The garden high above there, casts its pearls to our weeds.
Ezra Pound the Square Dollar Series all the education a Student of Life could need according the Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound, a highly influential poet, returned to Italy after living there for most of his life. Pound is described as a legendary figure and has been associated with various labels such as prophet, mystic, fascist, eccentric, and genius. He had a strong interest in promoting the recognition of sculptor Gaudier-Brzeska's genius and believed that Chinese characters provide a true and logical picture of what they say.
Contrast, Wittgensteins Theory of Pictures, and consider Du Champs “regardeur les tableaux”
No this is not a tract of irrational hatred directed at Jews or Zionists or even the Israeli state.. It examines Pounds stance on Usura without reference to the cantos.
Part of a series onAntisemitism See relative dialectics, GEORGES METANOMSKI ON THE 50’TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF AUSCHWITZ
Part of Jewish history and discrimination
Going Direct Mind Map Antisemitism
Reading Blake earlier I was prompted to re look at The Curse of Cannan by Mullins and also to look at the Authors pound recommended in his Square dollar series , I have not( now linked ) linked to Pounds ABC of economics but highly recommend it.
The titles mentioned for anyone interested:
1. Agassiz - Gists from Agassiz
2. Alexander Del Mar's - Roman and Moslem Moneys & A History of Monetary Crimes
3. Thomas Hart Benton's - Bank of the United States
4. Pound's translation of Confucius' Unwobbling Pivot and The Great Digest
5. Pound's translation of Confucius' Analect
6. Norman Holmes Pearson - The Shenandoah
Other recommened titles include: Eustace Mullins' Mullins on the Federal Reserve, Basil Bunting's Poems 195° Agassiz's anti-Darwinian pamphlet Evolution and Permanence of Type Del Mar's History of the Netherlands' Money System.
“The Vision of Christ That Thou Dost See”: William Blake on the Many Faces of Jesus
Posted on July 9, 2008 by Santi Tafarella
Here are the last fourteen lines of William Blake’s “The Everlasting Gospel”:
The Vision of Christ that thou dost see
Is my Vision’s Greatest Enemy.
Thine has a great hook nose like thine;
Mine has a snub nose like to mine.
Thine is the friend of All Mankind;
Mine speaks in parables to the Blind.
Thine loves the same world that mine hates;
Thy Heaven doors are my Hell Gates.
Socrates taught what Melitus
Loathd as a Nation’s bitterest Curse;
And Caiphas was in his own Mind
A benefactor to Mankind.
Both read the Bible day & night,
But thou readst black where I read white.
August 26, 2019
The Unwobbling Pivot The Great Digest , Confucious.
The Unwobbling Pivot & the Great Digest. Translated by Ezra Pound... The Chinese Written Character...
John Kasper, NY / Square $ Series / Square Dollar Series, Washington, DC [1953?]. Soft Cover. 96 pages; 21 cm. Title continues: With notes and commentary on the text and the ideograms together with Ciu Hsi's "Preface" to the Chung Yung and Tseng's commentary on the Testament. Cover title: The Chinese Written Character as a medium for poetry. With offset of the Calcutta edition of Pivot. Bound, and paged continuously with, The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry by Ernest Fenollosa. An Ars Poetica. With a Foreword and Notes by Ezra Pound (pp. 50-96). Stapled in printed grey paper; covers spotted, top of backstrip missing with corner front-cover tear; Good. Copy of Walter R. Davis with his ink signature & pencil notes. stock#942/h.
The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry, edited by Ezra Pound after the author's death, 1918.
After his death of a heart attack in London in 1908,[9] Fenollosa's widow entrusted his unpublished notes on Chinese poetry and Japanese Noh drama to noted American poet Ezra Pound. Together with William Butler Yeats, Pound used the notes to stimulate the growing interest in Far Eastern literature among modernist writers. Pound subsequently finished Fenollosa's work with the aid of Arthur Waley, the noted British sinologist.[12]
Fenollosa, Pound and the Chinese Character
In 1954 Ezra Pound published his translation of the third of the Chinese Classics under the title "The Classic Anthology Defined by Confucius." (Harvard University Press) It was immediately recognized that these translations, or "translucences", as some call them, stood in a different category from the numerous ones that had preceded. Richard Wilbur is quoted on the dust-jacket as naming Ezra Pound "the first translator of our age." I.A. Richards salutes "Mr. Pound at his best." Achilles Fang, in the Introduction to the volume, notes that "Pound now emerges as a Confucian poet."
It does not appear that Pound has anywhere offered an exposition of his method in translating Chinese. There is no doubt, however, that he has been continuously stimulated by a short essay entitled "The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry", composed in the main by the late Ernest Fenollosa. Pound received the manuscript of this essay after the author's death in 1908. He edited it, and in some introductory paragraphs dated 1918 described it as "a study of the fundamentals of all aesthetics." According to "A Preliminary Checklist of the Writings of Ezra Pound" by John Edwards (New Haven, 1953) the essay was first published by Pound in 1920 (No. 26). It was republished by him in 1936 (No. 52) as the first issue of a projected "Ideogramic Series" which seems not to have been continued. In the preliminary Note to Pound's translation of "The Analects" that appeared in the Hudson Review in 1950 (No. 635) the essay is referred to in the following paragraph: "During the past half-century (since Legge's studies) a good deal of light has been shed on the subject by Fenollosa (Written Character as a Medium for Poetry). Frobenius (Erlebte Erdteile) and Karlgren (studies of sacrificial bone inscriptions)." We may not be justified in saying that Pound learned from Fenollosa how to translate Chinese, but we are certainly justified in assuming that he held him in high regard. And this leads us naturally to an examination of the latter's ideas.
The moon's snow falls on the plum trees;
Its boughs are full of bright stars.
We can admire the bright turning disc;
The garden high above there, casts its
pearls to our weeds.
Ezra Pound and 'Globe' Magazine: The Complete Correspondence
Thomas Hart Benton (March 14, 1782 – April 10, 1858), nicknamed "Old Bullion", was an American politician, attorney, soldier, and longtime United States Senator from Missouri. A member of the Democratic Party, he was an architect and champion of westward expansion by the United States, a cause that became known as Manifest Destiny. Benton served in the Senate from 1821 to 1851, becoming the first member of that body to serve five terms.
Jacksonian democracy[edit]
After this, Benton and Jackson put their personal differences behind them and joined forces. Benton became the senatorial leader for the Democratic Party and argued vigorously against the Bank of the United States. Jackson was censured by the Senate in 1834 for canceling the Bank's charter.[16] At the close of the Jackson presidency, Benton led a successful "expungement campaign" in 1837 to remove the censure motion from the official record.[17]
Benton was an unflagging advocate for "hard money", that is gold coin (specie) or bullion as money—as opposed to paper money "backed" by gold as in a "gold standard". "Soft" (i.e. paper or credit) currency, in his opinion, favored rich urban Easterners at the expense of the small farmers and tradespeople of the West. He proposed a law requiring payment for federal land in hard currency only, which was defeated in Congress but later enshrined in an executive order, the Specie Circular, by Jackson (1836). His position on currency earned him the nickname Old Bullion.[18]
The Specie Circular was a reaction to the growing concerns about excessive speculations of land after the Indian removal, which was mostly done with soft currency. The sale of public lands increased five times between 1834 and 1836. Speculators paid for these purchases with depreciating paper money.[2] While government law already demanded that land purchases be completed with specie or paper notes from specie-backed banks, a large portion of buyers used paper money from state banks not backed by hard money as a consequence of Jackson's veto of the rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States.[3]
Executive order[edit]
On July 11, 1836, Jackson ordered Secretary of the Treasury Levi Woodbury to issue the Specie Circular under federal law whereby the government refused to take anything but gold and silver specie for sales of public lands of over 320 acres after August 15, 1836. It did make a special exception to accept certain types of Virginia scrip. The executive order allowed legitimate settlers (non-speculators, or those purchasing plots of 320 acres or less) to use paper until December 15, 1836.[4] [5]
Because the order was one of Jackson's last acts in office, most of its consequences occurred during and were attributed to the presidency of Martin Van Buren. The devaluation of paper currency only increased with Jackson's proclamation. This sent inflation and prices upwards. Many at the time (and historians subsequently) blamed the Specie Circular for the rise in prices and the following Panic of 1837. Cries of "Rescind the circular!" went up and former President Jackson sent word to Van Buren asking him not to rescind the order. Jackson believed that it had to be given enough time to work. Lobbying efforts, especially by bankers, increased in Washington in an attempt to revoke the Specie Circular. Others, like Nicholas Biddle, believed that Jackson's defeat of the Second Bank of the United States was directly responsible for the irresponsible creation of paper money by the state banks which had precipitated this crisis.[6]
The restrictions on credit caused by the order resulted in numerous bankruptcies and the failure of smaller banks. In the South the resulting recession drove down cotton prices well into the 1840s. Small farmers who had bought land on credit were unable to meet their loan repayments with their income from staple crops cut by a half. When they defaulted, "[t]heir land and slaves were repossessed and sold at auction, usually to already well-established slaveholders. ... Some farmers were able to keep a few acres and eke out a living as lesser yeomen. But many lost everything and fell into tenancy and sharecropping. When the cotton market finally recovered, affluent slaveholders held nearly all the South’s best land."[7]
Democratic split[edit]
The Democratic party split in two ways regarding the order. Some, like Thomas Hart Benton, supported the use of sound money. The Locofoco wing of the party also agreed with Benton. Senators Nathaniel P. Tallmadge and William C. Rives supported the other side of the party, in favor of paper money.[8] Senator John Pendleton King of Georgia blamed Jackson for the effects of the circular (among other policies), stating in an 1837 speech that he "had not the slightest doubt that our present difficulties were owing entirely to the unfortunate policy and violent measures of the Executive for several years past. This was the only cause, and this was abundantly sufficient."[9] In the United States House of Representatives, John Bell even challenged his own party member, James K. Polk, for his position as Speaker of the House of Representatives over the issue.[6]
See also[edit]
Cartoon depicting the political conflict between Andrew Jackson and Nicholas Biddle over the Second Bank of the United States
The Bank War was a political struggle that developed over the issue of rechartering the Second Bank of the United States (B.U.S.) during the presidency of Andrew Jackson (1829–1837). The affair resulted in the shutdown of the Bank and its replacement by state banks.
The Second Bank of the United States was established as a private organization with a 20-year charter, having the exclusive right to conduct banking on a national scale. The goal behind the B.U.S. was to stabilize the American economy by establishing a uniform currency and strengthening the federal government. Supporters of the Bank regarded it as a stabilizing force in the economy due to its ability to smooth out variations in prices and trade, extend credit, supply the nation with a sound and uniform currency, provide fiscal services for the treasury department, facilitate long-distance trade, and prevent inflation by regulating the lending practices of state banks.[2] Jacksonian Democrats cited instances of corruption and alleged that the B.U.S. favored merchants and speculators at the expense of farmers and artisans, appropriated public money for risky private investments and interference in politics, and conferred economic privileges on a small group of stockholders and financial elites, thereby violating the principle of equal opportunity. Some found the Bank's public–private organization to be unconstitutional, and argued that the institution's charter violated state sovereignty. To them, the Bank symbolized corruption while threatening liberty.
In early 1832, the president of the B.U.S., Nicholas Biddle, in alliance with the National Republicans under Senators Henry Clay (Kentucky) and Daniel Webster (Massachusetts), submitted an application for a renewal of the Bank's twenty-year charter four years before the charter was set to expire, intending to pressure Jackson into making a decision prior to the 1832 presidential election, in which Jackson would face Clay. When Congress voted to reauthorize the Bank, Jackson vetoed the bill. His veto message was a polemical declaration of the social philosophy of the Jacksonian movement that pitted "the planters, the farmers, the mechanic and the laborer" against the "monied interest", benefiting the wealthy at the expense of the common people.[3] The B.U.S. became the central issue that divided the Jacksonians from the National Republicans. Although the Bank provided significant financial assistance to Clay and pro-B.U.S. newspaper editors, Jackson secured an overwhelming election victory.
Fearing economic reprisals from Biddle, Jackson swiftly removed the Bank's federal deposits. In 1833, he arranged to distribute the funds to dozens of state banks. The new Whig Party emerged in opposition to his perceived abuse of executive power, officially censuring Jackson in the Senate. In an effort to promote sympathy for the institution's survival, Biddle retaliated by contracting Bank credit, inducing a mild financial downturn. A reaction set in throughout America's financial and business centers against Biddle's maneuvers, compelling the Bank to reverse its tight money policies, but its chances of being rechartered were all but finished. The economy did well during Jackson's time as president, but his economic policies, including his war against the Bank, are sometimes blamed for contributing to the Panic of 1837.
