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A Question of Freedom and Slavery
"I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery.... Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty towards the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings."
Patrick Henry March 23, 1775
A Deliberate & Systematical Plan of Slavery
"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us to slavery."
Thomas Jefferson August, 1774
This trilogy is respectively dedicated to James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. Their fierce devotion to the principles of freedom and liberty was unequivocal, relentless and exemplary. Their dedication to the principles of a constitutional monetary system was unparalleled the history of the Republic. Their unwavering courage and steadfast opposition to the elite financial oligarchies in their respective days has earned them the adoration and praise of true patriots forever. The last of these noble and great men gave the last full measure of his devotion to America and its free institutions - even his life in the ongoing war between the forces of freedom and tyranny.
This trilogy is also dedicated to the courageous men and women of the 19th and 20th centuries who opposed the elite financial oligarchies in their day.
The Modern Machiavellian Creed
"Success is the paramount duty. It can be attained in the highest degree only by force. At times it requires violence, cruelty, falsehood, perjury, treachery. Do not hesitate at these practices, only be sure they are necessary for the good of the business and be very careful to insist upon them always as wise and kind and that they work together for the greatest good of the greatest number." We all know that there is scarcely one of them so hardened that he would not pale at the thought of signing that creed and yet it is constructed substantially out of their own words as spoken at one time or another on the witness-stand.
A System Which Requires That Men Sell Their Souls for Worldly Glory
The truth is the Machiavellian formula carries its own death potion with in. It cannot stand the light. It is only strong when is out of sight - when it is unuttered. Today, as four hundred years ago, state it bluntly and men disown it. Why was Machiavelli repudiated by Italy as soon as the Prince was published? Why has his name remained to this day in all nations an adjective of reproach? Because he set forth uncondemned a system which demands that men sell their souls for worldly glory. And never in any age, blind and hard and temporizing as men may have been, have they been fling to admit aloud that it pays to buy wealth or power or glory at the cost of the soul. They are willing to practice the formula so long as they can avoid hearing it; those who profited by their success have been willing to support them so long as they could deaden their intellects by repeating "judge not lest ye be judged," but when it came to defending the Machiavellian creed aloud, they dared not do it.
Truth Is the Cure for Commercial Machiavellianism
And herein lies our safety. The truth, nothing but the truth, ugly and cruel and relentless as it may be, is the cure for commercial Machiavellianism. ("Commercial Machiavellianism," McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXVI, March, 1906, No. 5, pp. 453-463.)
A Possible Scenario for the Future ( Written in 2007)
In the future, we may see the following scenario unfold as the forces of internationalism seek to bring about a "new Imperial System" that will rival the old Roman Empire. Russia must control the Middle East in order to secure control of this region and the oil fields in the Arab nations. The Arab world will be guided further into the Russian camp. The Arab hatred for the Israelis will be carefully nurtured and promoted. The heated debate over Judea and Samaria will serve as the catalyst for the eventual election of strong conservative forces in the Israeli government. These leaders will take a bold stance both diplomatically and militarily against the Palestinians. The Arab world and Russia will invade the nation of Israel. Russia will cut off oil to the West. There will be a severe crisis in Europe, Japan and the United States and other parts of the world. Anarchy will reign. The people of the world will turn against Israel and demand it surrender to the Russian and Arab forces. The people of the Western world will call for their leaders to end the crisis. The people will be told that the only way to end this terrible conflict will be to accept a system of global governance under the "new Imperial System." The war in the Middle East creates economic chaos throughout the world. The elite face intense pressure from the conflict in the Middle East and they begin to war among themselves. Military conflicts break out all over the world. The international financial, economic and trading systems of the elite financial oligarchy collapse. Every stock market on earth crashes in a single day. Nuclear weapons are launched by various nations and World War III is underway. The horrors of war, pestilence and plague create unbelievable havoc throughout the nations of the earth. Billions of people are slain.
The World's Greatest Tyranny is in the Final Stages of Development
While this is just a scenario, many phases of it could occur in the near future. However, before this scenario or others similar to it occur, the evolving international financial and economic systems will need to be enlarged and strengthened. That process is currently under way and has been the subject of this treatise. As this system emerges and more and more political and economic sovereignty is transferred to international institutions, the flame of liberty is being gradually extinguished on the earth and the world's greatest tyranny is emerging under a "new Imperial System."
The Philosophical Foundation of the Imperial World Order
In order to guide the people and nations of the earth into a state of global governance, it was necessary for the elites in New York, Toronto, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Rome and Tokyo to support a set of political, economic, social and religious philosophies that would advance their long-term objectives. These philosophies included:
(1) Elitism
(2) Atheism
(3) Pantheism
(4) Rationalism
(5) Secularism
(6) Marxism
(7) Higher Criticism
(8) Relativism
(9) Darwinism
(10) Uniformitarianism
(11) Keynesianism
(12) Freudianism
(13) Social Darwinism
(14) Socialism
(15) Internationalism
(16) Finance Capitalism
(17) Monopoly Capitalism
(18) Corporate Socialism
(19) Fascism
(20) Existentialism
(21) New Ageism
(22) Nazism
(23) Hegelism
(24) Communism
(25) Legal Positivism
(26) Civil Law
(27) Environmentalism
(28) Machiavellianism
(29) Materialism
(30) Consumerism
(31) Scientism
(32) Economic Determinism
(33) Regimentationism
(34) Hedonism
(35) Legalism
(36) Credentialism
These philosophies are the foundation of the Imperial World Order and Imperial World State that is under construction today. It is obvious that these philosophies result in a loss of freedom, economic chaos, stagnation and oppression of the people. They are being promoted throughout the world today by the financial elite in the United States, Europe, Asia and elsewhere in order to subjugate the inhabitants of the earth. These philosophies centralize power in the hands of a few carefully selected individuals - the elite financial oligarchy. These philosophies led to the rise of communism in Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc.; the rise of Nazism in Germany and Fascism in Italy, etc. Over 180 million people have died around the world because of wars and totalitarian systems of government. How many lives could have been saved and how much human suffering could have been avoided if the elite in the United States, Europe, Asia and elsewhere had not supported the philosophies of communism, Nazism, fascism, socialism, finance capitalism, monopoly capitalism, etc. It was the international bankers of the Western World who financed the Boer War, the Japanese-Russian War, World War I and World War II.