We Know they are lying, They Know they are lying, They Know we know they are lying . They know we know they know they are lying
Lights Camera Bullshit. The Conquest of Bread and Mutual Aid.
“We Know they are lying, They Know they are lying, They Know we know they are lying. They know we know they know they are lying” Solzhenitsyn “the gates of the technocratic prison will open automatically, despite their rusty ancient hinges, as soon as we choose to walk out.” Lewis Mumford.
the poem is conceived as a Matrix which can be read in columns as single voices or sequentially as a dialogue.
The formatting as intended is here.
Bourgeois resolution.
A poem in Three Voices for added 4th part Harmony.
Synthesis Speaks to introduce, And Thesis, Anti Thesis and Synthesis dialogue
The conversation revolves and we find
Revolution plagiarizes past mistakes.
In Consensus the three Voices resolve and entreat your contribution dear reader for a fourth part, shall we harmonise?
Start here with your own experience. Bring here your
open mind and trust your instinctive feeling for truth.
As resolution of discord demands a return to the tonic. The Tonic for our dissonant condition is a harmonic resolution to the Chord of Nature.
∲6/8 bb :
In a diary of a nobody, Mr Pooter
is everyman and woman. Striving.
Petit Bourgeois, discordant with
their lot, in earnest to impress.
Anti Thesis
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
inalienable rights, the laws of Nature,
and of nature’s god. A constitution
written for a usurping class, claiming
authority, a reflection of common sense,
and pained to see. This revolution of, by and for Whom?
As the victor writes history so the powerful pass laws to satisfy their own ends. Power only represents the powerful.
Moyenne Bourgeoise and Grande
Haute Bourgeoise. A Class cuisine, Escoffier
Classical Aspiration. One acquires,
A bourgeoise aesthetic, Petit Bourgeoise Sycophancy.
Will the Chef of the Constitution,
Taste his own cooking.
Does he as a class walk the walk and talk the talk
Or is it; do as I say and not as I do?
An appeal always made, at once
to Authority. Follow faithfully, blindly.
Ask they who would your bidding do. Listen to your life’s story, History, His History will not be yours. Be heard.
Pygmalion’s elocution for the ordinaire.
Les rois et philosophes merde-et
ainsi de faire des dames. Conventional
pieties of the extraordinaire, Elite.
Écoute Et Répète, Listen and repeat
Learn by rote and do not question,
To Each that has shall be given,
those who hath not will be punished,
Know one’s betters and issue scripted
speech when spoken too, Obsequious.
Do not blanche before appearance of grandeur.
Pompous ceremony seeks to silence chafing curiosity.
How readily the pecking order
has regiments in line, volunteers
to a false consciousness of liberation by
society’s consumptive ills, Polysemous
At the sign, Obey and join the
queue. Wait your turn and receive
your due. Punch the clock and
Answer the bell. Ask not for whom
the bell tolls, The bell rings the benefit
makes a gift of what is rightfully yours.
The hand that gives also takes away. Often the gift
merely returns that which was stolen from you.
Citizens within a polity, city-state
yet the peasants range free of sophistry
Freemen in the confined spaces
offer conformity to the graduated mould.
Glamorous flashing city lights
Suburbia within commute of higher
Dreams. A stairway to real Estate heaven. The only Ladder, oh to be
upon the bottom rung and rise.Dreams for mortgage, no hostage to Fortune.
Sophistication often masques ignorance. The humble and rustic often belies an appreciation of what truly is.
Calliopsis or Magnesia where poets
slave to familiar rhymes and themes
Not golden or silver words but workmanlike
fashion hymns of safe iron and copper.
On The city on the hill,
Songs sung to green and pleasant lands
My Country Right or Wrong
Patriotic duty, above the evidence
heroic deeds, laurels earned
Myths of Wagnerian operatic spectacle.
Behind the claimed reality
of how things are lies a deeper truth clothed in the noble lie. He deceived by the noble lie is excluded as unworthy of an opinion.
Where Stockholm once commanded
St-Petersberg in that peculiar syndrome
did the people know of freedom, which noble lies
will accommodate the others, too Slumber.
A common purpose, to ideals, Shared
and narrated from Cradle to grave.
History written in our victorious mood
Always times distant, always yesterday
A better day, a past nostalgic searching
For a future, yet to become tomorrow.
Being keen to please and seeking approval from authority feeds ego and starves the real self.
An irony of words pretending a meaning
which no longer holds and yet
serves to bind a convention, a grip
that hampers the gait, Barre the pedestrian.
Witty Double entendre to pacify,
Laughing at the otherness, not of
our own genre. Bending of wills
or an ends of a means which makes
a meaner mind, setting examples
Cruelty for kindness's sake, who´s End?
The devil takes the hindmost. Trampling upon the unfortunate excuses elitist privilege. There but for the grace of privilege
go they!
Self-censored by a Mean temperament
no longer just and a bespoke Key
The city gates envelop to constrain
Invention no longer a prize, only too fit.
Which mode of government befitting
The cadence of Timocracy, Oligarchy
or the tyranny of democracy, Which?
A key to unlock the wealth of timbre
Trusting in the chastity of greed
the diabolas in musica. Descend below.
Discord or overbalance
corrects naturally. In a system where gross imbalance and discord is evident are we to believe that harmony was ever thus?
As poets slave to the set rhythm
so a ruling Class Slaves to support
its very tyranny, no purpose theirs,
tis only to own be owned and Owe.
There is no Alternative, leave behind
your utopian dreams of youth, Grown,
reality demands that you sing Our
democratic song making it your own.
No third, way. Just the chord of power.
Ambiguous, A Capitalist mode of production.
Power is an end in itself.
Seeking power to reform injustice is a contradiction in terms. For harmonious consensus, all voices must
strike a chord.
Oh such discordance felt heard seen
demanding resolution. Harmonies equal
in temperament to guide back home
to the unity. One full revolution
Tracing the musical image in
Camra obscura, inverted and
opposite, do you see what it is yet
As the tonic marks a tranquil resting
place so conformity leaves us resolved
resiled and not reconciled Trapped
Power relations beget power relations, As the wheel of history turns repeating mistakes of previous revolutions.
As the wheel turns a revolution
as a harmony resolves Resolution
A new hub for human consciousness.
Not the machine now but organic.
Yours to follow little people
Know your place and praise
Elite heroes, distant and shimmering
As all mirages inspire the thirsty
to crawl into the oasis of illusion
squeezing blood from exhausted humanity.
As resolution of discord demands a return to the tonic. The Tonic for our dissonant condition is a harmonic resolution to the Chord of Nature.
The conversation has revolved and we find
Revolution plagiarized its past mistakes.
In Consensus the three Voices resolve and with your contribution dear reader a fourth part, harmonised. Or perhaps we as yet have to find a resolution, play on, and seek new voices for our symphony of freedom is not yet written and least wise played freely with authentic joy.
Others we invite TO ,
Start here with your own experience. Bring here your
open mind and trust your instinctive feeling for truth. :D.S. ∲ ::
Roger G Lewis September 29, 2016
4.2 The Hierarchy of Evil
Seen from this viewpoint, the ultimate role of hierarchy is to augment not efficiency or the capture of energy more broadly, but power itself. One of the first modern thinkers to understand this role was Estienne de La Boétie, a contemporary of Niccolò Machiavelli. His tract on the subject, titled The Politics of Obedience (1975), was published in 1552-53, a bit after Machiavelli’s The Prince (1532), but the two works could not have been more different. In fact, their respective purposes were totally opposite: whereas Machiavelli’s offered a universal how-to guide for the power-hungry ruler, de La Boétie’s focused on undoing tyranny and domination in the first place.