Louis Agassiz
BornMay 28, 1807
Môtier, Canton of Fribourg, Swiss Confederation
DiedDecember 14, 1873 (aged 66)
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
CitizenshipUnited StatesEducationUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg (PhD)
University of MunichKnown forIce age, Polygenism
Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz (/ˈæɡəsi/ AG-ə-see; French: [aɡasi]) FRS (For) FRSE (May 28, 1807 – December 14, 1873) was a Swiss-born American biologist and geologist who is recognized as a scholar of Earth's natural history.
Spending his early life in Switzerland, he received a PhD at Erlangen and a medical degree in Munich. After studying with Georges Cuvier and Alexander von Humboldt in Paris, Agassiz was appointed professor of natural history at the University of Neuchâtel. He emigrated to the United States in 1847 after visiting Harvard University. He went on to become professor of zoology and geology at Harvard, to head its Lawrence Scientific School, and to found its Museum of Comparative Zoology.
Agassiz is known for observational data gathering and analysis. He made institutional and scientific contributions to zoology, geology, and related areas, including multivolume research books running to thousands of pages. He is particularly known for his contributions to ichthyological classification, including of extinct species such as megalodon, and to the study of historical geology, including the founding of glaciology.
His theories on human, animal and plant polygenism have been criticised as implicitly supporting scientific racism.
Polygenism and racism[edit]

Agassiz was a well-known natural scientist of his generation in America.[68] In addition to being a natural scientist, Agassiz wrote prolifically in the field of scientific polygenism after he came to the United States.
Upon arriving in Boston in 1846, Agassiz spent a few months acquainting himself with the northeast region of the United States.[69] He spent much of his time with Samuel George Morton, a famous American anthropologist at the time who became well known by analyzing fossils brought back by Lewis and Clark.[70] One of Morton’s personal projects involved studying cranial capacity of human skulls from around the world. Morton aimed to use craniometry to prove that white people were biologically superior to other races. His work "Crania Aegyptiaca" claimed to support the polygenism belief that the races were created separately and each had their own unique attributes.[71]
Morton relied on other scientists to send him skulls along with information about where they were acquired. Factors that can affect cranial capacity, such as body size and gender, were not taken into consideration by Morton.[70] He made questionable judgment calls such as dismissing Hindu skull calculations from his Caucasian cranial measurements because they brought the overall average down. Oppositely, he included Peruvian skull measurements alongside Native American calculations even though the Peruvian numbers lowered the average score. Despite Morton's unsound methods, his published work on cranial capacities across races was deemed authoritative in the United States and Europe. Morton is a primary influence on Agassiz's belief in polygenism.[70]
John Amory Lowell invited Agassiz to present twelve lectures in December 1846 on three subjects titled "The Plan of Creation as shown in the Animal Kingdom, Ichthyology, and Comparative Embryology” as a part of the Lowell Lecture series. These lectures were widely attended with up to 5,000 people in attendance on some nights.[72] It was during these lectures that Agassiz announced for the first time that black and white people had different origins but were part of the same species.[70] Agassiz repeated this lecture 10 months later to the Charleston Literary Club but changed his original stance, claiming that black people were physiologically and anatomically a distinct species.[70]
Agassiz believed that humans did not descend from one single common ancestor. He believed that like plants and animals, various regions have differentiated species of humans.[69] He considered this hypothesis testable, and matched to the available evidence. He also indicated that there were obvious geographical barriers that were the likely cause of speciation.
Stephen Jay Gould asserted that Agassiz's observations sprang from racist bias, in particular from his revulsion on first encountering African-Americans in the United States.[73] Referencing letters written by Agassiz, Gould compares Agassiz' public display of dispassionate objectivity to his private correspondence, in which he describes "the production of half breeds" as "a sin against nature..." Describing the interbreeding of white and black people, he warns, "We have already had to struggle, in our progress, against the influence of universal equality... but how shall we eradicate the stigma of a lower race when its blood has once been allowed to flow freely into our children." In contrast, others have asserted that, despite favoring polygenism, Agassiz rejected racism and believed in a spiritualized human unity. However, in the same article, Agassiz asks the reader to consider the hierarchy of races, mentioning "The indomitable, courageous, proud Indian, — in how very different a light he stands by the side of the submissive, obsequious, imitative negro, or by the side of the tricky, cunning, and cowardly Mongolian! Are not these facts indications that the different races do not rank upon one level in nature?"
Agassiz never supported slavery and claimed his views on polygenism had nothing to do with politics.[70] His views on polygenism have been claimed to have emboldened proponents of slavery.
Accusations of racism against Agassiz have prompted the renaming of landmarks, schoolhouses, and other institutions (which abound in Massachusetts) that bear his name. Opinions about those moves are often mixed, given his extensive scientific legacy in other areas, and uncertainty about his actual racial beliefs. In 2007, the Swiss government acknowledged his "racist thinking", but declined to rename the Agassizhorn summit. In 2017, the Swiss Alpine Club declined to revoke Agassiz's status as a member of honor, which he received in 1865 for his scientific work, because the club considered that status to have lapsed on Agassiz's death. In 2020, the Stanford Department of Psychology asked for a statue of Louis Agassiz to be removed from the front façade of its building. In 2021, Chicago Public Schools announced they would remove Agassiz's name from an elementary school and rename it for the abolitionist and political activist, Harriet Tubman. In 2022, The Trustees of Reservations renamed Agassiz Rock as The Monoliths.[74]
Ezra Pound
EdiFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"William Atheling" redirects here. For the author who wrote under the pen name William Atheling Jr., see James Blish.

Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972) was an expatriate American poet and critic, a major figure in the early modernist poetry movement, and a collaborator in Fascist Italy and the Salò Republic during World War II. His works include Ripostes (1912), Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920), and his 800-page epic poem, The Cantos (c. 1917–1962).[1]
Pound's contribution to poetry began in the early 20th century with his role in developing Imagism, a movement stressing precision and economy of language. Working in London as foreign editor of several American literary magazines, he helped discover and shape the work of contemporaries such as Robert Frost, T. S. Eliot, Ernest Hemingway, and James Joyce. He was responsible for the 1914 serialization of Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the 1915 publication of Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", and the serialization from 1918 of Joyce's Ulysses. Hemingway wrote in 1932 that, for poets born in the late 19th or early 20th century, not to be influenced by Pound would be "like passing through a great blizzard and not feeling its cold."[a]
Angered by the carnage of World War I, Pound blamed the war on finance capitalism, which he called "usury".[3] He moved to Italy in 1924 and through the 1930s and 1940s promoted an economic theory known as social credit, wrote for publications owned by the British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley, embraced Benito Mussolini's fascism, and expressed support for Adolf Hitler. During World War II, Pound recorded hundreds of paid radio propaganda broadcasts for the fascist Italian government and its later incarnation as a German puppet state, in which he attacked the United States federal government, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Great Britain, international finance, munitions makers, arms dealers, Jews, and others, as abettors and prolongers of the war. He also praised both Eugenics and the Holocaust in Italy, while urging American GIs to throw down their rifles and surrender. In 1945, Pound was captured by the Italian Resistance and handed over to the U.S. Army's Counterintelligence Corps, who held him pending extradition and prosecution based on an indictment for treason. He spent months in a U.S. military detention camp near Pisa, including three weeks in an outdoor steel cage. Ruled mentally unfit to stand trial, Pound was incarcerated for over 12 years at St. Elizabeths psychiatric hospital in Washington, D.C., whose doctors viewed Pound as a narcissist and a psychopath, but otherwise completely sane.
While in custody in Italy, Pound began work on sections of The Cantos, which were published as The Pisan Cantos (1948), for which he was awarded the Bollingen Prize for Poetry in 1949 by the Library of Congress, causing enormous controversy. After a campaign by his fellow writers, he was released from St. Elizabeth's in 1958 and returned to Italy, where he posed for the press giving the Fascist salute and called America "an insane asylum". Pound remained in Italy until his death in 1972. His economic and political views have ensured that his life and literary legacy remain highly controversial.
Mullins and Kasper[edit]
While in St. Elizabeths, Pound would often decline to talk to psychiatrists with names he deemed Jewish (he called psychiatrists "kikiatrists"),[371] and he apparently told Charles Olson: "I was a Zionist in Italy, but now I'm for pogroms, after what I've experienced in here (SLiz)."[372] He advised visitors to read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and he referred to any visitor he happened not to like as Jewish.[373] In November 1953 he wrote to Olivia Rossetti Agresti that Hitler was "bit by dirty Jew mania for World Domination, as yu used to point out/ this WORST of German diseases was got from yr/ idiolized and filthy biblical bastards. Adolf clear on the baccilus of kikism/ that is on nearly all the other poisons.[sic] but failed to get a vaccine against that."[374]
Pound struck up a friendship with Eustace Mullins, apparently associated with the Aryan League of America and author of the 1961 biography This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound.[375] Even more damaging was his friendship with John Kasper, a Ku Klux Klan member who, after Brown v. Board of Education (a 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision mandating racial desegregation in public schools), set up a Citizens' Council chapter, the Seaboard White Citizens' Council in Washington.[376] Members had to be white, supportive of racial segregation, and believers in the divinity of Jesus.[377] Kasper wrote to Pound after admiring him at university, and the two became friends.[378] In 1953 Kasper opened a far-right bookstore, "Make it New", at 169 Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village,[379] that displayed Pound's work in the window.[380] With Pound's cooperation, he and another Pound admirer, T. David Horton, set up Square Dollar Series, a publishing imprint that reprinted Pound's books and others he approved of.[381]
It became increasingly clear that Pound was schooling Kasper in the latter's pro-segregation activism.[382] In January and February 1957 the New York Herald Tribune ran a series of articles on their relationship, after which the FBI began photographing Pound's visitors.[383] One article alleged that some of Kasper's pamphlets had, as John Tytell put it, "a distinctly Poundian ring" to them.[384][ag] Kasper was jailed in 1956 over a speech he made in Clinton, Tennessee,[385] and he was questioned about the 1957 bombing of the Hattie Cotton School in Nashville.[386] After Pound left hospital in 1958, the men kept in touch; he wrote to Kasper on 17 April 1959: "Antisemitism is a card in the enemy program, don't play it. ... They RELY ON YOUR PLAYING IT."[387]
New Times articles[edit]
Between late 1955 and early 1957,[388] Pound wrote at least 80 unsigned or pseudonymous articles—"often ugly", Swift notes—for the New Times of Melbourne, a newspaper connected to the social-credit movement. Noel Stock, one of Pound's correspondents and early biographers, worked for the paper and published Pound's articles there.[389] A 24-year-old radio reporter at the time, Stock first wrote to Pound in hospital after reading The Pisan Cantos.[390]
In the New Times in April 1956, Pound wrote: "Our Victorian forebears would have been greatly scandalized at the idea that one might not be free to study inherited racial characteristics," and "Some races are retentive, mainly of the least desirable bits of their barbaric past." There was a "Jewish-Communist plot", which he compared to syphilis. Equality was dismissed as "anti-biological nonsense".[391] "There were no gas ovens in Italy", he wrote in April 1956; a month later he referred to the "fuss about Hitler".[392] On 10 August 1956: "It is perfectly well known that the fuss about 'de-segregation' in the United States has been started by Jews." Instead, America needed "race pride".[391] Using pseudonyms, he sent his articles directly to Stock, so that the newspaper's editor may not have realized they had all been written by Pound. Stock sent Pound copies of the published articles, which he would distribute to his followers.[393] He contributed similar material to other publications, including Edge,[394] which Stock founded in October 1956.[395] Stock called Edge the magazine of the "international Poundian underground".[390]
Summary of The Curse of Canaan (Eustace Mullins) Audiobook - Chapter 1
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00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In this section of the "The Curse of Canaan" audiobook, Eustace Mullins continues his discussion of the biblical curse placed on the Canaanites for their sins. He argues that there is a one-world conspiracy led by Satan in which humans are offered false promises but ultimately struggle against the evil influence. Mullins uses various references from the Bible to support his argument, arguing that these can be applied directly to present-day events. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding the concept of demonology and how it can help us understand mankind's history and current struggles.
