bride:
Among the little meadows green.
Pancrass & Kentish-town repose
10Among her golden pillars high:
Among her golden arches which
Shine upon the starry sky.
The Jews-harp-house & the Green Man;
The Ponds where Boys to bathe delight:
15The fields of Cows by Willans farm:
Shine in Jerusalems pleasant sight.
She walks upon our meadows green:
The Lamb of God walks by her side:
And every English Child is seen,
20Children of Jesus & his Bride,
Forgiving trespasses and sins
Lest Babylon with cruel Og,
With Moral & Self-righteous Law
Should Crucify in Satans Synagogue!
25What are those golden Builders doing
Near mournful ever-weeping Paddington
Standing above that mighty Ruin
Where Satan the first victory won.
Where Albion slept beneath the Fatal Tree
30And the Druids golden Knife,
Rioted in human gore,
In Offerings of Human Life
They groan'd aloud on London Stone
They groand aloud on Tyburns
35Albion gave his deadly groan,
And all the Atlantic Mountains shook
Albions Spectre from his Loins
Tore forth in all the pomp of War!
Satan his name: in flames of fire
40He stretch'd his Druid Pillars far.
Jerusalem fell from Lambeth's Vale,
Down thro Poplar & Old Bow;
Thro Malden & acros the Sea,
In War & howling death & woe.
45The Rhine was red with human blood:
The Danube rolld a purple tide:
On the Euphrates Satan stood:
And over Asia stretch'd his pride.
He witherd up sweet Zions Hill,
50From every Nation of the Earth:
He witherd up Jerusalems Gates,
And in a dark Land gave her birth.
He witherd up the Human Form,
By laws of sacrifice for sin:
55Till it became a Mortal Worm:
But O! translucent all within.
The Divine Vision still was seen
Still was the Human Form, Divine
Weeping in weak & mortal clay
60O Jesus still the Form was thine.
And thine the Human Face & thine
The Human Hands & Feet & Breath
Entering thro' the Gates of Birth
And passing thro' the Gates of Death
65And O thou Lamb of God, whom I
Slew in my dark self-righteous pride:
Art thou return'd to Albions Land!
And is Jerusalem thy Bride?
Come to my arms & never more
70Depart; but dwell for ever here:
Create my Spirit to thy Love:
Subdue my Spectre to thy Fear,
Spectre of Albion! warlike Fiend!
In clouds of blood & ruin roll'd:
75I here reclaim thee as my own
My Selfhood! Satan! armd in gold.
Is this thy soft Family-Love
Thy cruel Patriarchal pride
Planting thy Family alone
80Destroying all the World beside.
A mans worst enemies are those
Of his own house & family;
And he who makes his law a curse,
By his own law shall surely die.
85In my Exchanges every Land
Shall walk, & mine in every Land,
Mutual shall build Jerusalem:
Both heart in heart & hand in hand.
If Humility is Christianity; you O Jews are the true Christians; If your tradition that Man contained in his Limbs, all Animals, is True & they were separated from him by cruel Sacrifices: and when compulsory cruel Sacrifices had brought Humanity into a Feminine Tabernacle, in the loins of Abraham & David: the Lamb of God, the Saviour became apparent on Earth as the Prophets had foretold? The Return of Israel is a Return to Mental Sacrifice & War. Take up the Cross O Israel & follow Jesus.
Blake's poem
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon Englands[b] mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these[c] dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold:
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land.