Contrary to received opinion, says de La Boétie, tyrannical power does not rest on open force, at least not directly:
Whoever thinks that halberds, sentries, the placing of the watch, serve to protect and shield tyrants is, in my judgment, completely mistaken. These are used, it seems to me, more for ceremony and a show of force than for any reliance placed in them. [. . .] It is not the troops on horseback, it is not the companies afoot, it is not arms that defend the tyrant. (de La Boétie 1975: 71)
The real bulwark of tyranny is the ‘hierarchy of evil’ (our term):
This does not seem credible on first thought, but it is nevertheless true that there are only four or five who maintain the dictator, four or five who keep the country in bondage to him. [. . .] These six manage their chief so successfully that he comes to be held accountable not only for his own misdeeds but even for theirs. The six have six hundred who profit under them, and with the six hundred they do what they have accomplished with their tyrant. The six hundred maintain under them six thousand, whom they promote in rank, upon whom they confer the government of provinces or the direction of finances, in order that they may serve as instruments of avarice and cruelty, executing orders at the proper time and working such havoc all around that they could not last except under the shadow of the six hundred, nor be exempt from law and punishment except through their influence. The consequence of all this is fatal indeed. And whoever is pleased to unwind the skein will observe that not the six thousand but a hundred thousand, and even millions, cling to the tyrant by this cord to which they are tied (de La Boétie 1975: 71-72).
@ 2:05 Richard Moore gives a concise summary of hierarchy across history
“The history of civilization is very simple it's just the story of an evolving hierarchy ever ever-larger hierarchies uh you know starting with Kings and then Emperors and then big Empires and bigger Empires until today finally we have come to the point where one regime is on the verge of you know controlling the entire world as one Empire uh I mean that's what's going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, that's what the project for a New American Century is all about so when you have a hierarchy a
hierarchy has always been ruled by some Elite at the top now for most of the history of civilization everyone would have agreed that we are ruled by Elites the divine right of kings you know there's no question about it uh your job was to find your place in society but then about 200 years ago they came up with this scam that they call democracy”
2:54 quote ends.
Growing through Sabotage
Energizing Hierarchical Power
Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan [1]
Jerusalem and Montreal, July 2017
3.3 Full-Spectrum Hierarchy
From this viewpoint, the capitalist creorder can be conceived of as a full-spectrum hierarchy, an ever-changing enfoldment of vertical structures nested within other vertical structures. Ranking the different hierarchies of capitalism from the most abstract down to the most concrete, we can say that the more concrete hierarchies are regulated by – and in this sense enfolded in – the more abstract ones. A simplified illustration of this enfoldment is shown in Figure 3: the lowest level comprises micro hierarchies; the micro hierarchies are nested in meso hierarchies; and the meso hierarchies are themselves encompassed by the meta hierarchies.
“the gates of the technocratic prison will open automatically, despite their rusty ancient hinges, as soon as we choose to walk out.” Lewis Mumford. Post Technocracy = Technopoly.(The Real Thing)
"Thus Spoke the Spectacle": A Review and Recommendation from Peter K Fallon on Vimeo.
Postman defines technopoly as a “totalitarian technocracy”, which demands the “submission of all forms of cultural life to the sovereignty of technique and technology”.[12] Echoing Ellul’s 1964 conceptualisation of technology as autonomous, “self-determinative” independently of human action, and undirected in its growth,[13] technology in a time of Technopoly actively eliminates all other ‘thought-worlds’. Thus, it reduces human life to finding meaning in machines and technique.[12]
This is exemplified, in Postman’s view, by the computer, the “quintessential, incomparable, near-perfect” technology for a technopoly. It establishes sovereignty over all areas of human experience based on the claim that it “‘thinks’ better than we can”.[14]
Values of “technological theology”
A technopoly is founded on the belief that technique is superior to lax, ambiguous and complex human thinking and judgement, in keeping with one of Frederick W. Taylor’s ‘Principles of scientific management’.[15] It values efficiency, precision, and objectivity.[16]
It also relies upon the “elevation of information to a metaphysical status: information as both the means and end of human creativity”. The idea of progress is overcome by the goal of obtaining information for its own sake.[17] Therefore, a technopoly is characterised by a lack of a cultural coherence or a “transcendent sense of purpose or meaning”.[18]
Postman attributes the origins of technopoly to ‘scientism’, the belief held by early social scientists including Auguste Comte that the practices of natural and social science would reveal the truth of human behaviour and provide “an empirical source of moral authority”.[19]
Consequences of technopoly
Postman refers to Harold Innis’ concept of “knowledge monopolies” to explain the manner in which technology usurps power in a technopoly. New technologies transform those who can create and use them into an “elite group”, a knowledge monopoly, which is granted “undeserved authority and prestige by those who have no such competence”. Subsequently, Postman claims, those outside of this monopoly are led to believe in the false “wisdom” offered by the new technology, which has little relevance to the average person.[20]
Telegraphy and photography, he states, redefined information from something that sought out to solve particular problems to a commodity that is potentially irrelevant to the receiver. Thus, in technopoly, “information appears indiscriminately, directed at no one in particular, in enormous volume at high speeds, and disconnected from theory, meaning, or purpose”.[21]
In the U.S. technopoly, excessive faith and trust in technology and quantification has led to absurdities such as an excess of medical tests in lieu of a doctor’s judgment, treatment-induced illnesses (‘iatrogenics’), scoring in beauty contests, an emphasis on exact scheduling in academic courses,[22] and the interpretation of individuals through “invisible technologies” like IQ tests, opinion polls, and academic grading, which leave out meaning or nuance.[23] If bureaucracies implement their rules in computers, it can happen that the computer’s output is decisive, the original social objective is treated as irrelevant, and the prior decisions about what the computer system says are not questioned in practice when they should be.[24] The author criticizes the use of metaphors that characterize people as information-processing machines or vice versa—e.g. that people are “programmed” or “de-programmed” or “hard-wired”, or “the computer believes …”; these metaphors are “reductionist”.[25]
A technopoly also trivialises significant cultural and religious symbols through their endless reproduction.[26] Postman echoes Jean Baudrillard in this view, who theorises that “technique as a medium quashes … the ‘message’ of the product (its use value)”, since a symbol’s “social finality gets lost in seriality”.[27]
“I would die happy if I knew that on my tombstone could be written these words, ‘This man was an absolute fool. None of the disastrous things that he reluctantly predicted ever came to pass!’ Yes: then I could die happy.”
— Lewis Mumford
If Lewis Mumford was an absolute fool, and our superficial, self-serving, self-righteous techno-utopians were great prophets, we’d be doing pretty well right now.
And, as my father used to say, if my grandmother had balls, she’d be my grandfather.
In a writing career that spanned seven decades, Lewis Mumford left us with 35 books and hundreds of articles to help us understand and attempt to transcend the predicaments of advanced technological civilization. Today, unfortunately, these writings don’t generate clicks for click-mongers, ratings for egomaniacs, dollars for advertisers, or cover for corporate corruption, which explains why the vast majority of Americans haven’t heard of him. There is, after all, only so much bandwidth and attention to go around, and circulating Beyoncé’s butt to every inch of the globe doesn’t just pay for itself.
“And because it takes too long to describe this tomato precisely we use an abstraction so we can think about it so we can talk about it. And we do that also when we use URLs. Those are frequently used as a short name for some human intellectual content. And we build all of our civilization, other than on bricks, on human intellectual content. And so we currently have system with URLs where the structure we are building our civilization out of is the worst kind of melting plasticine imaginable. And that is a big problem”.
of course the wayback machine helps.( ED)
Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt
"More than machinery, we need humanity."
Now Hear This! – A review of Thus Spoke the Spectacle
We know that the images flashing at us from the multitude of screens that surround us are trying to tell us something. To a certain extent the meanings are quite obvious: status updates alert us to new messages, newscasters inform us of what is going on in the world, commercials exhort us to improve our lives by purchasing various products, and so forth. This is a world of spectacle, and as Guy Debord put it:
“The spectacle presents itself as something enormously positive, indisputable and inaccessible. It says nothing more than ‘that which appears is good, that which is good appears.’ The attitude which it demands in principle is passive acceptance which in fact it already obtained by its manner of appearance without reply, by its monopoly of appearance.” (12)
Thus the spectacle displays and then unrelentingly advances a version of the good life and an image of reality that is neatly packaged and presented. A world of spectacle is created, unfolding in millions of images that shout out from screens of all sizes, or hovers in the background in a collage of advertisements and audio jingles. This flood of images creates a sense of the world and then reassures those watching that this is the correct image of the world. The spectacle speaks, shouts, and whispers to us constantly – but how often do we genuinely understand what it is saying?