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00:00:00 Eustace Mullins, in his "The Curse of Canaan" audiobook, argues that all conspiracies are satanic in nature. After 40 years of studying various materialist sources such as banking, politics, economics, and biographies of prominent individuals, Mullins decided to look up some references in the Bible to gain further knowledge of the machinations of the materialist conspiracy. To his surprise, he found that the Bible directly applies to present-day happenings and reveals that Satan deceived humanity through politicians. This realization led Mullins to the conclusion that there is a one-world conspiracy of conspiracies, which he described as "Satan's empire" in which Satan takes humans to the top of the mountain and offers them promises such as free food, lodging, medical care, and protection against enemies. Mullins argues that God does not compete with Satan's offerings and instead sent his Son to preserve the world from Satan until the end of the world.
00:05:00 In this section, the speaker elaborates on the concept of the curse of Canaan, which is the biblical curse placed on the Canaanites for their sins. The speaker goes on to explain how this curse has led to the existence of evil in the world and how it has been difficult to fix. The speaker also mentions how humanism, which puts human interests first, can be traced back to the biblical curse of Canaan, which is based on the demonology of history. The speaker mentions the Nephilim, a race of giants mentioned in the Bible, and how they were created by the fallen angels known as the Watchers, who were led by Satan. The speaker also explains the biblical account of Cain, who was a descendant of Satan and who killed his brother Abel, introducing cannibalism to the world. The speaker emphasizes that the history of mankind since the rebellion of Satan is the history of the struggle between the people of God and the cult of Satan, and that by studying demonology, we can better understand the otherwise inexplicable aspects of man's history.
00:10:00 In this section of the audiobook "The Curse of Canaan" by Eustace Mullins, the author discusses the Jewish worship of demons and monsters. He describes the hierarchy of demons in Jewish mythology, with Satan, Asmodeus, and Lilith being notable figures. He also notes the correlation between certain demonic practices and the plague of AIDS, and how Lilith is seen as a patroness of lesbians due to her association with unusual lifestyles. The author cites various sources from Jewish folklore, the Kabbalah, and the Bible to support his arguments.
00:15:00 In the story of the flood, Noah built an ark to shelter his family and all living creatures during the deluge. The ark was built with great care and precision, weighing 36,750 tons and measuring 45 feet in depth, 75 feet in width, and 450 feet in length. But Ham, the second son of Noah, violated God's command to refrain from intercourse during the time aboard the ark when he slept with a pre-Adamite woman and their son Cush became the symbol of Ethiopia. Noah was angered by this act and, after the flood had subsided, pronounced a curse on Canaan, son of Cush, declaring him a slave of slaves to his brothers Shem and Japheth. The curse has haunted humanity for thousands of years, and many explanations have been offered for Noah's vehemence in cursing Canaan. However, the rational explanation is that Canaan's degradation, likely involving a homosexual act with his granduncle Noah, outraged the latter and led to the curse. The land of Canaan itself became synonymous with the cursed practices of demon worship, occult rites, child sacrifice, and cannibalism that Canaanites brought to every land they entered, including Egypt, where they were known as the Phoenicians, Venetians, and eventually the Black Nobility.
00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the background of the ancient Canaanite region, the Pharaoh Merneptah who was known as the "binder of Gaza," and the inscriptions found on a monument commemorating his victories. The discussion then turns to the descendants of Ham, who founded the Canaanite region, and how they inherited the garments made for Adam and Eve before they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. The speaker goes on to mention Nimrod, the founder of Babylon and Nineveh, who had a symbol of evil and founded Freemasonry. Therefore, the State of Israel is in contention over these ancient events.
00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the biblical figure Nimrod and his significance in the story of Abraham. Nimrod, a descendant of Ham, hid Abraham as a baby to protect him from being killed, but later discovered him and ordered him to worship fire. When Abraham refused, Nimrod threw him into the fire. The speaker goes on to discuss the importance of Nimrod in the occult and how he introduced the practice of genocide and cannibalism to the world. He also mentions that Nimrod was responsible for the name "cannibal," which is derived from the combined names of his uncle Kanan and the demon God Baal. Finally, the speaker discusses the fall of Nimrod, citing George Josephus as saying that Nimrod's grandson Nimrod was beheaded by Shem after Nimrod's brazen tower came into conflict with God's will. He also states that the priests of Babylon hid the pieces of Nimrod's body as relics and conducted their forbidden orgies in secret. The speaker concludes by mentioning the ongoing struggle between the descendants of Shem and the descendants of Ham throughout history, and notes that this struggle is often hidden or obscured in historical records.
00:30:00 In this section of the audiobook, Eustace Mullins discusses the role of Shem, also known as Khufu, in the conquest of native Egypt and the subsequent construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza. According to Mullins, Shem was a great warrior, known for his long hair and fair skin. After successfully leading his people in battle, he commemorated his reign by building the Great Pyramid. In later years, his son Elam, a descendant of Shem, completed the final conquest of Babylon and built the Great Persian Empire. The symbol of Shem's military successes was the lion, which is still used by rulers today. Mullins also discusses how the priests of Egypt reviled Shem and his descendants, the Shemites or Semites, and attempted to eliminate their history from recorded history, often through murder and burning alive. Despite this persecution, the name of Shem remained synonymous with God in many ancient records.
00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the will of Canaan and its impact on the world. The will of Canaan, as found in the Babylonian Talmud, was a formula for vice that encouraged robbery, lewdness, and hate. The people of Shem, who knew nothing of this document, tried to convert the Canaanites and warn them of their evil ways, but to no avail. The continuous hostility between the two forces is mentioned in the Bible, but the basic form of thisHostility has been stated for the first time in this book.David Wilcock notes that the Canaanites, who were racially dark, settled the land that God commands the Israelites to drive them out. God has frequently exhorted his children to attack and rid themselves of the peril of the Canaanites. The Revised Standard Version mentions the Canaanites entirely in Joshua 17:13, where it states that when the children of Israel were waxing strong, they put the Canaanites to tribute but did not utterly drive them out. God expressed his will in the strongest terms to his children in Numbers 33:52:56, where he shall drive out all inhabitants of the land before them and dispossess the inhabitants of the land. The children of Israel obeyed God and did war against the Canaanites, but in later generations, they lost sign of this goal, allowing the Canaanites to live with them during this period of history. Great victories against the Canaanites are recounted in Judges 1:17, where Judah and Simeon killed the Canaanites that inhabited Zefa and utterly destroyed it.
00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the history and significance of the Canaanites in the Bible and in various religious traditions. The Canaanites were an ancient civilization that inhabited the land of Canaan, which is now part of Israel and Palestine. The speaker notes that the Canaanites are mentioned frequently in the Bible, with many verses referring to their barbaric practices, including sacrificing their children to idols and performing other evil deeds. The speaker also notes that the Bible prohibits intermarriage with the Canaanites, and that God ultimately punished the ancient Israelites for mingling with them. The speaker discusses the historical legacy of the Canaanites, who were later known as the Phoenicians and then the Venetians, and who went on to dominate trade and commerce throughout Europe and beyond. The speaker also warns against the dangers of occult practices and idol worship, which are associated with the ancient Canaanites and continue to be a problem today.
00:45:00 In this section of the audio book, the speaker discusses the curse of Canaan, which is described in Deuteronomy chapter 28. The curse is specifically for those who oppose God's will, and states that they will become the head while their oppressors become the tail. The speaker specifically mentions that the Venetians control the Federal Reserve System and that they lend to us but we do not lend to them. He also discusses the Canaanite tribes and their connection to the forces of nature, particularly fertility. The speaker also mentions that the Canaanites were responsible for spread genetics, plagues, and chaos around the world.
00:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses the lewd and barbaric practice of sacrificing firstborn children to their demon gods among the Canaanites. In Isaiah chapter 57, verses three to five, it is noted that parents were forced by priests to throw their children into fires. The speaker goes on to mention the horrible rites of worshipping child murderers in groves and shrines. The Canaanites are described as a seed of falsehood and transgression. The speaker also talks about the practice of foundation sacrifice, where a child would be sacrificed and their body built into the wall to bring good luck to the rest of the family. Many of these practices were found in various archaeological sites, including Gaza, Poasa (the Hebrew name for Canaan), and Jericho. Images and plaques of Ashtoreth, a demon goddess, with oversized breasts, sensuous smiles, heavily accented eyes, and nudity were found in these sites, suggesting a demonic nature to this sex worship, which is traced directly to Hamas intercourse with the witch Nama, an entity of Nephilim fallen angel parentage. The speaker also notes that in Canaanite demonology, Lilith, the vampire, Rhys F, the God of the plague, Deva, the god of pestilence, and MOM, the god of the underworld, were prominently featured. However, the speaker mentions that the Canaanites and their demon god Baal are seldom mentioned in authoritative works on the ancient Near East, possibly due to deliberate falsification of historical records by the Egyptian prietshood or the sudden disappearance of Canaanite names from all historical records after 1200 BC, when the Canaanites changed their name to Phoenicians.
00:55:00 In this section of the audiobook, the speaker discusses the history of the Phoenician civilization and its influence on European cultures. The Phoenicians, he explains, are believed to have originated in Cadiz, a colony along the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Carthage, another Phoenician city, was established about 900 BC in what is now Tunisia, and would become a major rival to Rome. During the fifth century BC, the Phoenicians fought the Greeks and survived, although Rome would ultimately destroy Carthage in a series of punic wars. Despite their defeat, the Romans carried on the Phoenician legacy through their construction of roads, which symbolized their determination to maintain order. The Phoenicians' animosity towards the Romans, he suggests, still shapes modern-day political ideologies, such as fascism. The Phoenicians and their descendants, he notes, also migrated and established kingdoms in various parts of the world, including Europe, and many believe that modern leaders within Western nations descend from the tribe of Judah. However, he argues, a key omission in the King James Bible is that there were actually three branches of the tribe of Judah, including a tainted branch known as the curse of Sheva.
01:00:00 - 01:10:00
In this section of the audiobook of "The Curse of Canaan," Eustace Mullins reviews the histories of Ireland and Spain and their relationship with the Canaanites. The author discusses how the names of the heirs of Shem can be found in the names of these countries, noting the similarity between "Iberian Peninsula" and "Heberis" or "Hibernia" in old Irish. He also mentions the Hebrides Islands in Scotland as part of Atlantis, which was once above water. The history of Niúl, the Irish version of the Trojan hero, is then recounted along with his biting from a poisonous serpent and subsequent cure by Moses' rod. The author links the histories of Spain and Ireland through their connection to Shem and the Canaanites, discussing the conflicts between these religious and cultural groups throughout history. In this section, the author also discusses the role of the Teutonic Knights during the Crusades, the legacy of their establishment of the City of Riga, and the ways in which modern society has imposed licenses and restrictions on individuals. The author argues that people of Shem face opposition in their careers due to the realization that luck never seems to favor them, while their rivals, the Canaanites, find promotion almost automatic. He also notes that the people of Shem face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly, and that their goal to achieve this will be accomplished by the end of the millennium.
See less
01:00:00 This section of the audiobook of "The Curse of Canaan" by Eustace Mullins reviews the history of Ireland and Spain and their relationship with the Canaanites. The narrator explains how the name heirs of Shem can be found in the names of these countries. Their names sound alike, with the Spanish "Iberian Peninsula" being similar to "Heberis" or "Hibernia" in old Irish. The Hebrides Islands in Scotland are also mentioned as one last remaining part of Atlantis, which used to be above water. The story of the Irish version of the Trojan hero Niúl, son of Ni ol, the helper of Moses, is then recounted. Niúl was bitten by a poisonous serpent, then cured by Moses' rod, and the Irish descendants of Gad, son of Niúl, sailed from Spain to Ireland to claim their inheritance. This hero-king was also described as having fair skin and light hair, similar to the Gaelic people. The histories of Spain and Ireland are then linked through their connection to Shem and the Canaanites. The ancestors of the Irish and British people were referred to as the people of Canaan, cursed by God, while the descendants of Shem were Semites, often described as great warriors. The Semites' empires included the Assyrian, Persian, and Egyptian, while the anti-semites' talents were trade, commerce, and making themselves at home in any country. Despite their love of lewdness and hatred of the Masters, the anti-semites remained loyal to their traditional values and posed a threat to the people of Shem. The story highlights the conflicts between these religious and cultural groups throughout history.
