The Phrygian Black Stone to The Cult of Blackrock, Going Direct to the Guordian Knot of Going Direct with Alladin
A cult of Hubris, Indifference and incompetence
Romans were seduced by a prophecy concocted from the Sibylline books that:
“The foreign invader would be driven from Italy if the Oriental Goddess, the Phrygian ‘Mother of the Gods’ were brought to Rome... ambassadors were dispatched to her sacred city, Pessenius in Phrygia (at Mount Ida in Asia Minor). The small black stone which embodied the mighty divinity (Kybele) was. ..conveyed to Rome.
p.64 64 The Lost Science OfMoney
🌑 The Black Stone in Phrygian Cults: The Black Stone was a sacred object in Phrygian cults, particularly associated with the goddess Cybele. It was believed to be an unshaped stone of black meteoric iron, possibly representing the mountain deity Agdistis. source
🏛️ The Black Stone in Pessinos: The Black Stone was located in the city of Pessinos in Phrygia. It was considered a powerful symbol of the goddess Cybele and was the focus of religious rituals and festivals. source
✈️ The Black Stone in Rome: In 204 BC, the Black Stone was brought to Rome, where it became a significant object in Roman religion. It was housed in the Temple of Magna Mater and was associated with the goddess Cybele.
No contemporary text or myth survives to attest the original character and nature of Cybele's Phrygian cult. She may have evolved from a statuary type found at Çatalhöyük in Anatolia, of a "corpulent and fertile" female figure accompanied by large felines, dated to the 6th millennium BC and identified by some as a mother goddess.[4] In Phrygian art of the 8th century BC, the cult attributes of the Phrygian mother-goddess include attendant lions, a bird of prey, and a small vase for her libations or other offerings.[5]
The Greeks and Romans were well aware of the Phrygian Mother deity, whom they called Mother Kybele (taken from her Phrygian name), and Greek and Roman sources describe her as a formidable, often frightening, figure who was accompanied by eunuch priests. Within the context of Phrygia itself, however, the goddess appears as a beneficial figure, protecting the gates and walls of a city and the territorial boundaries and transportation routes between settled communities. No examples of temples or other independent architectural structures dedicated to the Phrygian Mother are known, so it seems likely that the goddess was worshipped at the location or boundary where her protection would have been needed. The Mother is the only Phrygian deity depicted in anthropomorphic form, although it is by no means certain that she was the only deity in the Phrygian pantheon. The presence of double idols on several Phrygian altars indicates the existence of a pair of deities, perhaps a dominant male and a dominant female divinity, which is also implied by the legend of the Gordian Knot.
Cybele in a chariot driven by Nike and drawn by lions toward a votive sacrifice (right); above are heavenly symbols including a solar deity, Plaque from Ai Khanoum, Bactria (Afghanistan), 2nd century BC; Gilded silver, ⌀ 25 cm
Roman Cybele[edit]
Republican era[edit]

Romans knew Cybele as Magna Mater ("Great Mother"), or as Magna Mater deorum Idaea ("great Idaean mother of the gods"), equivalent to the Greek title Meter Theon Idaia ("Mother of the Gods, from Mount Ida"). Rome officially adopted her cult during the Second Punic War (218 to 201 BC), after dire prodigies, including a meteor shower, a failed harvest, and famine, seemed to warn of Rome's imminent defeat. The Roman Senate and its religious advisers consulted the Sibylline oracle and decided that Carthage might be defeated if Rome imported the Magna Mater ("Great Mother") of Phrygian Pessinos.[51] As this cult object belonged to a Roman ally, the Kingdom of Pergamum, the Roman Senate sent ambassadors to seek the king's consent; en route, a consultation with the Greek oracle at Delphi confirmed that the goddess should be brought to Rome.[52] The goddess arrived in Rome in the form of Pessinos' black meteoric stone. Roman legend connects this voyage, or its end, to the matron Claudia Quinta, who was accused of unchastity but proved her innocence with a miraculous feat on behalf of the goddess. Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica, supposedly the "best man" in Rome, was chosen to meet the goddess at Ostia; and Rome's most virtuous matrons (including Claudia Quinta) conducted her to the temple of Victoria, to await the completion of her temple on the Palatine Hill. Pessinos' stone was later used as the face of the statue of the goddess.[53] In due course, the famine ended and Hannibal was defeated.