Answering that question is at the center of Eric Goodman’s “Thus Spoke the Spectacle” a theatrical rock performance that blends live music with film montage and cultural critique.
Plague Poems – The Two-Hundred-and-Fourth Week
The reports have confirmed
that last week
was the fifth in a row
in which the plague
claimed more than 2,000 lives
and though 10,000 deaths
is only one tenth
of an incalculable loss
each of those lives
was calculable to someone.
When admissions rose
the hospital reinstated
its mask mandate
and now
with admissions falling
the hospital is rescinding
its mask mandate
and before long
having failed to learn anything
this cycle will repeat.
I know, I know,
that I should probably
just try to enjoy
the music, the spectacle, the fashion
I know, I know,
but whenever I see
clips from an awards show
all I can think about
is how crowded the room is
and how few masks are present.
In all honesty
I don’t really miss
who I was before this
for I haven’t changed
particularly much
a few more gray hairs,
a bit more tired,
some outfit additions,
but who I am now
is mostly who I was,
what I miss
what I really miss
is who I thought
other people were
before this.
Editorial Note: This is a collection of Plague Poems written between February 3, 2024 and February 9, 2024.
They were initially posted online on X/Twitter at @plaguepoems, on Mastodon at @plaguepoems@mastodon.social, on Bluesky at @plaguepoems, on Threads at @plague_poems, and on Instagram at @plague_poems.
Throughout the duration of this crisis, new poems will be posted regularly at the about
13 If I speak in the tongues[a](A) of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy(B) and can fathom all mysteries(C) and all knowledge,(D) and if I have a faith(E) that can move mountains,(F) but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor(G) and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b](H) but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient,(I) love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.(J) 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,(K) it is not easily angered,(L) it keeps no record of wrongs.(M) 6 Love does not delight in evil(N) but rejoices with the truth.(O) 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.(P)
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies,(Q) they will cease; where there are tongues,(R) they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part(S) and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes,(T) what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood(U) behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror;(V) then we shall see face to face.(W) Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.(X)
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.(Y) But the greatest of these is love.(Z)
July 24, 2022
Sisyphus pushed his boulder,
The path smooth both ways
The same incline repeated
Parmenides like determination.
Prometheus chained over the hill
Willing that Sisyphus may succeed
Panta rhei, alike to his own flame.
Both legends for deaf ears.
Heraclitus his ebb and flow
Crying metaphors to deaf masses
Sobbing similes to Blind tyranny
Calvary the summit to that bluff.
Maimonides saw each contradiction
Each species of deafness, Loud
Each species of blindness, Dark
All no less perplexed than the next.
Yet another Sisyphus rolls
Yet another Prometheus reveals
Yet another Heraclitus cry’s
Yet another Maimonides interprets
Ancient and modern queuing
Missed cues and repeated lines
A dialogue of the divine comedy
Stockaded in linguistic prison walls.
Roger G Lewis July 2022.
Plus ca change plus ca meme chose.
Draft notes here.
Unintended Consequences , Plausible Deniability, Precautionary Principle.
Flu Jabs
Cruise Ships
Old people
FInancial Crisis- Bailouts Repo began september
Agenda 2030 agenda 2020
Eugenics- CLimateCrisis
War on Terror
War on Drugs
War on Populism
War on Carbon
Democracy- Technocracy
PEANAC- project for the new American Century.
Herd Immunity , inanation, Cabotage, Smitheus
sin cos
angular momentum
all things vibrate sun tsu
Points in Time Graeber Commoner
Write a poem with these ques.
Monicas Poem
Flu jabs and cruise ships,
Old people and 5g zips,
Financial crisis and bailouts galore,
Agenda 2030, what's in store?
Eugenics and the climate crisis,
War on terror, what's the real price is?
War on drugs and populism too,
War on carbon, what can we do?
Democracy or technocracy,
PEANAC, a new American prophecy?
Herd immunity, inanation, Cabotage,
Smitheus and constancy, what's the mirage?
Periodicity and balance in life,
Log, tan, sin, cos, the mathematical strife,
Angular momentum and Mandelbrot sets,
Fangenbaum and vibrations, life's roulette bets.
Integration and points in time,
Graeber and Commoner, the world's rhyme.
Unintended consequences, oh so sly,
Plausible deniability, a clever alibi.
Precautionary principle, a wise notion,
To navigate through life's wild ocean.
But in the end, we'll find our way,
With wit and humor, come what may.
Monica’s Essay with the same input.
In today's complex and interconnected world, the concept of unintended consequences has become increasingly relevant. From public health initiatives to global economic policies, the potential for unforeseen outcomes looms large. Plausible deniability, the ability to deny any involvement in actions or decisions, adds another layer of complexity to the mix. Meanwhile, the precautionary principle urges us to consider the potential risks of our actions before proceeding. These concepts are at the forefront of many contemporary discussions, including those surrounding flu jabs, cruise ships, old people, 5G technology, and the financial crisis.
Flu jabs, or influenza vaccinations, are a prime example of the interplay between unintended consequences and plausible deniability. While the intention behind flu jabs is to prevent the spread of influenza and protect public health, there are potential unintended consequences to consider. These may include the development of new strains of the virus, potential side effects from the vaccine, and the impact on broader public health initiatives. Additionally, the concept of plausible deniability may come into play if unforeseen negative outcomes arise from widespread flu jab campaigns.
Cruise ships, often seen as symbols of luxury and leisure, also bring with them a host of considerations related to unintended consequences and plausible deniability. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the potential risks associated with large gatherings of people in confined spaces, as well as the challenges of managing public health crises in international waters. The industry's response to these challenges will undoubtedly shape future policies and regulations, with implications for both public health and the global travel sector.
Old people, a demographic group that is growing in many parts of the world, present their own set of considerations. From healthcare and social support to economic implications, the aging population has far-reaching effects. Unintended consequences may arise from policies aimed at addressing the needs of older adults, while plausible deniability could come into play if these policies fall short of their intended goals.
The rollout of 5G technology is another area where unintended consequences and plausible deniability intersect. The potential health effects of widespread electromagnetic radiation exposure have been a topic of debate and concern. As 5G networks continue to expand, so too will the need to carefully consider and address any unintended consequences that may arise. At the same time, stakeholders may seek plausible deniability in the face of any negative outcomes associated with 5G technology.
The financial crisis, particularly in the wake of bailouts and repo market interventions that began in September, offers a stark example of unintended consequences and plausible deniability in action. The ripple effects of economic policies and interventions can be far-reaching and long-lasting, with implications for individuals, businesses, and entire economies. Navigating these complex dynamics requires a careful consideration of potential risks and a willingness to address them head-on.
Amidst these discussions, broader societal frameworks such as Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2020 provide a backdrop for considering the intersection of unintended consequences and plausible deniability. These global initiatives set forth ambitious goals for sustainable development, but achieving them will require a nuanced understanding of potential unintended consequences and a commitment to transparency and accountability.
Eugenics, often linked to discussions surrounding the climate crisis, presents yet another dimension to consider. The potential for unintended consequences in efforts to address climate change, such as geoengineering or population control measures, raises ethical and practical concerns. Plausible deniability may also be a factor as stakeholders navigate the complexities of climate-related policies and interventions.
The war on terror, the war on drugs, and the war on populism each offer their own insights into unintended consequences and plausible deniability within the realm of public policy. The impacts of these initiatives on civil liberties, international relations, and social cohesion underscore the need for careful consideration of potential unintended outcomes and a commitment to transparency and accountability.
