He keeps losing my attention! The guy wanders off in so many distractions that I felt as if I was simply expected to be impressed by his intellect without actually discussing the merits or pitfalls of monarchies vs democracy.

I found this analysis which might interest you, Rog. But even that waxes endlessly lyrical.... lol


and on Tucker Carlson's show: https://youtu.be/K_8aT3pQo_I

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Yes I think the guy is a fraud, very much in the mold of Musk and the rest of them.

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2nd generation Embassy or CIA kids? It is a thing, isn't it? Mummy and Daddy dragged me all around the world so I know exactly how power works! Vanessa Beeley takes a superior attitude in exactly the same way! She blocked me recently over some misunderstanding.... very minor stuff. We are bombarded with these wannabe famous types who literally try to elbow us out of their way. I notice it a lot. It isn't gatekeeping or controlling the opposition so much as greedy for limelight!

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