Beneath the poem Blake inscribed a quotation from the Bible:[10]
"Would to God that all the Lords[d] people were Prophets"
Numbers XI. Ch 29.v[9]
A Possible Scenario for the Future ( Written in 2007)
In the future, we may see the following scenario unfold as the forces of internationalism seek to bring about a "new Imperial System" that will rival the old Roman Empire. Russia must control the Middle East in order to secure control of this region and the oil fields in the Arab nations. The Arab world will be guided further into the Russian camp. The Arab hatred for the Israelis will be carefully nurtured and promoted. The heated debate over Judea and Samaria will serve as the catalyst for the eventual election of strong conservative forces in the Israeli government. These leaders will take a bold stance both diplomatically and militarily against the Palestinians. The Arab world and Russia will invade the nation of Israel. Russia will cut off oil to the West. There will be a severe crisis in Europe, Japan and the United States and other parts of the world. Anarchy will reign. The people of the world will turn against Israel and demand it surrender to the Russian and Arab forces. The people of the Western world will call for their leaders to end the crisis. The people will be told that the only way to end this terrible conflict will be to accept a system of global governance under the "new Imperial System." The war in the Middle East creates economic chaos throughout the world. The elite face intense pressure from the conflict in the Middle East and they begin to war among themselves. Military conflicts break out all over the world. The international financial, economic and trading systems of the elite financial oligarchy collapse. Every stock market on earth crashes in a single day. Nuclear weapons are launched by various nations and World War III is underway. The horrors of war, pestilence and plague create unbelievable havoc throughout the nations of the earth. Billions of people are slain.
A Possible Scenario for the Future
MAY 15
Three Donkeys as Witnesses
23 MAY
´´Let those that deny the educational significance of the Bible, that declare it has outlived its usefulness, invent such a book, such stories, such explanations of the phenomena of nature, either from general history or from imagination, which should have such a recap- ion as the Bible ones have, and then we will agree that the Bible is superannuated .
Pedagogy serves as a verification of many, many vital phenomena, of social and abstract questions.Materialism will have the right to proclaim itself as victorious only when the bible of materialism shall have been written, and childhood shall have been educated according to this bible. Owen’s experiment cannot be regarded as a proof of such a possibility, any more than the growth of a lemon tree in a Moscow greenhouse is proof that it could grow without the open sky and the sun.I repeat it, my conviction, drawn perhaps from a one- sided experiment, is that the development of a child and a man is as unthinkable without the Bible as it would have been in Greek society without
Homer. The Bible is the only book for the elementary education of the young. The Bible, both in its form and in its con- tent, ought to serve as the model for all children’s manuals and reading books. A simple popular translation of the Bible would be the most popular of all books. The appearance of such a translation in our day would make an epoch in the history of the Russian people ´´ (YASNAYA POLYANA SCHOOL 253, Tolstoy,
August 9, 2022
Capitalism & the Illusion of Money – David Korten
In considering such calls it is as well to remember the words from Kipling’s Poem Dane Geld.
"We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that pays it is lost!"
Danegeld video
The works of William Blake, poetic, symbolic and critical/2/The Everlasting Gospel
Mr. Rossetti’s sense of propriety, guided by his entire lack of mental companionship with Blake, has led him to sup- press two lines about the nose in the dedication of the poem he professes to publish in full for the first time. It should run: —
“The Vision of Christ that thou dost see,
[ Page 33 ]
The Vision of Christ that thou dost see
Is my Visions Greatest Enemy
Thine has a great hook nose like thine
Mine has a snub nose like to mine5Thine is the Friend of All Mankind
Mine speaks in parables to the Blind
Thine loves the same world that mine hates
Thy Heaven doors are my Hell Gates
Socrates taught what Melitus10Loathd as a Nations bitterest Curse
And Caiphas was in his own Mind
A benefactor of Mankind
Both read the Bible day & night
But thou readst black where I read white
The more I look at the unfolding Jamboree the more I am Convinced that Knowingly or not both Bojo and Jezzer are Stalking horses for the Establishments preferred Democratic Show Ponies, The Likes of Ummana, Hunt and David Milliband. Always bearing in mind the Puppet Master Sedwill.
Sir Mark Sidwell UK Dictator & PM Sets out his EU United Military Policy to the Atlantic Council #BitChute
— Wiki_Ballot (@wiki_ballot) November 29, 2019
Regarding Green Fascism, this article is very good, Beware thought crime ahead.