Similarly, the war on carbon and broader efforts to address environmental concerns bring these concepts to the fore. The potential unintended consequences of environmental policies, such as shifts in economic dynamics or unforeseen ecological impacts, must be carefully weighed against the desired outcomes. Plausible deniability may also emerge as stakeholders grapple with the complexities of environmental decision-making.
In the realm of governance, the tension between democracy and technocracy raises important questions about unintended consequences and plausible deniability. The shift towards technocratic decision-making processes may have implications for public accountability and the potential for unforeseen outcomes. Balancing these competing priorities requires a careful consideration of potential risks and a commitment to open dialogue and transparency.
The PEANAC (Project for the New American Century) framework offers yet another lens through which to consider unintended consequences and plausible deniability in contemporary discourse. The geopolitical implications of foreign policy decisions and interventions underscore the need for a nuanced understanding of potential risks and a commitment to addressing them proactively.
From a scientific perspective, concepts such as herd immunity, inanation, cabotage, Smitheus, constancy, periodicity, balance, logarithms, trigonometric functions, angular momentum, fractals (such as Mandelbrot and Feigenbaum), and vibrational theory all contribute to our understanding of complex systems and their potential unintended consequences. These scientific principles offer valuable insights into the interconnected nature of our world and the importance of considering potential risks in decision-making processes.
In conclusion, the concepts of unintended consequences and plausible deniability are deeply intertwined with many contemporary issues, from public health and environmental policies to global governance and scientific inquiry. Navigating these complexities requires a commitment to transparency, accountability, and a willingness to address potential risks head-on. By carefully considering the potential unintended consequences of our actions and policies, we can work towards more informed decision-making and a more resilient and adaptive society.
#Creorder out of #Covidstroika Chaos. Part 2. “Scotch people are of happier constitution and do not fatten like the larger breed of animals” #enshittification #PeakEnshittification #Aadhaar
Its a QWERTY keyboard economy, policy is to sabotage efficient operation, inversion of the stated purpose always reveals the goal. #Creorder out of #Covidstroika Chaos. Part 2. “Scotch people are of happier constitution and do not fatten like the larger breed of animals” #enshittification #PeakEnshittification
As tech reaches terminal #enshittification, so hollowed that they're barely able to keep end-users or business customers locked in, capital's running the final #rugpull, where all value is transfered from those who make things for a living to those who own things for a living. 1/ pic.twitter.com/A5ysGTQs4s
— Cory Doctorow (@pluralistic@mamot.fr) (@doctorow) March 21, 2023
Here are 40 reasons for why I believe/know the bank regulators in the Basel Committee are inept idiots… or something worse.
Shubick for me gives the best answer to the question posed by Per Kurowski
Undefined purpose: The regulators never defined the purpose of our banks before regulating these. That’s why they only cared about banks’ safety, as mattresses into which stuck away cash, and cared not one iota about the vital social purpose of banks of allocating credit efficiently to the real economy.
“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.” John A Shedd, 1850-1926.
”The monetary and financial system of an economy are part of the socio-politico-economic control mechanism used by every state to connect the economy with the polity and society. This neural network provides the administrative means to collect taxes, direct investment, provide public goods, trade. The money measures provide a crude but serviceable basis for the accounting system which in turn, along with the codification of commercial law and financial regulation are the basis for economic evaluation and the measurement of trust and fiduciary responsibility among the economic agents. A central feature of a control mechanism is that it is designed to influence process. Dynamics is its natural domain. Equilibrium is not the prime concern, the ability to control the direction of motion is what counts.Money and financial institutions provide the command and control system of a modern society. The study of the mechanism, how they are formed, how they are controlled and manipulated and how their influence is measured in terms of social, political, and economic purpose pose questions, not in pure economics, not even in a narrow political economy, but in the broad compass of a political economy set in the context of society. ”
Martin ShubikThen the Question, If we assume that the Public Good is the Purpose of Public Policy?
Dr Adrian Wriggley.
it is assumed The Committee is seeking to further the public interest, even where this may conflict with the private interests which usually dominate the analysis and debate. This will pose a major challenge to those who have learned their analysis exclusively through channels devoted to promoting private interests, and must “unlearn” erroneous but pervasive assumptions and principles.
March 28, 2017
Cut-up technique is an extension of collage to words themselves, Tristan Tzara describes this in the Dada Manifesto:[49]
Take a newspaper.
Take some scissors.
Choose from this paper an article of the length you want to make your poem.
Cut out the article.
Next carefully cut out each of the words that makes up this article and put them all in a bag.
Shake gently.
Next take out each cutting one after the other.
Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag.
The poem will resemble you.
And there you are – an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd.
Show more reaction
Globalisation Un-Entangled.
”The reader of Pope, as of every author, is advised to begin by letting him say what he has to say, in his own manner to an open mind that seeks only to receive the impressions which the writer wishes to convey. First let the mind and spirit of the writer come into free, full contact with the mind and spirit of the reader, whose attitude at the first reading should be simply receptive. Such reading is the condition precedent to all true judgment of a writer’s work. All criticism that is not so grounded spreads as fog over a poet’s page. Read, reader, for yourself, without once pausing to remember what you have been told to think´´.
Henry Morley.
the idea before it was clothed in words
heard in minds, as uttered thought
the communication of arranged ideas
Thoughts lifting mist from the poet´s page.
To set the stage, not in the round
but, to see the scene in the sphere
Which actors will the playwright lay
on the page´s narrative to steer.
Which course to meet
who to set upon the bridge
For strength of Bulls Wall Street
of Bears & onion domes upon our chart
A heroes pride found in Britannia’s isles
Monks ´´sans humilite´´ fane ease
Like Pope we find our actors
´´All, all alike, find reason on their side´´
mais par impatience de souffrir
On the present discontents, Burke opined
Putin ,Trump and Farage set courses un-entangled
Junker , Merkel, Call for straight ahead.
Few are the partisans of departed tyranny
of Globalism or Nationalism which be the tyrant?
Yet passions are deceiving someone,
so near 50 years behindhand a hero fell.
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A Journey Mapped From Then To Now - The Conquest Of Dough ( Novel ...
Jose Ortega y Gasset. " To read a book is, like all the other really human occupations, a utopian task. I call "utopian" every action whose intitial intention cannot be fulfilled in the development of its activity and which has to be satisfied with approximations essentially contradictory to the purpose which has started it.
The Conquest Of Dough, Epilogue and Chapter 1. The wise king said, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in vessels of silver" (Prov. xxv. 11). Hear the explanation of what he said:--The word maskiyoth , the Hebrew equivalent for "vessels," denotes "filigree network"--i.e., things in which there are very small apertures, such as are ...
The Ingredients of Political Economy
The word cereals derives from Ceres, commemorating her association with edible grains. Statues of Ceres top the domes of the Missouri State Capitol and the Vermont State House serving as...
"The religion of the Servile State must have no dogmas or
The Conquest Of Dough ( Novel) Multimedia Web Site
A blue glass that shimmered as off the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. Within this sacred Vessel was the most sacred of ceremonial Doughs, the most secretly and jealously guarded of all Aleppo's secrets. More jealously protected down generations of his family more so than the Codex of Aleppo's Central Synagogue the Site of the Cave of Elijah.
Some Documentary Films - The Conquest Of Dough ( Novel) Multimedia Web Site
The Conquest Of Dough. An Interactive Multi Media Novel. ... Since 2007, I have also written extensively about finance and economics. I wrote a book about the financial crash and I run a well-respected financial blog, GolemXIV. I have occasionally written for the Guardian and Thomson Reuters. I live in North Yorkshire. I am a father of three.
www.conquestofmoney.com › mapping-the-history-of-philosophy.html
Mapping Philosophy. - The Conquest Of Dough ( Novel) Multimedia Web Site
Mapping The History of Philosophy - The Conquest Of Dough ( Novel) Multimedia Web Site The Philosophical Firmament Watch on Simon Drapers Fabulous Mapping of Philisophical Influence across the Wikipedia Philosophy Portal. http://www.coppelia.io/2012/06/graphing-the-history-of-philosophy/ Video unavailable This video is unavailable
The Journey Begins - The Conquest Of Dough ( Novel) Multimedia Web Site
Teaching or Preaching Learning or Burning. Chapter XII: The Barbarism Of "Specialisation" The specialist serves as a striking concrete example of the species, making clear to us the radical nature of...