01:05:00 In this section of the audiobook excerpt, the author discusses the role of the Teutonic Knights during the Crusades. He states that some Crusaders sought shelter and protection from the Teutonic Knights, who were responsible for looking into frauds perpetrated by corrupt monks and clergy. The author notes that upon their return, these Crusaders found "utter strangers" in their homes and kindred, as the rapacity of the popes and clergy had despoiled their lands and property. He also discusses the legacy of the Teutonic Knights, including their establishment of the City of Riga and their military tradition, which ended only after World War II. However, he notes that their influence remains in Germany and the world today, as Hitler incorporated their traditions into his ideology. The author then turns to discussing the differences between the Semites and Canaanites, using physical characteristics and behavior as markers of identification. He notes that the Semites are typically fair-haired, fair-skinned, blue-eyed, healthy, and productive, while the Canaanites are often shorter, darker, more furtive, and engaged in criminal activity with government approval. The author concludes this section by noting the ways in which modern society has imposed licenses and restrictions on individuals, which he sees as a manifestation of the will of Canaan.
01:10:00 In this section of the audiobook, the author discusses the struggles faced by people of Shem in achieving success in their careers despite their natural talents and hard work. The opposition they face is due to the realization that luck never seems to favor them, while their rivals, the Canaanites, find promotion almost automatic. The author argues that history will not allow the people of Shem to realize what is going on, and that they face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly, and achieve their goal by the end of this millennium.
📚 Mullins' "The World Order" In his book, Eustace Mullins argues that a hidden elite controls the world's financial and political systems. He claims this elite manipulates events to maintain their power and profit. Mullins' work is controversial, but it has influenced conspiracy theorists and anti-establishment movements. source
🕵️♂️ The Hegemony of Parasitism Mullins' central thesis is that the world is ruled by a parasitic elite who exploit the masses for their own gain. He identifies this elite as a group of bankers, industrialists, and politicians who control the global economy and manipulate governments. source
⚠️ Controversial Claims Mullins' work has been criticized for its lack of evidence and its reliance on conspiracy theories. However, his ideas have resonated with some readers who believe that the world is controlled by a hidden power structure. source
Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים, romanized: ʾĔlōhīm: [(ʔ)eloˈ(h)im]), the plural of אֱלוֹהַּ (ʾĔlōah), is a Hebrew word meaning "gods" or "godhood". Although the word is grammatically plural, in the Hebrew Bible it most often takes singular verbal or pronominal agreement and refers to a single deity, particularly the God of Israel. In other verses it refers to the singular gods of other nations or to deities in the plural.
Morphologically, the word is the plural form of the word eloah and related to el. It is cognate to the word 'l-h-m which is found in Ugaritic, where it is used as the pantheon for Canaanite gods, the children of El, and conventionally vocalized as "Elohim". Most uses of the term Elohim in the later Hebrew text imply a view that is at least monolatrist at the time of writing, and such usage (in the singular), as a proper title for Deity, is distinct from generic usage as elohim, "gods" (plural, simple noun).
Rabbinic scholar Maimonides wrote that Elohim "Divinity" and elohim "gods" are commonly understood to be homonyms.[1] One modern theory suggests that the notion of divinity underwent radical changes in the early period of Israelite identity and development of Ancient Hebrew religion. In this view, the ambiguity of the term elohim is the result of such changes, cast in terms of "vertical translatability", i.e. the re-interpretation of the gods of the earliest recalled period as the national god of monolatrism as it emerged in the 7th to 6th century BCE in the Kingdom of Judah and during the Babylonian captivity, and further in terms of monotheism by the emergence of Rabbinical Judaism in the 2nd century CE.[2] Another theory, building on an idea by Gesenius, argues that even before Hebrew became a distinct language, the plural elohim had both a plural meaning of "gods" and an abstract meaning of "godhood" or "divinity", much as the plural of "father", avot, can mean either "fathers" or "fatherhood". Elohim then came to be used so frequently in reference to specific deities, both male and female, domestic and foreign (for instance, the goddess of the Sidonians in 1 Kings 11:33), that it came to be concretized from meaning "divinity" to meaning "deity", though still occasionally used adjectivally as "divine".[3]
Canaanite religion[edit]
Further information: Ancient Canaanite religion
The word el (singular) is a standard term for "god" in Aramaic, paleo-Hebrew, and other related Semitic languages including Ugaritic. The Canaanite pantheon of gods was known as 'ilhm,[17] the Ugaritic equivalent to elohim.[18] For instance, the Ugaritic Baal Cycle mentions "seventy sons of Asherah". Each "son of god" was held to be the originating deity for a particular people (KTU 2 1.4.VI.46).[19]
The Anunnaki (Sumerian: 𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾, also transcribed as Anunaki, Annunaki, Anunna, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians. In the earliest Sumerian writings about them, which come from the Post-Akkadian period, the Anunnaki are deities in the pantheon, descendants of An and Ki, the god of the heavens and the goddess of earth, and their primary function was to decree the fates of humanity. They should not be confused with the Apkallu.

The name Anunnaki is derived from An,[1] the Sumerian god of the sky.[1] The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning "princely offspring" or "offspring of An".[2]
The Anunnaki were believed to be the offspring of An and his consort, the earth goddess Ki.[2] Samuel Noah Kramer identifies Ki with the Sumerian mother goddess Ninhursag, stating that they were originally the same figure.[3][4] The oldest of the Anunnaki was Enlil, the god of air[5] and chief god of the Sumerian pantheon.[6] The Sumerians believed that, until Enlil was born, heaven and earth were inseparable.[7] Then, Enlil split heaven and earth in two[7] and carried away the earth[8] while his father An carried away the sky.[8]
Worship and iconography
The Anunnaki are chiefly mentioned in literary texts[9] and very little evidence to support the existence of any cult of them has yet been unearthed.[9][10] This is likely because each member of the Anunnaki had his or her own individual cult, separate from the others.[11] Similarly, no representations of the Anunnaki as a complete group have yet been discovered,[11] although a few depictions of two or three individual members together have been identified.[11] Deities in ancient Mesopotamia were almost exclusively anthropomorphic.[12] They were thought to possess extraordinary powers[12] and were often envisioned as being of tremendous physical size.[12] The deities typically wore melam, an ambiguous substance which "covered them in terrifying splendor".[13] Melam could also be worn by heroes, kings, giants, and even demons.[14] The effect that seeing a deity's melam has on a human is described as ni, a word for the physical tingling of the flesh.[15] Deities were almost always depicted wearing horned caps,[16][17] consisting of up to seven superimposed pairs of ox-horns.[18] They were also sometimes depicted wearing clothes with elaborate decorative gold and silver ornaments sewn into them.[17]
The ancient Mesopotamians believed that their deities lived in Heaven,[19] after an earlier history of visiting earth in the mythological texts, and that a god's statue was a physical embodiment of the god himself.[19][20] As such, cult statues were given constant care and attention[19][21] and a set of priests was assigned to tend to them.[22] These priests would clothe the statues[20] and place feasts before them so they could "eat".[19][21] A deity's temple was believed to be that deity's literal place of residence.[23] The gods had boats, full-sized barges which were normally stored inside their temples[24] and were used to transport their cult statues along waterways during various religious festivals.[24] The gods also had chariots, which were used for transporting their cult statues by land.[25] Sometimes a deity's cult statue would be transported to the location of a battle so that the deity could watch the battle unfold.[25] The major deities of the Mesopotamian pantheon, which included the Anunnaki, were believed to participate in the "assembly of the gods",[16] through which the gods made all of their decisions.[16] This assembly was seen as a divine counterpart to the semi-democratic legislative system that existed during the Third Dynasty of Ur (c. 2112 BC – c. 2004 BC).[16]
Canaanite religion and Yahwism[edit]
Second Temple Judaism and Rabbinical Judaism are emphatically monotheistic; however, its predecessor—the cult of Yahweh as it was practiced in ancient Israel during the 9th and 8th centuries BCE (Yahwism)—has been described as henotheistic or monolatric. For example, the Moabites worshipped the god Chemosh, the Edomites, Qaus, both of whom were part of the greater Canaanite pantheon, headed by the chief god, El. The Canaanite pantheon consisted of El and Asherah as the chief deities, with 70 sons who were said to rule over each of the nations of the earth. These sons were each worshiped within a specific region. Kurt Noll states that "the Bible preserves a tradition that Yahweh used to 'live' in the south, in the land of Edom" and that the original god of Israel was El Shaddai.[31]
Several biblical stories allude to the belief that the Canaanite gods all existed and were thought to possess the most power in the lands by the people who worshiped them and their sacred objects; their power was believed to be real and could be invoked by the people who patronized them. There are numerous accounts of surrounding nations of Israel showing fear or reverence for the Israelite God despite their continued polytheistic practices.[32] For instance, in 1 Samuel 4, the Philistines fret before the second battle of Aphek when they learn that the Israelites are bearing the Ark of the Covenant, and therefore Yahweh, into battle. The Israelites were forbidden to worship other deities; according to some interpretations of the Bible, they were not fully monotheistic before the Babylonian captivity. The biblical scholar Mark S. Smith refers to this stage as a form of monolatry.[33] Smith argues that Yahweh underwent a process of merging with El and that acceptance of cults of Asherah was common in the period of the Judges.[33] 2 Kings 3:27 has been interpreted as describing a human sacrifice in Moab that led the invading Israelite army to fear the power of Chemosh.[34]
In Christianity[edit]
Paul the Apostle, in his First Epistle to the Corinthians, writes that "we know that an idol is nothing" and "that there is none other God but one".[35] He argues in verse 5 that "for though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth", "but to us there is but one God". Some translators of verse 5 put the words "gods" and "lords" in quotes to indicate that they are gods or lords only so-called.[36]
In his Second Epistle to the Corinthians, Paul refers to "the god of this world",[37] which the 18th-century theologian John Gill interpreted as a reference to Satan or the material things put before God, such as money, rather than acknowledging any separate deity from God.[38]
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[edit]
Some scholars have written that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) can be characterized as henotheistic but others have rejected that stance. Eugene England, a professor at Brigham Young University, asserted that LDS Presidents Brigham Young and Joseph Fielding Smith along with the LDS scholar B. H. Roberts used the LDS interpretation of 1 Corinthians 8:5–6 as "a brief explanation of how it is possible to be both a Christian polytheist (technically a henotheist) and a monotheist".[39] BYU Professor Roger R. Keller rejected descriptions of the LDS Church as polytheistic by countering, as summarized by a reviewer, "Mormons are fundamentally monotheistic because they deal with only one god out of the many which exist."[40]
In their book, Mormon America: The Power and the Promise, Richard and Joan Ostling, wrote that some Mormons are comfortable describing themselves as henotheists.[41] Kurt Widmer, professor at the University of Lethbridge, described LDS beliefs as a "cosmic henotheism".[42] A review of Widmer's book by Bruening and Paulsen in the FARMS Review of Books countered that Widmer's hypothesis was "strongly disconfirmed in light of the total evidence".[43] Van Hale wrote that "Mormonism teaches the existence of gods who are not the Father, Son, or Holy Ghost" and "the existence of more than one god [is] clearly a Mormon doctrine", but he also said that defining this belief system in theological terms was troublesome. According to Van Hale, henotheism might appear to be "promising" in describing LDS beliefs but is ultimately not accurate because henotheism was intended to describe the worship of a god that was restricted to a specific geographical area.[44]
Henotheism is the worship of a single, supreme god that does not deny the existence or possible existence of other deities that may be worshipped.[1][2][3] Friedrich Schelling (1775–1854) coined the word, and Friedrich Welcker (1784–1868) used it to depict primitive monotheism among ancient Greeks.[4]
Max Müller (1823–1900), a German philologist and orientalist, brought the term into wider usage in his scholarship on the Indian religions,[5][6] particularly Hinduism whose scriptures mention and praise numerous deities as if they are one ultimate unitary divine essence.[2] Müller made the term central to his criticism of Western theological and religious exceptionalism (relative to Eastern religions), focusing on a cultural dogma which held "monotheism" to be both fundamentally well-defined and inherently superior to differing conceptions of God.[7]
July 17, 2015
Thanks Juanjo, Regulations will be fascinating. A model start up balance sheet cross referenced to regulatory requirements is what I aim to find. I am sure that such a thing already must exist already the the links you already gave have proved interesting I have been comparing Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Institution Profile Page Goldman sachs
88. Common equity tier 1 capital ratio (calculated using advanced approaches)
10.71% JPM AND 12.61 GOLDMAN
89. Tier 1 capital ratio (calculated using advanced approaches)
12.08% JPM AND 14.17% GOLDMAN
90 Total capital ratio (calculated using advanced approaches)
13.65% JPM AND 16.33% GOLDMAN
What these Equity and Capital ratios tell us is that the Capital which is represented by collateral belonging to Borrowers is greater than than the level of Equity represented by shareholder capital at risk which would be termed equity at best there is 30% of real stuff at risk as it were with roughly half of the real stuff being actually the security offered up by the borrowers themselves the rest 70% is frsh air in a fiat money system and in a fiat money system based on debt its thin air at interest.