Most modern scholarship agrees that Cybele's consort, Attis, and her eunuch Phrygian priests (Galli) would have arrived with the goddess, along with at least some of the wild, ecstatic features of her Greek and Phrygian cults. The histories of her arrival deal with the piety, purity, and status of the Romans involved, the success of their religious stratagem, and power of the goddess herself; she has no consort or priesthood, and seems fully Romanised from the first.[54] Some modern scholars assume that Attis must have followed much later; or that the Galli, described in later sources as shockingly effeminate and flamboyantly "un-Roman", must have been an unexpected consequence of bringing the goddess in blind obedience to the Sibyl; a case of "biting off more than one can chew".[55] Others note that Rome was well versed in the adoption (or sometimes, the "calling forth", or seizure) of foreign deities,[56] and the diplomats who negotiated Cybele's move to Rome would have been well-educated, and well-informed.[57]
Romans believed that Cybele, considered a Phrygian outsider even within her Greek cults, was the mother-goddess of ancient Troy (Ilium). Some of Rome's leading patrician families claimed Trojan ancestry; so the "return" of the Mother of all Gods to her once-exiled people would have been particularly welcome, even if her spouse and priesthood were not; its accomplishment would have reflected well on the principals involved and, in turn, on their descendants.[58] The upper classes who sponsored the Magna Mater's festivals delegated their organisation to the plebeian aediles, and honoured her and each other with lavish, private festival banquets from which her Galli would have been conspicuously absent.[59] Whereas in most of her Greek cults she dwelt outside the polis, in Rome she was the city's protector, contained within her Palatine precinct, along with her priesthood, at the geographical heart of Rome's most ancient religious traditions.[60] She was promoted as patrician property; a Roman matron – albeit a strange one, "with a stone for a face" – who acted for the clear benefit of the Roman state.[61][62]
Imperial era[edit]
Augustan ideology identified Magna Mater with Imperial order and Rome's religious authority throughout the empire. Augustus claimed a Trojan ancestry through his adoption by Julius Caesar and the divine favour of Venus; in the iconography of Imperial cult, the empress Livia was Magna Mater's earthly equivalent, Rome's protector and symbolic "Great Mother"; the goddess is portrayed with Livia's face on cameos[63] and statuary.[64] By this time, Rome had absorbed the goddess's Greek and Phrygian homelands, and the Roman version of Cybele as Imperial Rome's protector was introduced there.[65]
Imperial Magna Mater protected the empire's cities and agriculture — Ovid "stresses the barrenness of the earth before the Mother's arrival.[66] Virgil's Aeneid (written between 29 and 19 BC) embellishes her "Trojan" features; she is Berecyntian Cybele, mother of Jupiter himself, and protector of the Trojan prince Aeneas in his flight from the destruction of Troy. She gives the Trojans her sacred tree for shipbuilding, and begs Jupiter to make the ships indestructible. These ships become the means of escape for Aeneas and his men, guided toward Italy and a destiny as ancestors of the Roman people by Venus Genetrix. Once arrived in Italy, these ships have served their purpose and are transformed into sea nymphs.[67]
Stories of Magna Mater's arrival were used to promote the fame of its principals, and thus their descendants. Claudia Quinta's role as Rome's castissima femina (purest or most virtuous woman) became "increasingly glorified and fantastic"; she was shown in the costume of a Vestal Virgin, and Augustan ideology represented her as the ideal of virtuous Roman womanhood. The emperor Claudius claimed her among his ancestors.[68] Claudius promoted Attis to the Roman pantheon and placed his cult under the supervision of the quindecimviri (one of Rome's priestly colleges).[69]
Images of the Stone
Chador-clad women in black touching the black stone. In 930, the stone was removed and shattered by an Iraqi sect of Qarmatians, but the pieces were later returned. The pieces, sealed in pitch and held in place by silver wire.
Cross section of the Ka'aba (Wikipedia)
The History of the Stone, the Hajj and the Deities
According to Islamic belief, God ordained a place of worship on Earth to reflect a house in heaven. Muslims believe that Adam, the first man, was the first to build such a place of worship. According to the Qur'an, the Ka'ba that stands today was built by the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ismail (Ishmael). It's said that when Abraham and Ishmael were building the Ka'aba, the stone was delivered to them by an angel from heaven. That story would suggest that the Black Stone is a meteorite.