Images for conquest of dough novel
Roger G Lewis (Tonefreqhz
Feb 22, 2024 7:04 AM
We Know they are lying, They Know they are lying, They Know we know they are lying. They know we know they know they are lying
Lights Camera Bullshit. The Conquest of Bread and Mutual Aid.
Unaccustomed as I am to barking at the moon, twatting on Twitter, or indeed suffering fools gladly I have come to a full circle yet again on these present discontents.
Burkes’s Speech, On these present discontents, is as fresh and alive today as it was when he wrote it.
“The people have no interest in disorder. When they do wrong, it is their error, and not their crime. But with the governing part of the State it is far otherwise. They certainly may act ill by design, as well as by mistake. “Les révolutions qui arrivent dans les grands états ne sont point un effect du hasard, ni du caprice des peuples. Rien ne révolte les grands d’un royaume comme un Gouvernoment foible et dérangé. Pour la populace, ce n’est jamais par envie d’attaquer qu’elle se soulève, mais par impatience de souffrir.” These are the words of a great man, of a Minister of State, and a zealous assertor of Monarchy. They are applied to the system of favouritism which was adopted by Henry the Third of France, and to the dreadful consequences it produced. What he says of revolutions is equally true of all great disturbances. If this presumption in favour of the subjects against the trustees of power be not the more probable, I am sure it is the more comfortable speculation, because it is more easy to change an Administration than to reform a people.”
I then come to two other quotes from Zinoviev in the Yawning Heights
“The experiment was dreamt up by the Institute for the
Prophylaxis of Stupid Intentions, and carried out under the
supervision of the Brainwashing Laboratory, written up in the
Fundamental Journal and was supported by an initiative from
below. The experiment was approved by the Leader, his
Deputies, his Assistants and by everybody else—except for a
few holding mistaken opinions. The aim of the experiment was to
detect those who did not approve of its being carried out and to
take appropriate steps.”
“The Position was well put indeed in a famous speech by Jbzl to the graduates of the Central Saturnian University when he said that it was a source of great pride to him that although hardly anybody knew anything any longer, everybody now knew how to find out everything.”
Hal Draper
There really is no fixing stupid, ignorant is a different ball game.
“A beastly ambition, which the gods grant thee t’
attain to! If thou wert the lion, the fox would
beguile thee; if thou wert the lamb, the fox would
eat three: if thou wert the fox, the lion would
suspect thee, when peradventure thou wert accused by
the ass: if thou wert the ass, thy dulness would
torment thee, and still thou livedst but as a
breakfast to the wolf: if thou wert the wolf, thy
greediness would afflict thee, and oft thou shouldst
hazard thy life for thy dinner: wert thou the
unicorn, pride and wrath would confound thee and
make thine own self the conquest of thy fury: wert
thou a bear, thou wouldst be killed by the horse:
wert thou a horse, thou wouldst be seized by the
leopard: wert thou a leopard, thou wert german to
the lion and the spots of thy kindred were jurors on
thy life: all thy safety were remotion and thy
defence absence. What beast couldst thou be, that
were not subject to a beast? and what a beast art
thou already, that seest not thy loss in
—William Shakespeare
And a list of titles not links.
It Don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that Swing . Tides of the Petrodollar Moon.
DECEMBER 12, 2021
Innovating to Zero Debt. A Model Answer.
DECEMBER 9, 2021
“Here’s what I came up with: P * SEC = CO2,” Gates wrote. “That might look complicated. It’s not.
“On the right side, you have the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we put in the atmosphere. This is what we need to get to zero. It’s based on the four factors on the left side of the equation: The world’s population (P) multiplied by the services (S) used by each person; the energy (E) needed to provide each of those services; and, finally, the carbon dioxide (C) produced by that energy.”
The equation that Bill Gates “discovered,” according to a letter he recently published.
Bill Gates.
#GulagDigihellico #Addictedtodistraction #DigitalGulag #WagesofSpin
@JohnRalstonSaul On Twitter, A vocal Critic of Neo Liberalism on the #CovidTrain? #CognitiveDissonance #BetweenTheLines #Austerity . Covid 19 is it the new End of History?
UTOPIA OF USURERS, 3 Acres and Cow #Moduloft #ConquestofDough #GKChesterton #Belloc #Distributism
Darius Guppy, could this article extract Boris from the “bouillabaisse”
The principles of tax policy by Dr. Adrian Wrigley (RIP)
Cash Boxes in The Skys, Spanish Castle Magic. The 3 Tier Planning System and Promotion of a Chinese Social Points System. @paulcragg100 @financialeyes @Lloyd__Evans @RobertJenrick @BorisJohnson @MayorJohnBiggs @MayorofLondon @IsleofDogsForum @emptyhomes #LoftMiles #PlaceMakingBasics #RealRLD #VoteNo6May2021 #IsleofDogsNeighbourhoodPlan #CommunityInfrastructureLevy #CILisNotaWealthTax
#Agenda2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals, #Stalinism and the Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Plan? #5G3DMarxism @SteveReedMP @MayorJohnBiggs @MayorofLondon @BorisJohnson @financialeyes @emptyhomes @RobertJenrick @devilskitchen @RichardDesmond @Andrewwood17 #WrongKindofGreen
Wheres the Beef, Meat and Two veg or boiled beef and carrots. Tyranny of the Vegans. Brick in the wall. Hole in the wall.A WARNING FROM TOMORROW . Solarium from Ike to Trump. #CovidPurpose #FollowtheDebt #DebtServitude #Goodwillhunting #Wheresthebeef #KarlRove
Continued at end of Link above.
#CarbonCurrencyEndGame #ConquestofDough
“An end to the National debt and a larger loaf of bread”.
“Cestui que vie”, is French for he who lives OFFICIAL: WORLD ABOUT TO END AS COMMIE BACTERIA & STUPID CITIZENS FOUND GUILTY OF EVERYTHING. #FourHorsemen #CronyCapitalistVirus2020 “Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam”, nihil sub sole novum. @davidgraeber @financialeyes @JoeBlob20 #DebtBomb @DominicFrisby #The Death of Common Law.
Coronavirus Bill slashes safeguards in death registration
Catte Black
The current UK requirement about who can register a death is very specific. The registrant must either be: (our emphasis)
a relative who was present at the death
a relative present during the person’s last illness
a relative living in the district where the death took place
anyone else present at the death
an owner or occupier of the building where the death took place and who was aware of the death
the person arranging the funeral (but not the funeral director).
It’s not hard to see the rationale for this. Once you remove all these requirements and start allowing people in the commercial business of death, who will have no connection whatsoever to the deceased or their family, the capacity for malpractice of various kinds to enter the process increases considerably. What good is served by increasing that risk? And what benefit accrues?
I got this from a friend a little early and the Aspects of Mercantilist Maritime Law Clicked into place.
“Already the transfer of wealth plot is starting to unfold…
Small businesses to get Govt loan to help cash flow in these difficult times !! But of course these business will struggle to repay when things do pick up.
By contrast big companies ( Govt gave example of British airways )will be assisted by Govt buying shares.(eg BAILOUT). But as the cash influx is used up creating losses this will result in a decline in net assets & share value. This will result in a greater fall in share value for existing shareholders (pension funds etc) than it will for the Govt new shares created. When things pick up the Govt will sell its shareholding lauding the recovery of its investment but forgetting to mention the interest on the debt taken to finance the original purchase. That interest will be the ongoing burden on taxpayers.
So small co’s burdened with debt & interest. Big companies continue paying bonuses etc to directors etc.