Yanis Varafoukis in his comments published on the EU Bail out states that 1 billion of the 87 billion for the so called Greek bail out will represent investment in the Greek economy proper.
The percentage of Capital ratios stated above does not address the question of what paper instruments count as Collateral for capital formation purposes for instance it takes no account of re hypothecated assets, one suspect there is much more double counting in the system than is health. The best description of this I have ever found is in Samuel Taylor Coleridges published diaries Table Talk. Table Talk.
this from 27th April 1823.
The national debt has, in fact, made more men rich than have a right to be so, or, rather, any ultimate power, in case of a struggle, of actualizing their riches. It is, in effect, like an ordinary, where three hundred tickets have been distributed, but where there is, in truth, room only for one hundred. So long as you can amuse the company with any thing else, or make them come in successively, all is well, and the whole three hundred fancy themselves sure of a dinner; but if any suspicion of a hoax should arise, and they were all to rush into the room at once, there would be two hundred without a potato for their money; and the table would be occupied by the landholders, who live on the spot.
Lord Byron knew a thing or two about Greece I suppose we ought to ignore the neo liberal Economists and consult the romantic poets. Ezra pound curiously, not a Romantic Poet but poet non the less wrote a book A B C of Economics, famously tried for treason supporting Mussolini and Fascism in world war two if you read ABC of Economics you have to ask who are the fascists now?
Lines Composed 21st February 1825
All Nature seems at work. Slugs leave their lair—
The bees are stirring—birds are on the wing—
And Winter slumbering in the open air,
Wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring!
And I the while, the sole unbusy thing,
Nor honey make, nor pair, nor build, nor sing.
Yet well I ken the banks where amaranths blow,
Have traced the fount whence streams of nectar flow.
Bloom, O ye amaranths! bloom for whom ye may,
For me ye bloom not! Glide, rich streams, away!
With lips unbrightened, wreathless brow, I stroll:
And would you learn the spells that drowse my soul?
Work without Hope draws nectar in a sieve,
And Hope without an object cannot live.
Pound came to believe during the 1920s that the cause of the First World War was finance capitalism, which he called “usury“, and that the solution was C.H. Douglas‘s idea of social credit, with fascism as the vehicle for reform; he had met Douglas in The New Age offices and had been impressed by his ideas.[71] He presented a series of lectures on economics, and made contact with politicians in the United States about education, interstate commerce and international affairs. Although Hemingway advised against it, on 30 January 1933 Pound met Mussolini himself. Olga Rudge had played for Mussolini and had told him about Pound; Pound had already sent him a copy of Cantos XXX. During the meeting he tried to present Mussolini with a digest of his economic ideas, but Tytell writes that Mussolini brushed them aside, though he called the Cantos “divertente” (entertaining). The meeting was recorded in Canto 41: “‘Ma questo’ / said the boss, ‘è divertente.'”. Pound told Douglas that he had “never met anyone who seemed to GET my ideas so quickly as the boss.”[72]
A number of Pound’s books were published in the 1930s, including ABC of Economics (1933), ABC of Reading (1934), Social Credit: An Impact (1935), Jefferson and/or Mussolini (1936), and A Guide to Kulchur (1938). In 1936 James Laughlin – who had visited him in Rapallo in 1933 as a 20-year-old student – set up New Directions Publishing, and acted as Pound’s agent, finding publications to accept his work and writing reviews.[73]
March 18, 2020
Charlton’s stuff is free to download, It is not perfect nothing ever is. Looking at the separate arguments that people make rather than the ideology of the writer is a good practice I think, and one that is increaSINGLY Rare.
An example of Writers such as Charlton in the Past would be, say, Ezra Pound and his ABC of economics. Now Pound was a Fascist, that does not though diminish the criticism of debt based money and the Gold Standard, set out in his ABC of economics. I would argue the Same applies to Charlton, but also to Adolph Hitler and Mein Kamph. I have read all three, they provide insights to particular and peculiar world views but provide a perspective on events which the Orthodox Historical narrative obscure. Frank Harris is another writer worth reading, he was a friend and biographer of Oscar Wilde, yet his book, England or Germany a critique of social relations in the the UK , USA and Germany in the run-up to the First world war is a perspective you will not find in any standard History Text,
Kant contrasts “apodictic” with “problematic” and “assertoric” in the Critique of Pure Reason, on page A70/B95. . These matters are to do with what we know as truth in the world which is sometimes called reality. Some commentators have been arguing a ´Post-Truth´ turn in the news this is a logical error in reasoning for as Frank Harris says in England or Germany, p.144 (
´´Genius welcomes criticism; the more the
merrier, the higher the better. “Come look
what I’m doing´´, it cries fearlessly, knowing
that truth must help it and that in an open
struggle between truth and falsehood, truth has
nothing to fear. ´´
The same goes for Tragedy and Hope by Caroll Quigley, he was writing from the perspective of an elitist and yet manages to provide the core of most of the John Bircher type narratives in Skousen and Alex Jones´s world views,
”The reader of Pope, as of every author, is advised to begin by letting him say what he has to say, in his own manner to an open mind that seeks only to receive the impressions which the writer wishes to convey. First let the mind and spirit of the writer come into free, full contact with the mind and spirit of the reader, whose attitude at the first reading should be simply receptive. Such reading is the condition precedent to all true judgment of a writer’s work. All criticism that is not so grounded spreads as fog over a poet’s page. Read, reader, for yourself, without once pausing to remember what you have been told to think´´.
Henry Morley.
the idea before it was clothed in words
heard in minds, as uttered thought
the communication of arranged ideas
Thoughts lifting mist from the poet´s page.
To set the stage, not in the round
but, to see the scene in the sphere
Which actors will the playwright lay
on the page´s narrative to steer.
Quiggleys words.p.232 tragedy and Hope.
´´but criticism should have been directed rather at the hypocrisy and lack
of realism in the ideals of the wartime propaganda and at the lack of honesty of the chief negotiators in carrying on the pretense that these ideals were still in effect while they violated them daily, and necessarily violated them. The settlements were clearly made by secret negotiations, by the Great Powers exclusively, and by power politics. They had to be. No settlements could ever have been made on any other bases. The failure of the chief negotiators (at least the Anglo-Americans) to admit this is regrettable, but behind their
reluctance to admit it is the even more regrettable fact that the lack of political experience and political education of the American and English electorates made it dangerous for the negotiators to admit the facts of life in international political relationships.”
Foucault. the episteme.
´´would define the episteme retrospectively as the strategic apparatus which permits of separating out from among all the statements which are possible those that will be
acceptable within, I won’t say a scientific theory, but a field of scientificity, and which it is possible to say are true or false. The episteme is the ‘apparatus’ which makes possible the separation, not of the true from the false, but of what may from what may not be characterised as
scientific.”[1] Michel Foucault.
the Pragmatist in me inspired by C S Pierce my favourite modern philosopher and one of the finest logicians that have come down to us says this.
reason well …. it is absolutely necessary to possess … such virtues
as intellectual honesty and sincerity a
nd a real love of truth (2.82). The cause [of the success of scientific
inquirers] has been that the motive which has carried them
to the laboratory and the field has been a craving to
know how things really were … (1-34).
[Genuine inquiry consists I in diligent inquiry into truth for truth’s sake
(1.44), … in actually drawing the bow upon truth with in
tentness in the eye, with energy in the arm (1.235).
[When] it is no longer the reasoning which determines wh
at the conclusion shall be, but … the conclusion which
determines what the reasoning shall be … this is sham
reasoning…. The effect of this shamming is that men
come to look upon reasoning as mainly decorative….
Just my 5 penneth worth. But read widely and drink deeply of the pool of all knowledge. Judging a book by its cover was always an overrated past time in my opinion.
Roger’s quotes
“Who seeks for better of thee, sauce his palate
With thy most operant poison! What is here?
Gold? yellow, glittering, precious gold? No, gods,
I am no idle votarist: roots, you clear heavens!
Thus much of this will make black white, foul fair,
Wrong right, base noble, old young, coward valiant.
Ha, you gods! why this? what this, you gods? Why, this
Will lug your priests and servants from your sides,
Pluck stout men's pillows from below their heads:
This yellow slave
Will knit and break religions, bless the accursed,
Make the hoar leprosy adored, place thieves
And give them title, knee and approbation
With senators on the bench: this is it
That makes the wappen'd widow wed again;” —William Shakespeare
Finacial Illiteracy, The Blind Leading the Blind. National Debts, Defecits, Productivity or, Austerity and other shibboleth´s
In 1729 Benjamin Franklin wrote a pamphlet ´´A modest Enquiry into the nature and the necessity of a paper Currency.”
a modest enquiry,
”There is no Science, the Study of which is more useful and commendable than the Knowledge of the true Interest of one’s Country; and perhaps there is no Kind of Learning more abstruse and intricate, more difficult to acquire in any Degree of Perfection than This, and therefore none more generally neglected. Hence it is, that we every Day find Men in Conversation contending warmly on some Point in Politicks, which, altho’ it may nearly concern them both, neither of them understand any more than they do each other.
Thus much by way of Apology for this present Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency. And if any Thing I shall say, may be a Means of fixing a Subject that is now the chief Concern of my Countrymen, in a clearer Light, I shall have the Satisfaction of thinking my Time and Pains well employed.
To proceed, then,
There is a certain proportionate Quantity of Money requisite to carry on the Trade of a Country freely and currently; More than which would be of no Advantage in Trade, and Less, if much less, exceedingly detrimental to it.
This leads us to the following general Considerations.”
Who can see this? ( Left Blank as an ironic statement on the Enshittification of the internet as Censorship)

Roger Lewis shared a memory.
3 mins ·
From 2011.
It is remarkable that the discourse in the 2017 Election is still essentially illiterate on Financial matters and the axiomatic relationship of debt to money, two sides to an Accounting identity.
Debt is an Asset to the bank, the more the Government or the Citizens are in debt the Richer is the bank and the less debt then the lower the assets of the Bank and the poorer or more properly less liquid, they are, that is there is less money available for bank customers to exchange their goods or to pay interest on loans or taxes, in any event.
Carol Quiggle stated it thus in Tragedy and Hope,
Money and Goods Are Different
”Thus, clearly, money and goods are not the same thing but are, on the contrary,
exactly opposite things. Most confusion in economic thinking arises from a failure to
recognize this fact. Goods are wealth which you have, while money is a claim on wealth which you do not have. Thus goods are an asset; money is a debt. If goods are wealth; money is not wealth, or negative wealth, or even anti-wealth. They always behave in opposite ways, just as they usually move in opposite directions. If the value of one goes up, the value of the other goes down, and in the same proportion.”
If Debt is not being created when the money supply goes down and when there is less money it is harder for people to settle accounts with each other for trade.´´
The Answer is to make sure that sufficient money is circulating and available in the economy for productive exchanges to take place and so that the necessaries of life and some of the luxuries can be circulated amongst communities.
There are no shortages of excellent websites now that have set out clearly how the current system works and its inherent weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The number of solutions relates to political choices and there is less agreement about those ideas.
The diagnosis of the present problems with the Banking system is what is important in this Election as where the problem is not properly diagnosed then the suggested remedies will be a shot in the dark.
The problem of analysing political choices against the metric of a Monetary measure is the Money as a Thing is most certainly a Variable and like any good technologist, scientist and metrologist will tell you a unit of measurement has to be clearly defined and fixed.
Introduction to Technocracy – 1933…/IntroductionToTechnocracy-1933_djvu.t…
discussions — of ‘value,’ of fluctuating prices, of the gold standard, of changing interest rates, of items of pecuniary wealth which are at the same time items of debt — are
merely discussions looking toward a readjustment of the factors which prevent them
The problem of analysing political choices against the metric of a Monetary measure is the Money as a Thing is most certainly a Variable and like any good technologist, scientist or metrologist will tell you a unit of measurement has to be clearly defined and fixed.