Ochiogrosso1 echoing the description in al-Kalbi's "The Book of Idols"2 comments:
“Before Muhammad, the Ka’aba was surrounded by 360 idols, and every Arab house had its god. Arabs also believed in djinn (subtle beings), with many offspring. Among the major deities of the pre-Islamic era were al-Lat (“the goddess”), worshiped in the shape of a square stone; al-Uzzah (“the mighty”), a goddess identified with the morning star and worshiped as a thigh-bone-shaped slab of granite between al Taif and Mecca; Manat, the goddess of destiny, worshiped as a black stone on the road between Mecca and Medina; and the moon god, Hubal, whose worship was connected with the Black Stone of the Ka’aba’. The stones were said to have fallen from the sun, moon, stars, and planets and to represent cosmic forces. The so-called Black Stone (actually the color of burnt umber) that Muslims revere today is the same one that their forebears had worshiped well before Muhammad and that they believed had come from the moon.”
THE EASTERN CULTS ENTER ROME “The original Roman Numina (gods) had not been conceived of as being personalities in human form,” they were more abstract, wrote Toynbee.53 But as Roman money under eastern military pressure regressed from the more abstract bronze nomisma to concrete gold and silver weights, so did Roman religion. In addition to the monetary disarray, the wars with Carthage took a heavy spiritual and physical toll As news of Hannibal’s victories reached Rome, it created severe psychological pressure, especially on the female population. On learning of the Lake Trasimene defeat (218- 217 BC) “the women got out of hand,” and after the disaster at Cannae 64 The Lost Science OfMoney (216 BC), “This time the women in the city got out of hand in such numbers that the senators themselves had to... go out into the streets compelling (them) to go, and stay indoors, and silencing their lamentations,” wrote Toynbee.54 Almost one third of Rome’s citizens were killed in those two battles! Frazer’s Golden Bough tells how in 204 BC, after enduring 16 years of Hannibal’s rampage and 70 to 100 thousand dead, the war weary and desperate
Romans were seduced by a prophecy concocted from the Sibylline books that:
“The foreign invader would be driven from Italy if the Oriental Goddess, the Phrygian ‘Mother of the Gods’ were brought to Rome... ambassadors were dispatched to her sacred city, Pessenius in Phrygia (at Mount Ida in Asia Minor). The small black stone which embodied the mighty divinity (Kybele) was. ..conveyed to Rome.
In the very next year... Hannibal embarked for Africa...He could not foresee that Europe, which had repelled the arms, would yet yield to the gods of the Orient.”55 (Could anyone foresee it?) The Phrygian Goddess’ sanctuary was established on Palatine Hill. Some have argued that this cultic “success” in ridding Italy of Hannibal threw open the gates of Rome to a variety of Eastern cults: “Success had... given the highest possible approval to the principle of the importation of foreign, especially Eastern, Deities,” wrote Frederick Grant, pointing out that the Roman test of religion was not philosophical, but “Does it work - does it help the state?”56 But Toynbee took a more cynical view: “The Roman ‘Establishment’ having consulted the Sibylline Books had to do what the Books (interpreters) told them to do on this occasion, but this recommendation was an indiscretion which the ‘Establishment’ did not forget. It did not ever allow the Books to recommend the intro- duction of any other foreign divinity after that.”
Rome later extinguished the Dionysian/Bacchan cult in 186 BC because it wasn’t officially authorized, showing that the State could still determine which gods Roman citizens could worship. Eventually Scipio Africanus, Rome’s greatest general, though out- numbered and out elephanted, defeated Hannibal in 202 BC and destroyed Carthage’s power, but the warfare had already helped bring down the money system and Roman justice with it. Once Eastern cults got in, they would further alter the mind and manners of Rome. 2 ROME’S BRONZE NOMISMA: BETTER THAN GOLD 65 THE EMERGING PLUTOCRACY The “commoditization” of Rome’s money system dramatically accelerated the emergence of a plutocracy - a ruling order based on wealth. The commodities would by definition tend to be in the hands of the wealthy. “We may infer that at Rome in 264 BC, this class was not yet in existence, and that it came into existence in the course of the first bout of the Romano-Carthaginian war, thanks to the lucrative contracts...,” writes Toynbee, and he described how inefficiencies in the Roman city-state organizational form made it easy to take advantage of the wartime emergency. According to Toynbee this business class was essentially identical to the new, no longer militarily based, Equestrian Order, formally composed of 1 800 members - the 18 “Centuries” organized by Servius Tullius. 58
King or the Rule of an oligarchy of Barons, What power base is it easier for a People to keep honest?
This is an interesting question. The Nimrodists have form in playing both sides against the middle and care little about “ Democracy” “Justice , or ideals of Fairness.
Those long passages skirt around the point when I recall exactly where I read it Words to this effect I recall.
Magna Charte provided the Barons with a charter against King John, the Treasury corrupted and outside the oversight of a representitive of the people
Thus lead to an erosion of the welfare and fair share of the ordinary people .