“A beastly ambition, which the gods grant thee t’ attain to! If thou wert the lion, the fox would beguile thee; if thou wert the lamb, the fox would eat three: if thou wert the fox, the lion would suspect thee, when peradventure thou wert accused by the ass: if thou wert the ass, thy dullness would torment thee, and still thou livedst but as a breakfast to the wolf: if thou wert the wolf, thy greediness would afflict thee, and oft thou shouldst hazard thy life for thy dinner: wert thou the unicorn, pride and wrath would confound thee and make thine own self the conquest of thy fury: wert thou a bear, thou wouldst be killed by the horse: wert thou a horse, thou wouldst be seized by the leopard: wert thou a leopard, thou wert german to the lion and the spots of thy kindred were jurors on thy life: all thy safety were remotion and thy defence absence. What beast couldst thou be, that were not subject to a beast? and what a beast art thou already, that seest not thy loss in transformation!” ― William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens
"What did not change significantly with that shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, was the essential role acquired by Venice. Venice, once established as a power, remained the center of the organization of monetary power, while the outer husk of monetarist power, the Anglo-Dutch maritime interest, became the political and military capital of the Empire. Venice never gave up that role; it simply transferred some of its functions to the newly constituted London branch, all as a part of the adjustment to the shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic field of leading action."
—Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.[1]
The Inter-Alpha Group of Banks is an instrument of genocide. It was formed for the explicit purpose of destroying not only the existence, but the very concept, of national sovereignty—with the United States as its primary target—as a way of permanently reducing the population of the planet. The Inter-Alpha Group has played a crucial role in the destruction of the industrial base of the United States, and the subsequent transformation of our economy into a giant, and hopelessly bankrupt, casino. When that casino imploded in 2007, the Inter-Alpha Group and the forces behind it moved to complete the task of destroying the U.S.A., by organizing the biggest theft of public money in history, via those still-continuing, un-Constitutional, and blatantly criminal operations known collectively as "the bailout." The result is a nation which is not only unable to meet the physical needs of its people, but is also rapidly destroying its own currency through hyperinflation.
Free Trade vs Free Market , Careys American System vs Ricardo-Malthusian system. Monopoly vs Free Market Competition
Essay on the Rate of Wages, with an Examination of the Differences in the Condition of the Laboring Population throughout the World.
Essay on the Rate of Wages, with an Examination of the Differences in the Condition of the Laboring Population throughout the World.
Henry Charles Carey
Rejection of free trade[edit]
Following the Panic of 1837 and the perceived success of the protectionist Tariff of 1842, Carey became an open critic of free trade.
Carey’s newfound skepticism was based on his empirical observation of tariff history and his belief that some economic law must exist to explain prosperity under protection and bankruptcy under free trade. By Carey’s own account, he initially expected the 1842 tariff would prolong the recession; when it did not, he sought an explanation and became convinced “as with a flash of lightning, that the whole Ricardo-Malthusian system is an error and that with it must fall the system of British free trade.”[12] Subsequent scholars have challenged Carey’s claim of a sudden change of heart by pointing to his earlier citations of the English occupations of Ireland and India and of Friedrich List‘s advocacy for the German Zollverein.[12] His change of heart may have also been influenced by his own personal experience; between 1837 and 1840, he invested a portion of his publishing wealth in a paper mill that became completely bankrupt.[12] By the end of 1843, Carey was engaged in a public debate with former Vice President John C. Calhoun, a leading advocate for tariff reduction.[12][2] In 1845, in a pamphlet entitled Commercial Associations in France and England, Carey began to reject wholesale the “British” economics of Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo altogether and sought to develop a critique of their underlying assumptions.[2] At the same time in England, the Manchester school of liberal capitalism reached the apex of its influence with the repeal of the Corn Laws.
Over the course of ninety days in 1848, Carey expanded on this view by writing Past, Present, and Future,[2] which he said was “designed to demonstrate the existence of a simple and beautiful law of nature, governing man in all his efforts for the maintenance and improvement of his condition… which, nevertheless, has hitherto remained unnoticed.” The work argued in favor of a marriage of industry with capital and the necessity of maintaining domestic markets to promote prosperity; it was met with derision from Manchester school economists.[12] The same year, while living in Burlington, New Jersey,[12] Carey founded The Plough, the Loom, and the Anvil, a periodical journal of economic development, with John Stuart Skinner serving as its publisher. Selections of Carey’s writings in the journal were compiled into his next work, The Harmony of Interests.[13]
Keep Dancing til the Music Stops, or Don’t stop til you’ve had enough, Riffing on the Levellers. Globalism and Internationalism are different ideologies, and how the Sovereignty of people’s at a national level is irreconcilable with transnational interests.