The dollar. He notes that it is a variable. Why anyone should attempt, on this earth, to use a
variable as a measuring rod is so utterly absurd that he dismisses any serious
consideration of its use in his study of what should be done.
He also considers ‘price’ and ‘value’ and the fine-spun theories of philosophers and
economists who have attempted to surround these terms with the semblance of meaning.
These terms, like the monetary unit, may have had meaning to men in the past but they
mean nothing whatsoever to the modern technologist. The standard of measurement is
not relevant to the things measured; and the measuring rod and the things, measured as if
they were stable, are all variables.…/authentic-di……/admit-facts-……/neo-liberali……/quigley_carroll.tragedy_hope_b……/2008-crash-government-economi…
See Your Memorieschevron-right
DITTO “““““““ the original images probably appear at the link of the full blog which is on the wayback machine, Room 101 even with the key is several steps removed from being spponfed hence ignorance as a default setting for either lack of time or just plain indifference leads us to the present moment!

A very good economics site for an alternative to the main stream Cronyism.
Steve Keen’s DebtWatch No 31 February 2009: “The Roving Cavaliers of Credit” | Steve Keen’s Debtwatc
“Talk about centralisation! The credit system, which has its focus in the so-called national banks and the big money-lenders and usurers surrounding
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General Election 2017: Is Theresa May a ‘Red Tory’?
By Ben WrightPolitical correspondent, BBC News
17 May 2017
From the sectionElection 2017
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Theresa May has said she wants the Conservative party to be the “voice of ordinary working people once again”. That has prompted some to say she’s a “Red Tory”. But what does that tag mean and is it true?
Imagine the Tory party as an archaeological site. Dig down the layers and you’ll find the free trade crusade of Pitt the Younger and the social reform of Sir Robert Peel; the “One Nation” conservatism of Benjamin Disraeli and Margaret Thatcher’s embrace of the market.
More recently David Cameron’s nebulous notion of a “Big Society” has added another layer of political silt.
So what will Theresa May’s contribution to the Conservative Party story be?
Her new manifesto will give us clues, and striking interventions into corporate Britain have already been trailed – putting worker representatives on company boards, creating new rights for employees to request training and a cap on energy prices.
The phrase “Red Tory” comes from the work of an academic called Phillip Blond, who published a book in 2010 called “Red Tory: How left and right have broken Britain and how we can fix it”.12345
What is the National Debt?

General election 2017: Libertarian Party plans for tax changes
The Libertarian Party suggests a 10% corporation tax level and plans “to reduce the level of taxation as much as humanly possible”.
Did you hear the one about the Blind Straw-man leading the Blind Straw-men. A Utopia of Usurers . the plutocratic appeal to science, or, rather, to the pseudo-science that they call Seeds.

The latest blog from Tim Morgan on the SEEDS blog is premised upon the inevitability of contraction and the clear, by Tims lights, misunderstanding of “Previous reversals” by mainstream economists.
The world economy is inevitably headed to a terminal state of “involuntary de-growth. Further, inevitability should again be submitted to, such as the most obvious areas requiring innovations are business and government. Although we are promised the possibility of further analysis vis Government, Household and Financial sectors. Again and Again, readers and believers of the SEEDS creed should submit to “”the “OBVIOUS” STARTING POINT FOR TRUE BELIEVERS SHOULD BE “PRIVATE NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATES (PNFC)
Having studied SEEDS seriously for several years now it seems “Obvious ” to this non-believing heretic that Energy Scarcity as an inevitability is a patsy for Austerity. And that the ignored Financial system and the predication of its monetary system upon short term scarcities as a state of inevitable permanence, is what is preached from the Seeds Pulpit.
Seeds are embued with the magical “Prosperity” elixir which we are assured is declining inevitably and that due to “Market forces” then, decomplexification(sic) through consolidation is necessary. We learn that even the essential sectors of the economy will not be left unpunished by the “invisible hand of prosperities reversal from beneficence to malignant catastrophe”.
We are told “it would be wholly irrational to expect financial stimulus to restore the “energy abundance” of the past, and further that Technolgy as a possible solution to any of the wicked curses reigning down from the Gods of the invisible hand Is one of the Great delusions of the Age. And there endeth the first hymn to millenarian destiny.
Again the only answer is:
The reality of involuntary de-growth

For the purposes of this discussion, it’s going to be assumed that readers understand the inevitability of de-growth.
Degrowth is a Euphamism for Austerity and Austerity is the Patsy for De-population.
Tim calls it Involuntary quantative de-growth.
Further lexical clarifications.
“Un-productive complexities” = Financial bubbles
“degrowth started in the 1990’s” = massive differential accumulation became possible in a temporary unipolar full spectrum dominance of the Washington consensus mafia.
Second, policy trends during a growth climacteric which(sic) began in the 1990s have added unproductive complexity to the economy.
Climacteric (human), the time in most women’s lives when menstrual periods stop permanently
Climacteric (botany), a stage of fruit ripening
Climacteric (journal), a journal published by Informa Healthcare
Climacteric year, in astrology
I don’t think it’s that time of the month for Seeds so I am guessing that this is a tip of the hat to the astrological bent which seeds seems now to have claimed as its right.
So what else can we look forward to in the Annus Climactericus of the SEEDS crystal ball?
There are resource restraints aplenty and Stephen Kurz the witch burner general of SEEDs would wager as with his hero Erlich that Strawmen are not straw and that Smil is Smail and the only good quotation is an unfalsifiable one or one he deems expert in his opinion of course. This is of course all Obviuos unless: of course, you are not made of the Right Stuff, capable of The right-thinking and, simply do not see
that SEEDS is as it is and is as it should be in any properly ordered pecking order with Obedience to above and authority to below.
A Bridge to Far.
From a business perspective, the issues have at least the merit of clarity. Consumer prosperity is deteriorating, whilst resource constraints are the primary factor driving business costs upwards. The appropriate responses are (a) cost control and (b) the pursuit of resilience. These need to be seen as distinct but connected challenges.
There are two stand-out risks to business resilience.
The first of these is adverse utilization effects
The second risk to resilience is loss of critical mass
In being a classical dupe for Pareto efficiency Tim fails to understand the Biological reality of cooperators trending to 12 Log 2-8 and the insights of Bernard Leitaer Vis. The stratification , layering and diversification within all successful ecological systems, and the essentail addition of this dynamic complexity into any resonably useful model of Political economy.
SEEDs has lost their way, sadly it has now become a spectacle of the willfully blind leading the actually blind and of course everyone else is deplorable for thinking otherwise. Back in the day Tim advocated for a need for new ideas of course his disciples caveat only the right kind of ideas though.
The driving motivation behind the accelerated rush to a Techno Fascist Feudalism has been occupying my mind for the years leading up to the Repo Spike in New York in September 2019.
In the Financialised economy and with the CBDC push tied to DIgital Id’s, we see a symptom of the appearance of what the system is trying to preserve, namely itself and its Monopoly ingroup. The real Economy is put in the position of trying to make bricks without straw, a misallocation of resources, and the Credit tokens to acquire those resources.
The Dominant Resource tieing the Financial system’s real potentials to the Real potentials of the real economy is the Flow of Energy resources and Primary resources through the economy. It would seem that a Hard limit on available energy to sustain the present industrial output of the global economy has been hit, what seems inexplicable is the Priorities touted in narratives regarding Why our largest Energy Sources the Hydro Carbons, Gas, Oil and Coal, and the largest potential replacement for them Nuclear are being demonised? It is more properly described as being stood down, why? Climate Change, The Climate Crisis, The Plague of Humans. (1)
“The key fact in the new development of plutocracy is that it will use its own blunder as an excuse for further crimes. Everywhere the very completeness of the impoverishment will be made a reason for the enslavement; though the men who impoverished were the same who enslaved. It is as if a highwayman not only took away a gentleman’s horse and all his money, but then handed him over to the police for tramping without visible means of subsistence. And the most monstrous feature in this enormous meanness may be noted in the plutocratic appeal to science, or, rather, to the pseudo-science that they call Eugenics.”
UTOPIA OF USURERS G K Chesterton.Degrowth, recessions and Mortality. Emissions Austerity and Mortality. The Deflationary Carbon Based “Gold-standard�?. [(((Carbon Credits(( “Just,(“�? In Time�?�?)�?)))]
Policy Based Evidence Making. Inside the Beltway 2.
‘Pandemic’ narrative over…false flag in Ukraine next?Gavin O’Reilly
The driving motivation behind the accelerated rush to a Techno Fascist Feudalism has been occupying my mind for the years leading up to the Repo Spike in New York in September 2019.
In the Financialised economy and with the CBDC push tied to Digital Id’s, we see a symptom of the appearance of what the system is trying to preserve, namely itself and its Monopoly ingroup. The real Economy is put in the position of trying to make bricks without straw, a misallocation of resources, and the Credit tokens to acquire those resources.
The Dominant Resource tieing the Financial system’s real potentials to the Real potentials of the real economy is the Flow of Energy resources and Primary resources through the economy. It would seem that a Hard limit on available energy to sustain the present industrial output of the global economy has been hit, what seems inexplicable is the Priorities touted in narratives regarding Why our largest Energy Sources the Hydro Carbons, Gas, Oil and Coal, and the largest potential replacement for them Nuclear are being demonised? It is more properly described as being stood down, why? Climate Change, The Climate Crisis, The Plague of Humans. (1)
“The purpose of the 4th Industrial revolution is to stymie the development of energy resources and to control Population and growth and instigate rapid population decline�?.
The cakes currently burning King Alfred style were placed in the Oven in the pivotal period.
2015 Election, Feb 2016 oil price low, 2016 Brexit/trump, 2017 Election, September 2018 Repo Spike 2019 Election, Covid 19.
Covid 19 is a distraction the main currents date back to policy following the break up of the Soviet Union, 1990, 2000 Dot Com Bubble, 9/11, 7/7, 2008 GFC 2010 Coalition and
Build Back Better Going Direct and 4IR are all Political Slogans for the Trilateral World Government party, which represents only the hybridized Elite Billionaire class and their lackeys. Differential accumulation is their only concern and also of course population control.
The Economic Superorganism: Beyond the Competing Narratives on Energy, Growth, and Policy by Carey W. King
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Charles A. S. Hall’s Cover blurb for the Carey w King Tomb is I think a fair reaction to what is a long and complex book. The author himself says that the lengthy quotes ( for context) and juxtaposition of opposing narratives are overly long
As a choice for the material, I question the wisdom of the choice but congratulate the effort, the net result if one is being generous, works and is fittingly described in the blurb by a giant in the field of Energy-Based economics( Political Economy)Prof. Charles Hall.
Marx via Schumpeter makes an appearance late in the book, which saves some face on the shortcomings in monetary theory, and the influence on the Author’s thinking of Prof Steve Keen’s own flavour of heterodox Economics shows, also in reflecting Keen’s own limitations. The Authors dislike of Matt Riddley shines through and gives a tell to the Authors own inclinations, an admitted likely failing in his own introduction (“I discuss many matters as objectively as I can, but I don’t claim that either, or anyone can be perfectly objective. “) Well said.
The Chapters on Debt and Finance are fine as far as they go and the Schumpeter quotes save the whole piece to my own tastes for a better grasp of Shumpeters insights into the money as credit context see Werner, much of the polemic even allowing for putting both sides is hackneyed retreaded phony “enfant terriblism�? of the Leather jacket like Yannis’ variety.
Getting the niceties out of the way the Lacunae is the old apples and Oranges problem encountered at the SEEDS Surplus Energy Blog of Dr. Tim Morgan, Dangerous Exponentials, and The Perfect Storm.
In Short, the book is an exercise in knocking down mutually opposed straw men arguments, much of the argumentation I take no issue with whatsoever but the Ultimate apologetics for the discredited Climate Scientism and advocacy for Carbon indulgences ( SPASH #WrongKindofGreen Brave New World of Carbon Trading ) coupled with a failure to consider International Finance and PetroDollar hegemony which is an effect that the Authors own “Swing producer�? price stability arguments for Texas in 1935, and in which we find ourselves living again in a deflationary age of a Quasi Petro/Carbon Gold Standard.
#221. Strategies for a post-growth economy

Posted on November 5, 2019
Unless you’ve been stranded on a desert island, cut off from all sources of information, you’ll know that the global economy is deteriorating markedly, whilst risk continues to increase. Even the most perennially optimistic observers now concede that the ultra-loose policies which I call ‘monetary adventurism’, introduced in response to the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC), haven’t worked. Popular unrest is increasing around the world, even in places hitherto generally regarded as stable, with worsening hardship a central cause.