Whetehr a Republic or a monarchy one has to avoid Ususry excercised for private interests.
When it comes to me where that is said much better I will post it here.…
Vote Liberty Vote Independant.
WikiBallot. "A well hung parliament signifies virile democracy".
the Rise of Feudal Techno-Rationing Systems
King or the Rule of an oligarchy of Barons, What power base is it easier for a People to keep honest?
This is an interesting question. The Nimrodists have form in playing both sides against the middle and care little about “ Democracy” “Justice , or id…
See more...
The Fed's 5G Blockchain Enslavement Plan
Left Hook Archives 2019 10-20
Black Nobility Bringers of Usury against Gods Law.
the Rise of Feudal Techno-Rationing Systems
King or the Rule of an oligarchy of Barons, What power base is it easier for a People to keep honest?
This is an interesting question. The Nimrodists have form in playing both sides against the middle and care little about “ Democracy” “Justice , or ideals of Fairness.
Those long passages skirt around the point when I recall exactly where I read it Words to this effect I recall.
Magna Charte provided the Barons with a charter against King John, the Treasury corrupted and outside the oversight of a representitive of the people
Thus lead to an erosion of the welfare and fair share of the ordinary people .
Whetehr a Republic or a monarchy one has to avoid Ususry excercised for private interests.
When it comes to me where that is said much better I will post it here.…
Human Wetware & The 5G Computer Weapon
Left Hook Archives 2019 10-25
Black Nobility Bringers of Usury against Gods Law.
King or the Rule of an oligarchy of Barons, What power base is it easier for a People to keep honest?
This is an interesting question. The Nimrodists have form in playing both sides against the middle and care little about “ Democracy” “Justice , or ideals of Fairness.
Those long passages skirt around the point when I recall exactly where I read it Words to this effect I recall.
Magna Charte provided the Barons with a charter against King John, the Treasury corrupted and outside the oversight of a representitive of the people
Thus lead to an erosion of the welfare and fair share of the ordinary people .
Whetehr a Republic or a monarchy one has to avoid Ususry excercised for private interests.
When it comes to me where that is said much better I will post it here.…
The City of London: Part II
Left Hook 5-17-24
Black Nobility Bringers of Usury against Gods Law.
King or the Rule of an oligarchy of Barons, What power base is it easier for a People to keep honest?
This is an interesting question. The Nimrodists have form in playing both sides against the middle and care little about “ Democracy” “Justice , or ideals of Fairness.
Those long passages skirt around the point when I recall exactly where I read it Words to this effect I recall.
Magna Charte provided the Barons with a charter against King John, the Treasury corrupted and outside the oversight of a representitive of the people
Thus lead to an erosion of the welfare and fair share of the ordinary people .
Whetehr a Republic or a monarchy one has to avoid Ususry excercised for private interests.
When it comes to me where that is said much better I will post it here.
The City of London: Part I
Left Hook 5-15-24
Black Nobility Bringers of Usury against Gods Law.
Jan 2023.
Notebook Post
Notebook from the weekend is Millenarianism a safe and effective vaccine against militancy
Great read.
Optimism is the only sane response to Davos
This article appeared in TCW under the original heading Optimism is the only sane response to Davos on 24th May 2022. I wrote this piece primarily to annoy the parasite class (they call themselves elite but none of that here). Their hubris, their pride and their vanity will be their undoing. One happy result of this piece was an invite to appear on the very lovely Julie Ponesse’s podcast link below, the second half hour really worked out I think, it was good to get a Mark Strand quote in.
It is the Nimrodists who have been a plague on humanity, their seat of Government just happened to move to the city of London in 1698, when the Whig Junto installed the Bank.
The Same Nimrodists have corrupted the US constitution.
What The Nimrodists Hate is religious Orthodoxy, they are literally Men who would be Gods.
The Preferred method of controlling World Trade has been through Money and it is the Mistake of Usury which has got in the way of Prosperity and peace between the various Tribal peoples of the world.
What would the Law of peace and prosperity look like?
Carey the late 19th Century US Economist knew this .
The Animus of the British Nimrodist against Russia is that of a Calvanist view of Unconditional Election butting heads with the Eastern Orthodox Church This goes back to the Council of Nicea through to the Split between the Church of Rome and The Eastern Orthodox Church. The Reason is that Usury could not gain traction in any of the Orthodox Traditions following Gods Law against Usury.
The same injunction against Usury came down through the Ages and is found in Aristotles Ethics and Even in Adam Smiths Writing, Read Benthams In Defence of Ussury to see how he tried to Get Smith on Side.
