the un-poem for an Un-Plandemic. 21 Dec 2021
Witness the cargo cult science
a new normal world, ordered
masqued inoculated confused
Stockholm syndrome reliance
An exponential discombobulation
taking stock of the herd
undertaking a cull saving WHO?
a logarithmic manipulation.
Power in the Blood,”No time for spindoctor’s medicine
Cooked up by the government, selling me some cover-up.
Sponsored information, crack pipes in the shopping malls.
Nothing but another drug, a license they can buy and sell.
Already the darkest hour had fallen
a broken fourth estate substituted
The broken already forced into shade
A parasite poised to weaken its host.
the new normal new year 2020
Syria, Libya,Yemen? a new PM
portended cummings and goings
Barnard Castles on shifting sands.
Gladios Back, CRASH 2, COVID19,
& VIRAL MEDIA NEUROSIS: Are they connected?
Bread and Circuses polarised narratives.
The Average age of “with” was 82, n n nineteen
A behindhand review WHO
again authored these present discontents
buyers remorse so soon
a seemingly determined path?
Chrysippus Ha! you jest with me?
Beware of the shaft of insoluble syllogism.
3 wise simians a river of lies
a plausible precautionary principle.
Crimean tartar to condiment,
season if you will an unsavory Jam.
A complot of mischievous compote
all Nightingales twittering confinement.
creating a gestalt settled-science space
LITTLE WHITE LIES yet a stain grows
only a dictatorship—their dictatorship, of course
can Build Back Better
Unboxing the Panacea That Cures All ills
“Mien lieben Folk, tuning in across YouTube land”
you can stick your poison vaccines up your arse
a Panacea administered in such a manner will…..
Cabotage cargos of mendacity
An inanition of Truth
there is a glaring lacuna
The Oligarchical Virus #PlatonOvidVirus666
Six impossible things before breakfast or,
the truth? Circular Arguments or the Circular Economy.
“La réforme oui, la chienlit non”
Exorbitant Privilege, Abandon Hope.
The People Versus Parliament
The People Versus the Banks.
“video et taceo” Bjornen Sauver
Waking up is never easy, Aadhaar
We must seize this splendid opportunity
win their trust, hopefully, win them over.”
This person is not afraid to meet the people
& will within history fight at their side.
Going Direct to the Horse’s Mouth.
Hilldebrand ( Blackrock)Sedwill,( Cabinet office),
( Spook) Same Script different theatre.
Zappas Wall of Worry.
Do the Cantango, Backwardation to Monopoly
Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango!
Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening
I owe my soul to the company store
singing Orpheus’s dirge as we went
it was just like other lyres.
The king did not always bend the bow
Those who cannot find the truth within themselves
Political hypochondria. Fear Uncertainty and Doubt
An Inverted world Order , inside out
Po x Pd x Pn = Pc x Pp x Pi
Currents of the tides, Time and the nature of things, pass
Roger G lewis 21 Dec 2021
2021 the rosy fingered dawn to 2022, the un-poem for an Un-Plandemic.
rogerglewis December 21, 2021
February 23, 2019
Globalisation Un-Entangled. (A FOUND POEM, CIPHER OF GLOBALISM )
#SamizdisSamizdat #BrexitRebeliion #ConquestofDough #Web3BeattheBanStick
As of April 2014, German mainstream media continue to ignore the peaceful weekly Monday demonstrations in now over 34 German cities – defaming them ludicrously as “new right-wing movement”,
Cut-up technique[edit]
Cut-up technique is an extension of collage to words themselves, Tristan Tzara describes this in the Dada Manifesto:[49]
Take a newspaper.
Take some scissors.
Choose from this paper an article of the length you want to make your poem.
Cut out the article.
Next carefully cut out each of the words that makes up this article and put them all in a bag.
Shake gently.
Next take out each cutting one after the other.
Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag.
The poem will resemble you.
And there you are – an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd.
The Mobs Muse.
‘I was a Strawman with ex Cathedra Authority’
White smoke blown up the arse of the new popes
Self elected and announced with fan fares of hot air.
Men of Tin , Straw and bits byten of the orchards fruit.
Roger G Lewis 2025.