An interesting piece at first Blush Tim. It will be interesting to follow the comments.
My initial response is that the analysis of the economy as an Energy Transformation machine and only an Energy Transformation machine is going too far the other way.
What I mean by that is that the old Marxist notions of Labour and only Labour being the source of wealth in the economy leads to overreaching in that one direction by ignoring the other Inputs.
In this case, Energy and its importance are stated but other inputs including Labour and raw materials other than energy inputs are also key. Your cursory dealing with renewables, for instance, fails to recognise the breeder renewable possibilities and also ignores circular economy notions of re-recycling and designing for both repair and maintenance and end of life reuse and recycling. In this sort of Circular economy accounting the embedded energy in material goods is accounted for and recycled, there is a stock inventory of converted energy in products in use which is not lost at the end of economic life, your analysis does not complete its promise by ignoring these aspects of Circular Economics.
finally my old point that the Seeds basis should be on an energy equivalent basis, the existing currency accounting unit is broken beyond repair and unfit for purpose, as big an ask that is for people to get their heads around, without grasping that nettle Seeds’ is doomed to going into the cul-de-sac of financial mysticism wrapped up in the un-pin downable gobbly goop of the Economics priesthood.
Thank you for another interesting post Dr Morgan.
Does SEEDS offer any insight into how the rate at which energy is accessed by the economy affects our prosperity?For example, shale appears to have increased the rate at which chemical energy can be accessed by the economy relative to the economy’s ability to use it (i.e. convert that chemical energy to other forms of energy) and so the monetary price of oil has fallen even as the ECoE has risen.
The economy appears to change the way it uses energy more rapidly in response to the monetary price of oil that it does in response to rising ECoE. Some of the changes in response to a lower price of oil appear to exacerbate the effects of rising ECoE. How can economic actors look beyond the oil price?
It is interesting but not wholly surprising to me that Dr. Tim Morgan has not answered this “Confounding�? question showing the inconvenient truth in Dr. Morgans Seeds analysis. Seeds is something of a black box , we are not allowed to look under the hood of Dr. Morgans claims that Energy Cost of energy (ECOE) is acting as a hard limit to the prospect of prosperity in the world economy.
This question from Will, shows how far short Dr Morgans analysis comes up in answering the Balance between the effects of Finance and the Financialised Economy over the real Energy availability questions. The shortcomings in Dr. Morgan’s analysis encompass Ignorance of Technological innovation and invention and in short, the massive trend we see of actors in the modern economy’s ability to do more with less as per pro current technology and energy mixes.
World average prosperity per capita has declined only marginally since 2007, essentially because deterioration in the West has been offset by continued progress in the emerging market (EM) economies. This, though, is nearing its point of inflexion, with clear evidence now showing that the Chinese economy, in particular, is in very big trouble.
This is no more or less than a managed process towards a new Feudalism, a race to the bottom where the metric is relative levels of absolute poverty in the precariat. Prosperity is a redundant metric for the new Feudalism in the MMT Green new deal Gulag. The metrics will be utilitarian which will be similar to any metric used in concentration camps or slave colonies for Egyptian pyramid projects. What is the minimal sustenance budget for each economic human labour unit, what is the natural replacement rate and what level of control is required within the Pareto efficient distribution of Human labour unit classification? Think Brave new world and 1984.
rogerglewis on December 21, 2019 at 11:57 am said:
Nord Stream 2: Trump approves sanctions on Russia gas pipeline
The Medium is the message?
Gas Wars, Pipelines, Silk Road
It’s not the Energy Substantially but the Means of Exchange, I.e petrodollar Hegemony.
A debt-based PetroDollar has been the most powerful Geo-Political and Soft Power Tool of the Rules-Based International Order for a century or So.
The Paradigm Shift being witnessed in front of our eyes but not seen for what it is is a move to a Carbon Trading based Unit of Currency. This is a proxy for energy usage as so much energy is generated by burning carbon. It is though the social control and governance mechanism embedded within the Debt Based currency and Taxation system which the “Masters of The Universe�? are interested in maintaining.
It is Debt-based money at Interest that drives the need for Growth as the system does not reverse it only works one way.
“None of the manuals on Economics puts a question of how a state gets wealthy; they focus on the art of getting rich within a single corporation, a single bank, or give a piece of advice to individual wealth. Nevertheless, in real life, the corporate effect proves to be achieved at the expense of some damage done to the state and society. The Russian economy has been purposely demonetized to hit one of the bottom positions in the world rating. This ‘blood’ loss was behind the collapse of all the parts of the industrial sector, and the intentionally created ruble vacuum was designed to be filled with US dollars and other monetary substitutes. There is no need at all to talk about the banking sector�? ‘development’ if we are aiming at the establishment of the financial atmosphere that would facilitate real production. Banking could ‘develop’ for the account of finance pumped out of the industry by means of the interest rate. We need to restore the functionally appropriate relation of ‘money supply to GDP’ by a ‘one-shot blood transfusion’ Etimov. prof.
No Stephen I would not wish to indulge your wish for a “Long Bet ” for charity or indeed for profit.
and John Adams, I have posted a detailed blog of the differences of emphasis which Tim and I have regarding Energy Based economics and the interpretation of the historical course of Political Economy in the Age of Capital. ( Kapital).
The latest blog from Tim Morgan on the SEEDS blog is premised upon the inevitability of contraction and the clear, by Tims’s lights, misunderstanding of “Previous reversals�? by mainstream economists.
The world economy is inevitably headed to a terminal state of “involuntary de-growth. Further, inevitably should again be submitted to, such as the most obvious areas requiring innovations are business and government. Although we are promised the possibility of further analysis vis Government, Household and Financial sectors. Again and Again, readers and believers of the SEEDS creed should submit to “�? the “OBVIOUS�? STARTING POINT FOR TRUE BELIEVERS SHOULD BE “PRIVATE NON-FINANCIAL CORPORATES (PNFC)
Having studied SEEDS seriously for several years now it seems “Obvious �? to this non-believing heretic that Energy Scarcity as an inevitability is a patsy for Austerity. And that the ignored Financial system and the predication of its monetary system upon short-term scarcities as a state of inevitable permanence, is what is preached from the Seeds Pulpit.
Did you hear the one about the Blind Straw-man leading the Blind Straw-men. A Utopia of Usurers. the plutocratic appeal to science, or, rather, to the pseudo-science that they call Seeds.
Degrowth is a Euphamism for Austerity and Austerity is the Patsy for De-population.
Tim calls it Involuntary quantative de-growth.
Further lexical clarifications.
“Un-productive complexities�? = Financial bubbles
“degrowth started in the 1990’s�? = massive differential accumulation became possible in a temporary unipolar full spectrum dominance of the Washington consensus mafia.
In being a classical dupe for Pareto efficiency Tim fails to understand the Biological reality of cooperators trending to 12 Log 2-8 and the insights of Bernard Leitaer Vis. The stratification, layering, and diversification within all successful ecological systems, and the essential addition of this dynamic complexity into any reasonably useful model of Political economy.
. Population Reduction
The second front in a one-Earth living strategy is a global one-child fertility standard. This is needed to reduce the global population to the one billion or so people that can thrive sustainably in reasonable material comfort within the constraints of a non-fossil energy future and already much damaged Earth [101,102].

See GrubStreetJournal’s other Tweets
This was the context of Quoting Leitaer and not a rather juvenile appeal to Authority, and certainly not with respect to a binary materialism or Idealism meme. So far from an easy to find “supportive�? writer I quoted Bernards work in a much more subtle sense and quite different to your apparent strawman as set out at point 1.
Bernard And I were also connected on Skype and I have quoted his work and employed his writing extensively and he was aware that I was a Disciple of sorts for his work. I have read pretty much everything Bernard has published and recommended his Blog to anyone.
Yin-Yang—the Taoist concept of the relationship between polarities.
Lastly, neither you nor I can easily alter our views.
We are individuals and our lived contexts and viewpoints will be forever on different paths. Here we meet at a fork in the road Steven.
For myself, I take Osho’s essay on Ego the false center as my Sensai,
But First.
1. “I am also offended by the notion that one needs to be one or the other and that Materialism and Idealism are of necessity or custom mutually exclusive. I do not believe they are and there are more ways of being and acting than as through Matter or Thought in three dimensions of time and space.�?
“Three modes of evolution have thus been brought before us: evolution by fortuitous variation, evolution by mechanical necessity, and evolution by creative love. We may term them tychastic evolution, or tychasm, anancastic evolution, or anancasm, and agapastic evolution, or agapasm. The doctrines which represent these as severally of principal importance we may term tychasticism, anancasticism,and agapasticism. On the other hand the mere propositions that absolute chance, mechanical necessity, and the law of love are severally operative in the cosmos may receive the names of tychism, anancism, and agapism.�? — C. S. Peirce, 1893[2]
And Finally Osho
So you have two centers. One center you come with, which is given by existence itself. That is the self. And the other center, which is created by the society, is the ego. It is a false thing – and it is a very great trick. Through the ego the society is controlling you. You have to behave in a certain way, because only then does the society appreciate you. You have to walk in a certain way; you have to laugh in a certain way; you have to follow certain manners, a morality, a code. Only then will the society appreciate you, and if it doesn’t, you ego will be shaken. And when the ego is shaken, you don’t know where you are, who you are.
The others have given you the idea.
That idea is the ego.
#155. The art of dark sky thinking

To Quote Quine, I have in mind his differences of degree and not kind in a way,
this from Two dogmas of empiricism.
´´As an empiricist I continue to think of the conceptual scheme of science as a tool, ultimately, for predicting future experience in the light of past experience. Physical objects are conceptually imported into the situation as convenient intermediaries — not by defnition in terms of experience, but simply as irreducible posits18b comparable, epistemologically, to the gods of Homer. Let me interject that for my part I do, qua lay physicist, believe in physical objects and not in Homer’s gods; and I consider it a scientifc error to believe otherwise.´´
on February 4, 2022 at 7:07 pm said:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Hi Blond Beast,
Have a read of this from the CEO of Thorcon .
On the other questions regarding Pottable water look at Waterstillar the Danish company, On soil degradation again there are solutions which are frustrated by re-wilding fanatics.
Regreening the desert with John D. Liu | VPRO Documentary | 2012

Energy is Ubiquitous, yet Value is an abstract concept and there are experiential values which exceed their Energy input where an abstract value, such as a monetary unit is allowed to reflect the Market determined price.
The fact is that there are different levels of needs and wants and over an above fundamental survival requirements, Say 2500 Calories a day including embodied energy for Shelter and dietary requirements.
What are the absolute bands of energy requirements, how much energy is Wasted and how much-embodied energy can be re-cycled that is currently wasted all have to factor into any ongoing Energy Based Distribution system and energy-based system for determining and energy-based into of account?
What is the problem with having a different type of Currency, why does Destruction of the existing unfit for purpose system have to be taken as read?
There have been successive efforts since the Nixon shock to replace the current international FInance model, that we are moving to a Multi-Polar world seems an inescapable conclusion, with all the potential problems this represents for the Dollar centric hegemony.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it is always a good maxim but if a new design is called for to replace an obsolete system then everything is on the table.
I personally reject your four-point example and the inevitability of your conclusion Tim.
The world has tremendous potential as does the industrial capacity and also cultural and technological potentials of current technology. Of course, there are fundamental changes which need to be made The single biggest problem is the mispricing inherent in the financialised late-stage capitalism which has morphed already into Fascism, otherwise known as Neo-Liberalism.
Pierre Joseph Proudhon proposed a reform to banking which was quite simply to abolish the private monopoly on the creation of Currency as debt at interest. Peter Kropotkin describes Prouhdond Simple idea and its effect as follows,
Now Proudhon advocated a society without government, and
used the word Anarchy to describe it. Proudhon repudiated,
as is known, all schemes of Communism, according to which
mankind would be driven into communistic monasteries or
barracks, as also all the schemes of state or state-aided socialism
which were advocated by Louis Blanc and the Collectivists. When
he proclaimed in his first memoir on property that �? Property
is theft,�? he meant only property in its present, Roman-law,
sense of �? right of use and abuse �? ; in property-rights, on the other
hand, understood in the limited sense of possession, he saw the
best protection against the encroachments of the state. At the
same time he did not want violently to dispossess the present
owners of land, dwelling-houses, mines, factories and so on. He
preferred to attain the same end by rendering capital incapable
of earning interest; and this he proposed to obtain by means of
a national bank, based on the mutual confidence of all those who
are engaged in production, who would agree to exchange among
themselves their produces at cost-value, by means of labour
cheques representing the hours of labour required to produce
every given commodity. Under such a system, which Proudhon
described as �? Mutuellisme,�? all the exchanges of services would be
strictly equivalent. Besides, such a bank would be enabled to
lend money without interest, levying only something like 1 %,
or even less, for covering the cost of administration. Every one
being thus enabled to borrow the money that would be required
to buy a house, nobody would agree to pay any more a yearly
rent for the use of it. A general �? social liquidation �? would
thus be rendered easy, without violent expropriation. The same
applied to mines, railways, factories and so on.