More to come I think !!”
Off Guardian on the technical aspects of declaring death.
Brush up your Maritime law.
Cestui Que Vie
Cestui que vie is French for he who lives. It is a legal term for an individual who is the beneficiary of a trust or insurance policy, with rights to property and the income and profits that the property provides.
BREAKING DOWN Cestui Que Vie Cestui que vie as a legal concept dates to the medieval period, specifically England. During this time, the owners of farms and other properties could be absent for extended periods of time as they traveled, whether for business or religious purposes.
NWO Magick: A Faux ‘Pandemic’, And A Very, Very Real Financial Collapse
#KillingJoke I am the Virus, seemed rather apt. KILLING JOKE – I AM THE VIRUS (LYRIC VIDEO), THIS IS AN ORANGE, #CRONYCAPITALISTVIRUS2020 https://www.bitchute.com/video/KP0diDOjgqtd/
How ICNIRP, AGNIR, PHE and a 30 year old political decision created and then covered up a global public health scandal
1 THOUGHT ON “#165. TO CATCH A FALLING KNIFE” Simon Hodges on February 29, 2020 at 7:30 pm said: This is all about nCov and supply chains. Nothing to do with energy. The effects will be 10X worse than the GFC. Reply ↓ rogerglewis on February 29, 2020 at 7:45 pm said: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Agreed. There is something of the Problem of the Tool here. If the only tool one has is a Hammer then sooner or later all problems turn into Nails. https://notthegrubstreetjournal.com/2020/02/29/165-to-catch-a-falling-knife/comment-page-1/#comment-10321 https://notthegrubstreetjournal.com/2020/02/29/your-comment-is-awaiting-moderation-164-a-bolt-from-the-grey-posted-on-february-28-2020-why-business-as-usual-will-not-be-restored/ https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2020/02/29/165-to-catch-a-falling-knife/ You Made a comment about Eugenics on the SUrplus Energy Blog the other day. You might find this interesting.
Report on Probability A. The Mathematics of Language, The Mandelbrot Set, And Whole system Perturbation. #Pelagius #Neitzsche #Mirlees #Fullmeister #Hoyle #Alven #Leibnitz #Chomsky @wiki_ballot #4Pamphleteers @GrubStreetJorno @wiki_ballot @financialeyes @JoeBlob20
every living thing can become healthy, strong and fruitful only within a horizon; if it is incapable of
drawing a horizon around itself or, on the other hand, too selfish to
restrict its vision to the limits of a horizon drawn by another, it will wither
away feebly or overhastily to its early demise. Cheerfulness, clear conscience,
the carefree deed, faith in the future, all this depends in the case of an individual as well as of a people, on there being a line which distinguishes what is clear and in full view from the dark and unilluminable; it depends on one’s being able to forget at the right time as
well as to remember at the right time; on discerning with strong instinctual
feelings when there is need to experience historically and when unhistorically.
Precisely this is the proposition the reader is invited to consider:
the unhistorical and the historical are equally necessary for the health of
an individual, a people and a culture. ”
Friedrich Nietzsche: 1844-1900
Doing more with less. Financialised capitalism is not very good at it. It is a question of adapting the Pricing of Markets in a token which reflects the resources available and their alternative potentials.
The “opportunity cost of Energy invested” as opposed to the energy cost of energy invested.
Eulers Number, Eric Dollard Nicola Tesla, and Maxwell, The Exponential, the spiral, and the humble Right Angle. #GrubStreetJournal @Wiki_Ballot
This is a Three and a half-hour lecture I have probably watched it in full 5 times, as I have a photographic memory it is unusual for me to read or watch anything more than twice.
Why this Eric Dollard lecture is so important is that it makes two very important points about Magnetic Fields and Electric Currents.
The first is that Electricity does not flow through or within a copper wire or whatever material it is conducted “((Through(sic), Around))” conductor, it flows or propagates around them bounded by the insulator field, the other is that an electric current always flows precisely at right angles to the field
This bit.
“The Forgotten part of Maxwell’s Work
concerns two types of waves one
is transverse okay a transverse wave is
like waves on the surface of the ocean
okay there has to be a boundary and the
motion of the matter or the ether or
whatever deal you’re dealing with
there’s always at right angles to where
the wave is going okay ”
Dollard’s story is a remarkable one this lecture represents his life’s work in putting together the fragments of Nicola Tesla’s work.
The above Empirical fact regarding electromagnetism explains I would submit this. That is Eulers Number.
On Dons Point above about Homeostasis, for the same reasons that Dollard’s revelations regarding ELectricity and Teslas Discoveries are dangerous to vested interests so it is with Micro Fages.
And the story of GC Maff.
A sign σ is defined here as a triple e c m , where e is the exponent of σ,
which typically is a string, c the (syntactic) category of σ, and m its meaning. By this convention a string is connected via the language with a set of
meanings. Given a set Σ of signs, e means m in Σ if and only if (= iff) there
is a category c such that e c m Σ. Seen this way, the task of language
theory is not only to say which are the legitimate exponents of signs (as we
find in the theory of formal languages as well as many treatises on generative
linguistics which generously define language to be just syntax) but it must
also say which string can have what meaning. The heart of the discussion is
formed by the principle of compositionality, which in its weakest formulation
says that the meaning of a string (or other exponent) is found by homomorphically mapping its analysis into the semantics.A system of signs is a partial algebra of signs. This means that it is a pair Σ M , where Σ is a set of signs and M a finite set, the set of so–called modes (of composition). Standardly, one assumes M to have only one nonconstant mode, a binary function !, which allows one to form a sign σ1 ! σ2 from two signs σ1 and σ2 . The modes are generally partial operations. The action of ! is explained by defining its action on the three components of the respective signs. We give a simple example. Suppose we have the following signs. “$#&%(‘)+*-, #&%’.) v ρ “$/01%23*-, /04% 2 n π Here, v and n are the syntactic categories (intransitive) verb and proper name, respectively. π is a constant, which denotes an individual, namely Paul, and ρ is a function from individuals to the set of truth values, which typically is the set 5 0 1 6 . (Furthermore, ρ 7 x 8 , 1 if and only if x is running.) On the level of exponents we choose word concatenation, which is string concatenation (denoted by 9 ) with an intervening blank. (Perfectionists will also add the period at the end…) On the level of meanings we choose function application. Finally, let : be a partial function which is only defined if the first argument is n and the second is v and which in this case yields the value t. Now we put e1 c1 m1 !; e2 c2 m2 :, e9 1 < 9 e2 c1 : c2 m2 7 m1 8= Then “$/04% 23* ! “#>%’)* is a sign, and it has the following form. “$/01%23* ! “#>%’.)+* :, /01%2?#&%(‘) t ρ 7 π 8= We shall say that this sentence is true if and only if ρ 7 π 8 , 1; otherwise we say that it is false. We hasten to add that “/04%2@* ! “/04% 23* is not a sign. So, ! is indeed a partial operation. The key construct is the free algebra generated by the constant modes alone. This algebra is called the algebra of structure terms. The structure terms can be generated by a simple context free grammar. However, not every structure term names a sign. Since the algebras of exponents, categories and meanings are partial algebras, it is in general not possible to define a homomorphism from the algebra of structure terms into the algebra of signs. All we can get is a partial homomorphism. In addition, the exponents are not always strings and the operations between them not only concatenation. Hence the defined languages can be very complex (indeed, every recursively enumerable language Σ can be so generated).
Effective and ineffective embedding[edit]
Embedding can be used when two clauses share a common category and can expand a sentence. It is not effective when optional categories are used to create extensive embedding in a sentence.
Example of effective embedding[edit]
My brother opened the window. The maid had closed it. -The common category is the window. So this sentence can be expanded to become My brother opened the window the maid had closed.
Example of ineffective embedding[edit]
My brother opened the window the maid the janitor Uncle Bill had hired had married had closed.