The Nimrodists and the East is a special case the history of which is written in the Ancient Ratio between Silver and gold and The Arbitrage Exploited first aginst The Roman Republic when it forsoke Copper as specie instead replacing Gold and Silver which had never monitised before.
Anyway suffice to say I think the Analysis given in your Link is shooting well wide of the well wide of the mark.
See link from understanding the Ratio
Last Dance at the Vampire Ball: West Searches for Answers to Its Demise
As the reality of the coming Russian victory over the combined NATO Leviathan has slowly dawned on the West, it has engendered a poignant shift in the increasingly high-pitched narrative. The comprador elite class has awakened to the fact that their global order is on the brink of dissolution, following Russia’s unclothing of their designs. The many decades of Gladio and other subversions are coming undone before our very eyes, as the dreams of a certain line of elite architects stretching back many generations are being washed away by the fitful birth of a new world.
Ethical basis refuting Vaccine mandates.
Letter to Australian Human Rights Commission (16.08.2022)
Subject: Vaccine mandates infringe on the right to life
“He told me that he had received my book late one evening, and had read through the three volumes before he closed his eyes. Thus, what had cost me twelve months' labour, ceaseless heartaches and industry, now sinking in despair, and now roused and sustained in unusual energy, he went over in a few hours, shut the book, laid himself on his pillow, slept, and was refreshed, and cried,
"Tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new."
That part of the Preface to Caleb Williams has stayed with me over the years along with the preface to An Essay On Man by Pope written by the publisher Henry Morely. I started writing this Novel back in 2016 and have returned to my notes periodically over the past 7 and a half years. It’s a Narrative for all seasons really, and the novel has a to accompany the Novel.
Series Description: A TRILOGY IN FOUR PARTS. Conquest of Dough, The Novel.
The Oligarchical protocols of Build Back Better
Usury Hells Fuel and Mans Oppressor #ConquestOfDough
This is a comprehensive post from February.
I completed it reviewing all my notes befor publishing my experimental novel
The conquest of dough.…
The past week I have been reviewing further my reading of Radical poetry , Blake, Pound, Shelly etc……
QED Post Climate Change, Land Use and Monetary Policy, The New Trifecta.
#CarbonCurrencyEndGame #1930's the sequel non crime thought crime and the non nazi nazi nazis.
which Carbon Credits will be created and Bad Energy of "Fossil Fuels which represent Carbon debits, is 16:1. There are various combinations that could see the ratio vary but essentially as with The Gold Standard a Carbon Credit Renewables Standard has the same ratio as the Historical Bi-Metallic ratio known to numasticist's the world over.… will be able to impose Austerity to an authoritarian extent extending to a… This is a far more likely delivery mechanism for Rapid population reduction policies than any Vaccination regime, Famine equally, is a far more effective and efficient means of population reduction than certainly War or any other form of genocide, for the Authoritarian regime deploying it, it is also complete with a shield of plausible deniability.
its a carbon currency end game.
which Carbon Credits will be created and Bad Energy of "Fossil Fuels which represent Carbon debits, is 16:1. There are various combinations that could see the ratio vary but essentially as with The Gold Standard a Carbon Credit Renewables Stand…
The knot may have been a religious knot-cipher guarded by priests and priestesses. Robert Graves suggested that it may have symbolised the ineffable name of Dionysus that, knotted like a cipher, would have been passed on through generations of priests and revealed only to the kings of Phrygia.[7]
Unlike popular fable, genuine mythology has few completely arbitrary elements. This myth taken as a whole seems designed to confer legitimacy to dynastic change in this central Anatolian kingdom: thus Alexander's "brutal cutting of the knot ... ended an ancient dispensation."[7]
MIDAS, son of the Great Goddess of Ida, by a satyr whose name is not remembered, was a pleasure-loving King of Macedonian Bromium, where he ruled over the Brigians (also called Moschians) and planted his celebrated rose gardens. In his infancy, a procession of ants was observed carrying grains of wheat up the side of his cradle and placing them between his lips as he slept—a prodigy which the soothsayers read as an omen of the great wealth that would accrue to him; and when he grew older, Orpheus tutored him. b. One day, the debauched old satyr Silenus, Dionysus’s former pedagogue, happened to straggle from the main body of the riotous Dionysian army as it marched out of Thrace into Boeotia, and was found sleeping off his drunken fit in the rose gardens. The gardeners bound him with garlands of flowers and led him before Midas, to whom he told wonderful tales of an immense continent