1979 “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” was the first short film of Michael Jackson’s…
In Defence or In defiance of Globalisation. Michael Morrison ( TheLevelling ) Vs Iain Davis ( Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy)
France's #Hollande admits to the pranksters that the EU knew a war was coming in…
#SCADS special , #InfoWars special edition . The targetting of Richard A Hall , Rich Planet. Do ‘disaster trolls’ believe the conspiracy theories they promote? By Marianna Spring, Social Media correspondent #BBCDisinformation Iain Davis The real purpose of the fake pandemic. A new monetary and control…
€STR, SOFR, SONIA One Night Last Stands with the enemy. Its the end of Petro Dollar Hegemony not the reserve status Stupid. #GoingDirect #TINA #ExorbitantPrivilege #NorwegianBlue
U.S. Exorbitant Privilege At Risk?! Like what would be the metric for saying “the US…
Ein Svie Sofr, Sonia , Libor . 610 Trillion Derivatives market ready for a remark to Market moment? Bets on Bets on the Market. #GoingDirect In Munich is the Hofbräuhaus: Duetsche Bank
Edward Elgar was not the first composer to think about setting John Henry Newman's poem "The Dream of Gerontius". Dvořák had considered it fifteen
The Problem of Monopoly.
“The rights of men, that is to say, the natural rights of mankind, are indeed sacred things; and if any public measure is proved mischievously to affect them, the objection ought to be fatal to that measure, even if no charter at all could be set up against it. If these natural rights are further affirmed and declared by express covenants, if they are clearly defined and secured against chicane, against power, and authority, by written instruments and positive engagements, they are in a still better condition: they partake not only of the sanctity of the object so secured but of that solemn pub∣lic faith itself, which secures an object of such importance. Indeed this formal recognition, by the sovereign power, of an original right in the subject, can never be subverted, but by rooting up the holding radical principles of government, and even of society itself. The charters, which we call by distinction great, are public instruments of this nature; I mean the charters of King John and King Henry the Third. The things secured by these instruments may, without any deceitful ambiguity, be very fitly called the chartered rights of men.
These charters have made the very name of a charter dear to the heart of every Englishman—But, Sir, there may be, and there are charters, not only different in nature but formed on principles the very reverse of those of the great charter. Of this kind is the charter of the East India Company. Magna charta is a charter to restrain power and to destroy monopoly. The East India Charter is a charter to establish monopoly and to create power. Political power and commercial monopoly are not the rights of men; and the rights to them derived from charters, it is fallacious and sophistical to call "the chartered rights of men." These chartered rights, (to speak of such charters and of their effects in terms of the greatest possible moderation) do at least suspend the natural rights of mankind at large; and in their very frame and constitution are liable to fall into a direct violation of them.”
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797.
“I am not one of those who think that the people are never in the wrong. They have been so, frequently and outrageously, both in other countries and in this. But I do say that in all disputes between them and their rulers the presumption is at least upon a par in favour of the people. Experience may perhaps justify me in going further. When popular discontents have been very prevalent, it may well be affirmed and supported that there has been generally something found amiss in the constitution or in the conduct of Government. The people have no interest in disorder. When they do wrong, it is their error, and not their crime. But with the governing part of the State it is far otherwise. They certainly may act ill by design, as well as by mistake.
These are the words of a great man, of a Minister of State, and a zealous assertor of Monarchy. They are applied to the system of favouritism which was adopted by Henry the Third of France, and to the dreadful consequences it produced. What he says of revolutions is equally true of all great disturbances. If this presumption in favour of the subjects against the trustees of power be not the more probable, I am sure it is the more comfortable speculation, because it is more easy to change an Administration than to reform a people.”
It’s Deja Vu all over again
We are Back to The Spring of 2019 in so many ways, an election pending, the Establishment Narrative worn to rags, and not sufficient material left in the Broken laces of the Authoritarian Jack Boots to tie a nice bow around the latest
In this weekend’s two blogs and the two lengthy chats with Ranjan, I have been indexing my conclusions ahead of “Being the change”, I wish to see in the world. Ranjan has 2 Substacks one with no posts but a great Name, Pedagodgy of the digitally oppressed. And This One for Financial Eyes.

― Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed
NITZAN etal Capital as Power 2009 – read or download here
“We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters” The Parliament of Billionaire’s. or the Robber barons Banquet.
May 20Liked by Toby Rogers
I have been grappling with the same questions since 2011 and more seriously writing about them since 2016.
My Blog today is a sort of Algorithm that unfolds my own take on these matters .
Ezra Pound in his cover note to ABC of Economics says this.
The aim of this brochure is to express the
fundamentals of economics so simply
and clearly that even people of different
economic schools and factions will be able to
understand each other when they discuss
After about forty pages I shall not 'de-
scend', but I shall certainly go into, 'go down
into' repetitions and restatements in the hope
of reaching this clarity and simplicity.
Dissociation 2. Overproduction did not be-
gin with the industrial system. Nature habi-
tually overproduces. Chestnuts go to waste
on the mountain side, and it has never yet
caused a world crisis.
I Have written 3 epic poems and an Imagist experimental novel called the Conquest of Dough.
This Novel, The Conquest of Dough is informed by a Trilogy of poems on Political Economy. These can be read on the author's Blog, Usury Hells Fuel appears in the 2020 collection of poems. And Bourgois Resolution and Globalisation Unentangled appear in the closing two chapters of the Conquest of Dough, Usury Hells Fuel is re-printed as well as:
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Philosoetry. is the 2020 collection of poems.
Review of Philosoetry By David Malone of the Golem XIV Blog and Hyperland Pod Cast
September 21, 2017, 3 Minutes
“My first and lasting reaction to your poems was, Wonderful. Here is a poet who can engage with the pressing and vital concerns of our times. As did Blake in his time. While others were still trilling away about rural idylls and flute-playing shepherds. Blake took those forms and images and confronted the brutalities of his age with an art renewed. In his own way, Roger is doing the same.”
David Malone, Film Maker Author, and writer of the Golem Xiv blog
Magic Money Tree, Ents, Groots Marvel at the Simplicity of the Magic Money Tree a Tree Shepherd Oddysey
The Last March Of The (R)Ents
Ann Pettifor - Show Me The Money Tree
Richard Murphy - Who Borrows More, Labour or Conservatives?
#8thwaytothink The sectoral Balances approach to aggregate demand is a tautological accounting identity Explication of the Magic Money tree is my simple aim. I have written Longer poems on political economy and about energy based calibrations of the unit of account and value Usury hells Fuel Mans oppressor, Tides of the Dollar Moon and Bourgoise resolution and Globalisation unentangled all explore these areas. I have also written a Novel #ConquestofDough Different Video over the poem here
Magic Money Tree, Ents, Groots Marvel at the Simplicity of the Magic Money Tree a Tree Shepherd Oddysey
The Al Smith Dinner is a celebration and dubbing by the elite of their selection for President of the USA. When President Trump was giving his speach over his right Shoulder , our left as we look at the video you see John J. Studzinski.
People Like Mr Studzinski and Philip Hillebrand of Blackrock seem to be part of the Selection Committee that selects our political representatives for us. Anyway as the guest list for the Al Smith Dinner is not published I decided to upload the master of ceromonies introducing the Dias Guests .
For a bit more on Oligarchy My old post on the Iron Law of OIligarchy has the gist of what this post gets at, Anyway meet the Unconditionally Elect
Similarly Davos is where the European Bilderberger/WEF elite dub their chosen winner for the selctions we call elections where the winner is already annointed.
Kier Starmer was annointed by Oh Great Leader Klaus in January 2023. Rishi was Selected and appointed fully annointed after the Kamaquasi Budget. Rishi has though failed and now its Sir Kiers Go as far as the Nimrodist Elite are concerned.
Like Brexit as a people we can in the UK do something about that by returning Independant MPS thats what this post and WikiBallot are and is all about.
By this stage of proceeding like the following image you should be seeing that the emperor has no clothes.