There is no common category for this sentence. So it should be broken up into multiple sentences to make sense to the reader:
My brother opened the window the maid had closed. She was the one who had married the janitor Uncle Bill had hired.
A center embedded sentence is difficult to comprehend when a relative clause is embedded in another relative clause. Comprehension becomes easier when the types of clause are different – when a complement clause is embedded in a relative clause or when a relative clause is embedded in a complement clause. For example: The man who heard that the dog had been killed on the radio ran away.
You can tell if a sentence is center embedded or edge embedded depending on where the brackets are located in the sentence.
[Joe believes [Mary thinks [John is handsome.]]]
The cat [that the dog [that the man hit] chased] meowed.
In sentence (1), all of the brackets are located on the right, so this sentence is right-embedded. In sentence (2), the brackets are located inside the sentence spaced throughout.Report on Probability A is a science fiction novel by Brian Aldiss. The novel was completed in 1962 but was rejected by publishers in the United Kingdom, France and the United States[1] and was eventually published in 1967 in New Worlds, which described it as “perhaps his most brilliant work to date”.[2] The novel has also been described as an antinovel and is a seminal work in the British New Wave of experimental science fiction that began appearing in New Worlds following the appointment of Michael Moorcock as editor in 1964. A revised and extended version was published by Faber and Faber in 1968[3] and Doubleday in 1969.[4]
According to Aldiss, the idea for the novel came from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and its corollary that “observation alters what is observed”. Taking this as his starting point, Aldiss “sat down to construct a fiction in which everything was observation within observation, and no ultimate reference point existed”.[5] The novel also incorporates several related concepts in quantum physics, notably the many-worlds interpretation and different frames of reference, and its philosophical theme is indicated in the epigram, which quotes Goethe:
Do not, I beg you, look for anything behind phenomena. They are themselves their own lesson.
The novel has been compared to the work of Samuel Beckett, Jorge Luis Borges, Flann O’Brien and Alain Robbe-Grillet though its reception by readers has been polarised, with some railing against it and others hailing it as a cult classic. The novel is eloquently summarised by Paul Di Filippo who wrote that “an infinite regress of cosmic voyeurs seems to center around an enigmatic painting, as the French nouveau roman movement invades science fiction”.[6]
In mathematics and computer programming, the order of operations (or operator precedence) is a collection of rules that reflect conventions about which procedures to perform first in order to evaluate a given mathematical expression.
For example, in mathematics and most computer languages, multiplication is granted a higher precedence than addition, and it has been this way since the introduction of modern algebraic notation.[1][2] Thus, the expression 2 + 3 × 4 is interpreted to have the value 2 + (3 × 4) = 14, not (2 + 3) × 4 = 20. With the introduction of exponents in the 16th and 17th centuries, they were given precedence over both addition and multiplication and could be placed only as a superscript to the right of their base.[1] Thus 3 + 52 = 28 and 3 × 52 = 75.
These conventions exist to eliminate ambiguity while allowing notation to be as brief as possible. Where it is desired to override the precedence conventions, or even simply to emphasize them, parentheses ( ) (sometimes replaced by brackets [ ] or braces { } for readability) can indicate an alternate order or reinforce the default order to avoid confusion. For example, (2 + 3) × 4 = 20 forces addition to precede multiplication, and (3 + 5)2 = 64 forces addition to precede exponentiation.
The Clonus Horror (1979) https://t.co/eRgHb5dreH #BitChute
— GrubStreetJournal (@GrubStreetJorno) February 28, 2020
Parts: The Clonus Horror, also known as The Clonus Horror, or simply Clonus, is a 1979 science fiction horror film directed by Robert S. Fiveson. It stars Peter Graves, Tim Donnelly, Dick Sargent, Keenan Wynn, Paulette Breen, and Frank Ashmore. The film is about an isolated community in a remote desert area, where clones are bred to serve as a source of replacement organs for the wealthy and powerful. The production cost of the movie was $257,000.[1] The film won a Saturn Award at the 7th Saturn Awards, nationally televised in July 1980, in the category Best Film Produced for Under $1,000,000.
Parts: The Clonus Horror was featured on the comedy television series Mystery Science Theater 3000 in 1997. In 2005, the creators of Clonus filed a lawsuit against DreamWorks Pictures for copyright infringement for their film The Island, citing numerous similarities between the two works. The two parties reached a settlement, with the amount settled being seven-figures and other specific terms being court sealed.
Standard Calculus as Ill-Posed Unstable Backward Magic
Jacques Hadamard (1865-1963) was a gentle man with strong opinions on mathematics.
Previous posts on the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus have exposed two approaches to the connection between primitive function/integral x(t), derivative Dx=dxdt and integrand v(t) connected by the equations:
In the standard approach as presented in e.g. the standard text book Calculus: A Complete Course by Adamsand Essex, the integral x(t) as an area under the graph t→v(t) is the primary given object and the proof of the Fundamental Theorem consists of showing that x(t) satisfies the differential equation Dx=v.
In the BodyandSoul approach the primary given object is the differential equation Dx=v with v given data and x unknown to determine, and the proof of the Fundamental theorem consists of showing that this equation can be solved by time stepping producing the integral x(t) as the solution. The process from input data v(t) to output solution x(t) by solving Dx=v by time stepping, is well-posed or stable in the sense that small perturbations of data or solution process results in small perturbations of the solution x(t).
The mathematician Hadamard identified well-posednessand stability to be a necessary requirement in order for a mathematical problem to be meaningful, in the sense that a meaningful solution can be found. The process of integration from integrand v(t) to integral x(t) is well-posed and meaningful.
On the other hand, the process from integral/primitive function x(t) to derivative Dx(t), is ill-posed and unstable, in the sense that small perturbations in x(t) may give rise to large perturbations in the derivative, because
and a small perturbation in x(t+Δt) or x(t) gets divided by the quantity Δt tending to zero and thus gets amplified by the large factor 1/Δt. The standard approach to the Fundamental Theorem puts the emphasis on the ill-posed or unstable process of differentiation.
We sum up as follows:
The standard approach to the Fundamental Theorem is ill-posed, unstable and of questionable meaning. As illposed problem it rests on symbolic mathematics of infinite precision, which appears as magics.
The approach in BodyandSoul is well-posed, stable and clearly meaningful. As well-posed problem it can be solved by numerical mathematics in finite precision, which is reasonable and not magics.
These aspects would be possible to discuss constructively with the man on the street, but may be very difficult to present to a teacher of standard Calculus for which Adams’ book is the bible.
Finite Element Quantum Mechanics 1: Listening to Bohm
avid Bohm discusses in the concluding chapter of Quantum Theory the relationship between quantum and classical physics, stating the following charcteristics of classical physics:
The world can be analysed into distinct elements.
The state of each element can be described in terms of dynamical variables that are specified with arbitrarily high precision.
The interrelationship between parts of a system can be described with the aid of exact casual was that define the changes of the above dynamical variables with time in terms of their initial values. The behavior of the system as a whole can be regarded as the result of the interaction by its parts.
If we here replace, “arbitrarily high precision” and “exact” with “finite precision”, the description 1-3 can be viewed as a description of
the finite element method
as digital physics as digital computation with finite precision
as mathematical simulation of real physics as analog computation with finite precision.
The Oscillation of interconnectedness?
“Supertoys Last All Summer Long” is a science fiction short story by Brian Aldiss, first published in UK edition of Harper’s Bazaar, in December 1969 issue.[1] The story deals with humanity in an age of intelligent machines and of the aching loneliness endemic in an overpopulated future where child creation is controlled.