lying beyond the Ocean stream-altogether separate from the conjoined mass of Europe, Asia, or Africa—where splendid cities abound, peopled by gigantic, happy, and long-lived inhabitants, and enjoying a remarkable legal system. A great expedition—at least ten million strong—once set out thence across the Ocean in ships to visit the Hyperboreans; but on learning that theirs was the best land that the old world had to offer, retired in disgust. Among other wonders, Silenus mentioned a frightful whirlpool beyond which no traveller may pass. Two streams flow close by, and trees growing on the banks of the first bear fruit that causes those who eat it to weep and groan and pine away. But fruit growing by the other Stream renews the youth even of the very aged: in fact, after passing backwards through middle age, young manhood, and adolescence, they become children again, then infants—and finally disappear! Midas, enchanted by Silenus’s fictions, entertained him for five days and nights, and then ordered a guide to escort him to Dionysus’s headquarters. c. Dionysus, who had been anxious on Silenus’s account, sent to ask how Midas wished to be rewarded. He replied without hesitation: ‘Pray grant that all I touch be turned into gold.’ However, not only stones, flowers, and the furnishings of his house turned to gold but, when he sat down to table, so did the food he ate and the water drank. Midas soon begged to be released from his wish, because he was fast dying of hunger and thirst; whereupon Dionysus, highly entertained, told him to visit the source of the river Pactolus, near Mount Tmolus, and there wash himself. He obeyed, and was at once freed from the golden touch, but the sands of the river Pactolus are bright with gold to this day. d. Midas, having thus entered Asia with his train of Brigians, was adopted by the childless Phrygian King Gordius. While only a poor peasant, Gordius had been surprised one day to see a royal eagle perch on the pole of his ox-cart. Since it seemed prepared to settle there all day, he drove the team towards Phrygian Telmissus, now a part of Galatia, where there was a reliable oracle; but at the gate of the city he met a young prophetess who, when she saw the eagle still perched on the pole, insisted on his offering immediate sacrifices to Zeus the King. ‘Let me come with you, peasant,’ she said, ‘to make sure that you choose the correct victims.’ ‘By all means,’ replied Gordius. ‘You appear to be a wise and considerate young woman. Are you prepared to marry me?’ ‘As soon as the sacrifices have been offered,’ she answered. e. Meanwhile, the King of Phrygia had died suddenly, without issue, and an oracle announced: ‘Phrygians, your new king is approaching with his bride, seated in an ox-cart!’ When the ox-cart entered the market place of Telmissus, the eagle at once attracted popular attention, and Gordius was unanimously acclaimed king. In gratitude, he dedicated the cart to Zeus, together with its yoke, which he had knotted to the pole in a peculiar manner. An oracle then declared that whoever discovered how to untie the knot would become the lord of all Asia. Yoke and pole were consequently laid up in the Acropolis at Gordium, a city which Gordius had founded, where the priests of Zeus guarded them jealously for centuries—until Alexander the Macedonian petulantly cut the knot with his sword. f. After Gordius’s death, Midas succeeded to the throne, promoted the worship of Dionysus, and founded the city of Ancyra. The Brigians who had come with him became known as Phrygians, and the kings of Phrygia are alternately named Midas and Gordius to this day; so that the first Midas is now mistakenly described as a son of Gordius. g. Midas attended the famous musical contest between Apollo and Marsyas, umpired by the River-god Tmolus. Tmolus awarded the prize to Apollo who, when Midas dissented from the verdict, punished him with a pair of ass’s ears. For a long time, Midas managed to conceal these under a Phrygian cap; but his barber, made aware of the deformity, found it impossible to keep the shameful secret close, as Midas had enjoined him to do on pain of death. He therefore dug a hole in the river-bank and, first making sure that nobody was about, whispered into it: ‘King Midas has ass’s ears!’ Then he filled up the hole, and went away, at peace with himself until a reed sprouted from the bank and whispered the secret to all who passed. When Midas learned that his disgrace had become public knowledge, he condemned the barber to death, drank bull’s blood, and perished miserably. *** 1. Midas has been plausibly identified with Mita, King of the Moschians (‘calf-men’), or Mushki, a people of Pontic origin who, in the middle of the second millennium BC, occupied the western part of Thrace, afterwards known as Macedonia; they crossed the Hellespont about the year 1200 BC, broke the power of the Hittites in Asia Minor, and captured Pteria, their capital. ‘Moschians’ refers perhaps to a cult of the bull-calf as the spirit of the sacred year. Midas’s rose gardens and the account of his birth suggest an orgiastic cult of Aphrodite, to whom the rose was sacred.
