Going Direct The Detour
Digital Feudalism, With J D Vance, Jam tomorrow Jam yesterday, but never, ever Jam to-day
How many times have you been to a wedding and witnessed as attendees watch the bride's procession through a screen? How about a concert? Or a party? We have always learned from the past. We've read stories from the past. Attended plays from the past. And looked at pictures from the past. But that is not what is happening in social media use and consumption. When someone photographically captures(!) an experience in order to relive it later, they have stepped through the looking glass and into a temporal quagmire. In order to re-live an experience, one must live it first. While collecting the information through the filter of a device, the moment that should have been experienced has instead been viewed - in the same manner in which that person intends to consume the material later.
3/24/2019 from The Blog
Jam tomorrow Jam yesterday, but never, ever Jam to-day
Bilderberg and Thiel, the pay-pal mafia where X (not it’s real name) marks the spot.
Aadhaar remains stage left with noises off with the Omidyar Network given cover by the Big Tech pantomime villains. The “Teflon Oligarch” Omidyar , funders of the Content providers on top of the Thiel and co network
Omidyar the NWO (Going Direct) Context
Ross Ulbricht's proposed ZeeKans
Why Net Neutrality is not what Big Tech and the Surveillance state wants.
A Possible Scenario for the Future ( Written in 2007)
In the future, we may see the following scenario unfold as the forces of internationalism seek to bring about a "new Imperial System" that will rival the old Roman Empire. Russia must control the Middle East in order to secure control of this region and the oil fields in the Arab nations. The Arab world will be guided further into the Russian camp. The Arab hatred for the Israelis will be carefully nurtured and promoted. The heated debate over Judea and Samaria will serve as the catalyst for the eventual election of strong conservative forces in the Israeli government. These leaders will take a bold stance both diplomatically and militarily against the Palestinians. The Arab world and Russia will invade the nation of Israel. Russia will cut off oil to the West. There will be a severe crisis in Europe, Japan and the United States and other parts of the world. Anarchy will reign. The people of the world will turn against Israel and demand it surrender to the Russian and Arab forces. The people of the Western world will call for their leaders to end the crisis. The people will be told that the only way to end this terrible conflict will be to accept a system of global governance under the "new Imperial System." The war in the Middle East creates economic chaos throughout the world. The elite face intense pressure from the conflict in the Middle East and they begin to war among themselves. Military conflicts break out all over the world. The international financial, economic and trading systems of the elite financial oligarchy collapse. Every stock market on earth crashes in a single day. Nuclear weapons are launched by various nations and World War III is underway. The horrors of war, pestilence and plague create unbelievable havoc throughout the nations of the earth. Billions of people are slain.
Michael L Chadwick 2007 (1996)
Fraternity Reigns
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By Richard Rorty
Sept. 29, 1996
The key points from the provided materials are:
1. Richard Rorty was a prominent American philosopher who faced criticism from both the political left and right for his views. He was accused of being a "relativistic, irrationalist, deconstructing, sneering, smirking intellectual" by conservatives, while leftist thinkers saw him as an intellectual snob.
2. Rorty was deeply concerned about the threat to liberal democracy, which he explored in an imaginative essay "Looking Backwards from the Year 2096." In this essay, he envisioned a dark scenario of a military dictatorship taking over the United States in the 2014-2044 period, before a gradual recovery.
3. Rorty shared Orwell's pessimistic view that the idea of "liberal democracy" could be completely obliterated, as exemplified by Orwell's character O'Brien in 1984, who saw the whole concept of exchanging ideas as a sign of weakness.
4. Rorty feared that growing economic inequality, the decline of the "Reformist Left," and the disconnect between academic leftists and the working poor could lead to the rise of a "strongman" figure, similar to the scenario depicted in Sinclair Lewis's novel "It Can't Happen Here."
5. Rorty's themes of contingency, solidarity, and irony are deeply tied to his political concerns. He believed that the practices of a liberal democratic community are fragile and contingent, and that solidarity is a fragile achievement that requires constant vigilance to maintain.
In summary, Rorty's later writings reflect a deep concern about the potential collapse of liberal democracy and the need to cultivate a sense of solidarity to counter the growing forces of selfishness and authoritarianism.
Towards an Integral Analysis of World Views in the Oligarchy. Part 1. ( Left and Right , Rich and Poor )
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