In a society of this type the state would be useless. The chief
relations between citizens would be based on free agreement and
regulated by mere account keeping. The contests might be
settled by arbitration. A penetrating criticism of the state and
all possible forms of government, and a deep insight into all
economic problems, were well-known characteristics of Proudhon’s
On the Continuum of Infinity what you do not set out is that we are pushing Limits? Vague claims as to Climate Heating are actually unsupported in the serious academic literature. That the Monetary system is not fit for purpose is obvious to many as you say, it seems somewhat silly though to look for solutions from the people who have continued to make an unpromising system worse over the past 30 years.
We have of course agreed to disagree before.
#121: Interpreting the post-growth economy
The problems in Political Economy as it stands presently and the question of future Political Economy based upon future Energy realities are I think helpfully separated which is something Prof. David MacKay is very successful with, in his presentation of the question.
The Problems are only weakly related with respect to future solutions and breaking the process into 3 parts is useful rather than lumping them all together. It is clear that the existing Form of Market economy and political economy is not able to solve the problem at stage 3 ( I.E Post 2050 post-Oil Economy)
Stage 1 requires a reform of the existing paradigm which involves facing up to the broken debt-based money system. Pension provision, the sovereign debt crisis and Public debt crisis are all addressable and will see improvements even within the deteriorating Cost of energy inputs as a share of output. We could call this stage lets fix what we know is not working.
Stage 2 covers the Post Financialised ( Big Bang Experiment) period to the oil running out in 2050.
This requires a much more long-term investment horizon and complicating the energy mix by overstating the �?Climate Change question** seems to be counterproductive, again I like the way Prof David Mackay dealt with the question including stating the necessities of **Clean Coal and Nuclear�?. In this stage, we will be implementing ideas previously barred due to the denial inherent in clinging to a failing system.
Stage 3 Post 2050, This part is much easier than Stage 2 and stage 1, in my opinion, the myth-busting and levelling out inherent in solving the political problems at stage 1 and the challenge to vested interests in stage 2 are by far and away the largest obstacles to getting down to Brass tacks in my opinion.
To Quote Quine, I have in mind his differences of degree and not kind in a way,
this from Two dogmas of empiricism.
´´As an empiricist I continue to think of the conceptual scheme of science as a tool, ultimately, for predicting future experience in the light of past experience. Physical objects are conceptually imported into the situation as convenient intermediaries — not by defnition in terms of experience, but simply as irreducible posits18b comparable, epistemologically, to the gods of Homer. Let me interject that for my part I do, qua lay physicist, believe in physical objects and not in Homer’s gods; and I consider it a scientifc error to believe otherwise.´´
Prof. Dennis Ranacourt and Dr Adrian Wriggley
CT: You discuss the need for states to ensure consent: the need to pacify, hypnotize and align populations for continued globalization; more precisely, the need to divert attention from the structural violence of economic policies and the actual violence of militarism. Can you say something about how the issue of global warming relates to this?
DR: Irrespective of whether the so-called ‘climate crisis’ is real, exaggerated or fabricated, it is clear, from the data in my report, that the ethos of global warming was engineered on a global scale and benefits the exploiters of the carbon-economy and, more indirectly, the state.
the new realist orders
There are likely to be three different realist orders in the foreseeable future:
a thin international order and two thick bounded orders—one led by China,
the other by the United States. The emerging thin international order will be
concerned mainly with overseeing arms control agreements and making the
global economy work efªciently P.38
Is the present “Collapse�? Managed, Engineered, or an inevitability of Elitist Hubris?
I would argue its a combination of Premature transition management engineering, What’s known as the “Great Reset�?
Presently though Central Bank Digital Currencies a new Going Direct solution to the misdiagnosed Banking collapse of the September 2019 New York repo rate spike is being implemented.
“The BlackRock plan calls for blurring the lines between government fiscal policy and central bank monetary policy – exactly what the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve are doing today in the United States. BlackRock has now been hired by the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Canada, and Sweden’s central bank, Riksbank, to implement key features of the plan. Three of the authors of the BlackRock plan previously worked as central bankers in the U.S., Canada and Switzerland, respectively.�?
When discovering the structure of DNA, Francis Crick famously announced to his drinking companions in a Cambridge tavern that he had discovered the ‘secret of life’. The director of
his Institute, Max Perutz, was rather more careful than Crick when he
said that DNA was the ‘score of life’. That is more correct since a musical
score does nothing until it is played. DNA does nothing until activated
to do so. pp.35 “Dance to the Tune of Life: Biological Relativity 1st Edition
by Denis Noble
Regarding Garrets work and the paper in review with Steve Keen, I think it is reductive and also submits to a FInite type of analysis which does not seem to accommodate the dynamics in potentials available regarding the rate of flow of energy into and through a system and the responsiveness of the system to feedback.
The idea of a Musical Score, as opposed to a fixed recipe in Denis Noble book, is I think a good conceptual comparison of two approaches to the same set of Data , of course there are many potentials between the two categories of approach.
Douthwaite The Ecology of Money (Schumacher Briefing, 4)
Chapter 4: One Country, Four Currencies
“Now we’ve surveyed the various types of money system, we come to the exciting bit – specifying
the integrated multi-currency system of the future. We have seen that three groups (commercial
institutions, governments and users) can create money. Very little can be said in favour of
allowing the commercial creation of money to continue. Instead, money should be created by
non-profit-seeking organisations representing the people using it. In the case of a democratic
country, this would obviously include a national or regional government working on behalf of its
At least four types of money are needed. One is an international currency, playing the role taken
by gold before the collapse of the gold exchange standard. The second is a national or regional
(sub-national) currency that would relate to the international currency in some way. Thirdly, we
would need a plethora of currencies which, like LETS, the WIR and the commodity-based
currencies, could be created at will by their users to mobilise resources left untapped by national
or regional systems. Many of these user currencies would confine their activities to particular
geographic areas, but some would link non-spatially-based communities of interest. And fourth,
as our current money’s store of value function can so easily conflict with its use as a means of
exchange, special currencies are needed for people wishing to see their savings hold their value
while still keeping them in a fairly liquid form.�?
Douthwaites briefing has a foreward by Beranrd Leitaer.
“Do I agree with all the ideas that are presented here? Even Douthwaite admits that he doesn’t
“expect everyone to agree with the conclusions he has reached�?. For instance, although I agree
with him on the importance of linking monetary issues to energy sustainability, I question the
viability of the means he proposes. (Why not include his “Energy-Backed Currency Units�?
(ebcu) as part of a basket of commodities and services backing the currency – rather than being
the exclusive backing of currency?�?
Leitaers TERRA is easily sourced on line .
Back to Nobels biological Theme The work of Martin Nowak as demonstrated in David Malones excellent series why are we here speaks to the idea of a measure of some cooperation and some competition.
MN: Yeah, let us start the game. And we see, yes, these defectors, they are spreading, you know. So the colours that we are observing here are: red are defectors and blue are co-operators, and yellow and green are changing sides.
So yellow is now a new defector: it was a co-operator before. And green is a new co-operator: it was a defector before. We see the pattern is spreading. A kind of symmetry is being maintained here because they are deterministic of the rules, and the initial symmetry is never broken. But the amazing thing is these co-operators, they are persistent. They just refuse to get wiped out and they survive in those clusters. And if you watch very carefully, you see the clusters, they are actually growing until they collide with other clusters, and then they’re shrinking, and then they grow.
David: But they never go out of business.
MN: But they never get out of business. And the amazing thing is the average abundance of co-operators in this pattern is very close to 12log 2-8.
David: What does that mean?
Ard: It’s close to constant.
MN: It converges to a constant which is approximately 31%, and this is a mathematical curiosity.
Ard: Natural selection would say the co-operators would get wiped out, because they are paying a cost to help their competitors. And yet it’s not happening. So why?
On ECOE, I do think the Net energy cliff is a thing, that said the ratio is not fixed and immutable, for renewable or even for existing oil and other hydrocarbon reserves, clearly modern recovery methods have lowered the Dollar cost of recovery and presumably the Energy Cost of extraction.
Thank you John Adams ,
I have read through the Book.
I will read it in more detail. It certainly has a great framework to base a scientific discussion around.
Without hot air by The Late prof. Sir David MacKay is well worth a read its easily findable online. For the less mathematically minded Davids’s book would certainly make a good primer for the Murphy book.
Regarding the shape of and timescale over which an Energy Transformation will take place
There are of course challenges if one has to adhere to an Urgent timescale.
My view is that there is no urgency and those particularly invested in the Urgency narratives tend to be
more closed-minded as to what potential replacement energy sources can take up the slack where other staple energy sources are unable to meet the demands of the future human requirements.
Thorcon is a private company that has done remarkably well, that said in China, The Russian Federation’s large State-backed initiatives are I believe are still under test presently, although may actually be operational as that has been imminent for a month or two.
I am personally very keen on Renewables, I like both Wind and Solar a lot the point about the portfolio of solutions appropriate for different scales and community, national and international scales are quite different and the time scales of what is realistic across those multivariate scales are all hardly surprisingly somewhat different. Schumacher’s Small is beautiful is a good starting point for forming a base from which possibilities can be built.
I am a keen follower of Clive Spashes work. Clive and I are not on the same page with respect to the reasons for reforming the economic system based upon energy throughputs but his analysis is in my experience usually very solid.
Clive is very direct here in his critique of Rawworths Dough Nut.( He is absolutely correct in his criticisms)
The second segment of that online discussion of the UN SDG’s is also very much well worth watching.
Clive has written on the #Wrong Kind of green quite extensively.
There are several political agendas surrounding the environmental issues caused by the present FInancialised Monopoly
Capitalism. I acknowledge those problems also & agree with Clive regarding the Imperialist Agendas with respect to resource pillage from Indigenous cultures and communities.
Green Washing is a massive problem, the Carbon Trading non-solutions touted by Carney and Bloomberg do not address those problems that Clive Spash so brilliantly deconstructs in his seminal paper the Brave new world of carbon trading.
What Carney is about is cementing the Wealth disparities created by the rapacious robber baron exploits of the rentier class
over the past century and a half. Neo-Classical Economics is created in the image of the Divine right of the Rentier Class.
I agree with Clive that energy throughputs need to be the basis for future Political economy and its metrics ( It is this point mainly where I think SEEDS comes unstuck.)
, the lexicon of the new energy abundance economics is yet to be written, the writing of that lexicon will require rather more reasoned debate than those who made up their minds long ago are prepared to allow.
Thank you John Adams ,
6 UN SDG Conf (Pt IIe) Clive Spash 2nd critique of Raworth Doughnut Economics plus Aili Keskitalo comments from Clive Spash on Vimeo.
All you ever wanted to know about Carbon Trading but were too afraid to ask from Clive Spash on Vimeo.
The lies they tell you about economics, growth and smart green inclusive economies. Exposed! from Clive Spash on Vimeo.
[1]There are two key articles related to this Activism initiative [1] and this response from Greta Thunberg [2][3] aspects of manufacturing consent and controlled opposition and Gatekeepers all figure and the initiative should not be left here un-critically, the pedagogical aspects of Wikipedia should not be ignored to promote activism.[4] I will work up a påaragraph with the first two references as this article is really a trotting out of the PR campaign from [5] RogerGLewis (talk) 06:05, 6 February 2019 (UTC)RogerGLewis (talk) 06:37, 6 February 2019 (UTC)
[2] Wrong kind of green is an anti-capitalist indigenous peoples group, not a lobbyist group for big oil. That Clive Lord, Founder of the Green Party of England and Wales ais also commenting is of note also [3] [4] RogerGLewis (talk) 02:23, 11 February 2019 (UTC)
Monbiot, Attenborough, and Greta Thunberg

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