The story of the golden touch has been invented to account for the riches of the Mita dynasty, and for the presence of gold in the Pactolus river; and it is often said that the ass’s ears were suggested by Midas’s representation as a satyr, with hideously lengthened ears, in Athenian comic drama. 2. But since asses were sacred to his benefactor Dionysus, who set a pair of them among the stars (Hyginus: Poetic Astronomy), it is likely that the original Midas gloried in his ass disguise. A pair of ass’s ears at the tip of a reed sceptre was the token of royalty carried by all Egyptian dynastic gods, in memory of the time when ass-eared Set ruled their pantheon. Set had greatly declined in power until his temporary revival by the Hyksos kings of the early second millennium BC; but because the Hittites formed part of the great horde of northern conquerors led by the Hyksos, ass-eared Midas may well have claimed sovereignty over the Hittite Empire in Set’s name. In pre-dynastic times, Set has ruled the second half of the year, and annually murdered his brother Osiris, the spirit of the first half, whose emblem was a bull: they were, fact, the familiar rival twins perpetually contending for the favours their sister, the Moon-goddess Isis. 3. It is likely that the icon from which the story of Midas’s barber derives showed the death of the ass-king. His sun-ray hair, the seat royal power, is shorn off, like Samson’s; his decapitated body is buried in a hole to guard the city of Ancyra from invasion. The reed an ambivalent symbol: as the ‘tree’ of the twelfth month, gives him oracular warning of imminent death; it also enroyals his successor. Because of the great magical potency of bull’s blood, only priestesses of the Earth-mother could drink it without harm, and being the blood of Osiris, it would be peculiarly poisonous an ass-king. 4. The secret of the Gordian knot seems to have been a religious one, probably the ineffable name of Dionysus, a knot—cypher tied in the hide thong. Gordium was the key to Asia (Asia Minor) because its citadel commanded the only practicable trade route from Troy to Antioch; an the local priestess or priest will have communicated the secret to the Kin of Phrygia alone, as the High-priest alone was entrusted with the ineffable name of Jehovah at Jerusalem. Alexander’s brutal cutting of the knot when he marshalled his army at Gordium for the invasion of Greater Asia, ended an ancient dispensation by placing the power of the sword above that of religious mystery. Gordius (from gruzein, ‘to grunt’ or ‘grumble’) was perhaps so named from the muttering at his oracular shrine. 5. Why the story of the Atlantic Continent should have been attributed to the drunken Silenus may be divined from three incidents reported by Plutarch (Life of Solon). The first is that Solon travelled extensively in Asia Minor and Egypt; the second, that he believed the story of Atlantis and turned it into an epic poem; the third that he quarrelled with Thespis the dramatist who, in his plays about Dionysus, put ludicrous speeches, apparently full of topical allusion into the mouths of satyrs. Solon asked: ‘Are you not alarmed, Thespis, to tell so many lies to so large an audience?’ When Thespis answered ‘What does it matter when the whole play is a joke.’, Solon struck ground violently with his staff: ‘Encourage such jokes in our theatre, an they will soon creep into our contracts and treaties!’ Aelian, who quoted Theopompus as his authority, seems to have had access at second or third hand to a comedy by Thespis, or his pupil Pratinas, ridiculing Solon for utopian lies told in the epic poem, and presenting him as Silenus, footloose about Egypt and Asia Minor. Silenus and Solon are not dissimilar names and as Silenus was tutor to Dionysus, so was tutor to Peisistratus who— perhaps on his advice—founded rites at Athens 6. It is possible that Solon during his travels had picked up scraps of which he incorporated in his epic, and which lent them parody: such as the Gaelic legend of a Land of Youth Ocean—where Niamh of the Golden Hair took Oisin, and whence he returned centuries later on a visit to Ireland. Oisin, it is said, was disgusted of his own people compared to Niamh’s, and bitterly regretted having come back. The unnavigable whirlpool is the famous one, assumed by ancient physicists, where the ocean returns and marks the end of the world into nothingness. Solon seems to have heard geographers discussing the possible existence of an Continent of Atlantis: Eratosthenes, Mela, Cicero, and Strabo speculated and Seneca foretold its discovery in the second act of his Medea—a which is said to have made a deep impression on the young Solon.
From the World Cup to the Olympics, it is not a significant event if you don't have an unusual opening ceremony to go with it.
This was also the case when the Gotthard base tunnel, the longest and deepest in the world, was inaugurated on Wednesday.
Here are some of the most striking moments from the ceremony - we have tried to explain what is going on as far as possible. It was not always possible.
Warning: This article contains partial nudity
Full Satanic ritual for the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland. It was attended by heads of finance, state, and all levels of society. Yes, it is creepy and evil, but yes, it is still important. Video pulled from RT (Russia Today), a phenomenal news source. Enjoy!
214,149 views Jun 16, 2016
Wikipedia • The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany.
The Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland is an illuminati witches' sabbat openly mocking the Son of God Jesus Christ, the Ark of the Covenant of Yahweh, the King of kings, the Lord of lords. 📍
Here is the entry of "witches' Sabbat" of Encyclopedia Britannica:
Witches’ sabbath, nocturnal gathering of witches, a colourful and intriguing part of the lore surrounding them in Christian European tradition. The concept dates from the mid-14th century when it first appeared in Inquisition records, although revels and feasts mentioned by such classical authors as the Romans Apuleius and Petronius Arbiter may have served as inspiration. The sabbath, or sabbat, derived probably from the term for the seventh day used by the Jews, might be held on any day of the week, though Saturday was considered rare as being sacred to the Virgin Mary. Reports of attendance at sabbaths varied; one confessed witch reported a gathering of 10,000. Witches reputedly traveled to the sabbath by smearing themselves with special ointment that enabled them to fly through the air, or they rode on a goat, ram, or dog supplied by the devil. Favourite locations included the Brocken, in the Harz Mountains, Germany; the Bald Mountain, near Kiev, Russia; the Blocula, Sweden; and the Département du Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France. Typical dates included the two traditional Druid festivals, the eve of May Day (April 30) and All Hallows Eve (October 31), and the seasonal festivals of winter (February 2), spring (June 23), summer (August 1), and fall (December 21). Occurrences at the sabbath were represented by inquisitors as including obeisance to the devil by kissing him under his tail, dancing, feasting, and indiscriminate intercourse. Note that the Druid festival May Day is also the birthday of the Illuminati Cult, and the Labor Day of the Communist world. The Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony involves Druid tree/nature worship. Video source:
• LIVE: World’s longest tunnel to open ...
The video explores the Gotthard Base Tunnel's opening ceremony, highlighting its use of goat demon symbolism linked to witchcraft and occult societies, and references Baphomet in Masonic rituals.
Detailed Summary for [Full Interpretation: The Gotthard Tunnel Illuminati Witches' Sabbat (with fair use disclaimer)](
by [Monica](
Exploring the symbolism and rituals associated with the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel
- Goat demons play a significant role in the tunnel's opening ceremony}
- Goat demon worship is linked to illicit sex, witchcraft, and secret societies}
- Baphomet featured in a Masonic Templar Ritual as a symbol of the Church of Satan}
Final thoughts on the Gotthard Tunnel Illuminati Witches' Sabbat
Exploring the mysterious and intriguing aspects of the Gotthard Tunnel Illuminati Witches' Sabbat
- Unveiling the hidden rituals and gatherings within the Gotthard Tunnel}
- Discussion on the secretive nature of the Illuminati and their involvement in the tunnel}
- Exploring the mystical and enigmatic symbols present in the tunnel's architecture}
The video clip shows a conversation where someone is being asked to throw something
- Request to throw something}
- Specific request to throw something}
- Response of 'no' to the request}
Exploring the review and subtitles provided by QTSS
- Review by QTSS}
- Review and subtitles by QTSS}
- Review and subtitles by QTSS}
Are there any other examples of events or ceremonies that have been the subject of similar conspiracy theories?
Monica, The Algorithmic debunking of occult magiks hidden in plain sight!
Searching web for: events ceremonies conspiracy theories
Based on 10 search sources
Here are some examples of events or ceremonies that have been the subject of similar conspiracy theories:
Music Festivals: Some conspiracy theories suggest that music festivals are actually rituals made to manipulate people. This theory has been circulating on platforms like TikTok and has been a theme in various shows and movies. People have even linked techno music to these theories. source [1]
Satanic Panic in the Missouri General Assembly: The Missouri General Assembly experienced a period of "Satanic Panic," where conspiracy theories about ritual abuse and satanic rituals spread. This historical event sheds light on how conspiracy theories can influence public perception. source [2]
Solar Eclipse Conspiracy Theories: Conspiracy theories surrounding solar eclipses have flooded the far right, with claims of masonic rituals being planned worldwide around these celestial events. This demonstrates how even natural phenomena can be interpreted through the lens of conspiracy. source [3]
London Olympic Games Ceremony: There was a false claim that the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games contained symbolic rituals predicting future events. This example shows how even widely televised events can become the subject of conspiracy theories. source [4]
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