Artificial Intelligence ( Kubrick/Spielberg) 2001 https://t.co/1jnXwbAlWg #BitChute
— GrubStreetJournal (@GrubStreetJorno) February 28, 2020
Unified theory of all the corporate Bull shit lies damned lies and statistics
rogerglewis Uncategorized May 17, 2011 44 Minutes
What things are and what things are about
Contextual Conceptualist
singular duality
duplicitous dichotomy
essentially Ironic
Plastic Plurality
a busmans journey
selling coals to newcastle
Travellers gathering knowledge
Tourists consuming
“computer codes”
“Computer codes” is currently in the lede twice. Do we mean algorithm? Computer program ? Pedro : Chat 19:28, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
Definitely not algorithm. “Computer codes” covers a broader type of model; algorithm would just be a way of doing one particular bit William M. Connolley (talk) 21:33, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
Good points. “Process” maybe? Or “system(s)”? Either are surely better “computer codes”. Pedro : Chat 21:44, 16 September 2010 (UTC)
The wording appears awkward, so I will try to patch. Feel free to correct my changes! rewinn (talk) 05:05, 27 April 2011 (UTC)
[edit]soros influence
Author: rogerglewis
https://about.me/rogerlewis Looking for a Job either in Sweden or UK. Freelance, startups, will turń my hand to anything.
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#Nato #Syria a Warmongering death Cult. →
2 thoughts on “Report on Probability A. The Mathematics of Language, The Mandelbrot Set, And Whole system Perturbation. #Pelagius #Neitzsche #Mirlees #Fullmeister #Hoyle #Alven #Leibnitz #Chomsky @wiki_ballot #4Pamphleteers @GrubStreetJorno @wiki_ballot @financialeyes @JoeBlob20”
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Roger's bookshelf: read
Another very ignored book that I return to regularly. Today I visited the Chapter on Interest and followed a reference to Michel Ende Momo from 1973. All about grey men who steal time. A metaphor for interest, as the Time value of money....
by Michael Ende
And Into The Fire: Fascist Elements in Post War Europhe Development of the EU
A very Good read features in this blog https://notthegrubstreetjournal.com/2023/06/21/fear-uncertainty-and-doubt-goingdirect-ukinterestrates/ Fear Uncertainty and Doubt #GoingDirect #UKInterestRates #GoingDirect brought to you by #Blackr...
The Essence of Money: Argentarius: Letters from a bank director to his son
Interesting social document .
I have not done a review but I have made a reading which is posted in parts on my blog. The Revolt of Islam, Shelly. https://notthegrubstreetjournal.com/2022/07/01/the-revolt-of-islam-shelly/
GrubStreet Journal The End June 21, 2023
GrubStreet Journal The End NOT THE GRUB STREET JOURNAL. THE END. Not The Grub...
Fear Uncertainty and Doubt #GoingDirect #FUD #FOMO #FEARINDEX #Interest Rates #HousingMarketGreta #MovingHomeWithGreta #HousingMarketGreta
The Digital Gulag June 21, 2023
The Digital Gulag The “GOOGLE” Monopoly In 2022, Google’s ad revenue amounted to 224.47 billion...
Crash Course On Going Direct June 21, 2023
Crash Course On Going Direct Conquest Of Dough Web Site. “if you are digging up history....
Catch Up With Ranjan, Inflation, Deflation . Idiotic Narratives #DOOMGUFF June 21, 2023
Catch Up With Ranjan, Inflation, Deflation . Idiotic Narratives #DOOMGUFF
THEY? Who are they. #Blackrock #GoingDirect June 21, 2023
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The New Debt Deflation, Tragedy and Hope as Playbook June 21, 2023
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This Machine Kills Fascists “This Machine . . . “ June 21, 2023
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Whats Going On with the #GoingDirectParadigm #GoingDirect June 21, 2023
What’s Goin’ on with, “The Going Direct Paradigm”?. Horses to water and fly’s out of bottles....
The Going Direct Paradigm Mindmap June 21, 2023
https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/DF9DB595-A602-0BF0-DF0D-24BD4E25F6DF#-1https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/DF9DB595-A602-0BF0-DF0D-24BD4E25F6DF#-1https://notthegrubstreetjournal.com/2022/09/14/crash-course-super-smart-democracy-peoplepower/ The Going Direct Paradigm Mindmap https://notthegrubstreetjournal.com/2022/09/14/crash-course-super-smart-democracy-peoplepower/ SUPERCOMPETENT DEMOCRACIES PROLOGUE GAIAN DEMOCRACIES https://twitter.com/ROY_MADRON http://www.super-smart-democracies.co.uk/super-smart-socialism/
Correction Housing Wealth Figures. 12.3 Trillion? 8.6 Trillion? 4.57 Trillion? June 6, 2023
SOLVED> edit 10.45 am 6 June 2023 5.26 Trillion of Net Housing wealth in the...
Freedom of Information. Housing Wealth, Solvency Ratios and the Magic Money Tree. SKIN IN THE GAME June 5, 2023
I have been analysing the distribution of Housing Wealth and net Equity across percentiles for...
Housing Wealth , Mortgage Debt, Bank Balance Sheets and Solvency June 4, 2023
https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/banks-balance-sheet https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=4403720000000 £4,403,720,000,000 Four Trillion Four Hundred and Three Billion Seven Hundred and twenty...
Fear Uncertainty and Doubt #FUD , & Fear of Missing Out #FOMO . The Housing...
Has the Bottom Revealed itself. The No Guff Guide to the Bottom of the market. #UKHouseprices #Crash or #Correction June 3, 2023
Has the Bottom Revealed itself. The No Guff Guide to the Bottom of the market....
Copyright © 2023 Not The Grub Street Journal
#Assange #BeforetheLaw #Kafka “The Process” , a descent into fascist dystopia. Show Trial at Belmarsh.” @wiki_ballot #4Pamphleteers @GrubStreetJorno @wiki_ballot @financialeyes @JoeBlob20
is Millenarianism a safe and effective vaccine against militancy?Random, INternet time wasting, Substack Blah Blah Blah
[What is it all about?]
is Millenarianism a safe and effective vaccine against militancy?Random, INternet time wasting, Substack Blah Blah Blah
Why another blog? why another platform? De Ja Vu all over again.
Recurring anxieties and no respite from the “ Slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes.
Reconnecting with fellow travellers , faces in the crowd , forgotten influences and
fleeting thoughts and fancies. Back to the beginning and and more questions and greater doubts.
Why this, why now
Well the Journey that Andrew Bridgen MP seems to find himself on and his interview on the delingpole blog Lead me here bizarrely seeing a comment from Frances Leader in a Andrew Bridgen Twitter thread.
Writes Uncensored
Writes Uncensored
20 hr ago·edited 20 hr ago
Not at all impressed, sorry to say.
In December 2020 my email exchange with UK MHRA proved that there is no virus in vivo or in vitro. There is only an in silico genetic sequence, created by recombining bits and bobs of gene sequences in a computer programme that were procured by rtPCR dubious methods in Wuhan labs.
As can be seen from the links provided in my article, I have good reason to suspect that the roll out of 5G, beginning in Wuhan for the UN Military Games was the root cause of the sickness we know as Covid19. The correlations are starkly obvious if you follow the 5G roll outs and the incidents of Covid around the world from Jan 2020 until present.
Study Proves Coronavirus Clusters Follow 5G Roll-outs Around the Globe
Now it is virtually impossible to avoid the overdose of electro-magnetic frequencies beamed at us 24/7/365 from low orbit satellites like StarLink and that explains why we continue to see people dying worldwide.
The vaccines were made using graphene hydroxide and this has shredded cells, veins, arteries and organs at a horrific rate. So there will only be more and more deaths until people realise that there is no virus – COVID 19 IS A TECHNOLOGICAL ILLNESS AND NOT BIOLOGICAL.
“In a situation of manipulation, the Left is almost always tempted by a “quick return to power,” forgets the necessity of joining with the oppressed to forge an organization, and strays into an impossible “dialogue” with the dominant elites. It ends by being manipulated by these elites, and not infrequently itself falls in an elitist game, which it calls “realism.”
Manipulation, like the conquest whose objectives it serves, attempts to anesthetize the people so they will not think. For if the people join to their presence in the historical process critical thinking about that process, the threat of their emergence materializes in revolution…One of the methods of manipulation is to inoculate individuals with the bourgeois appetite for personal success. This manipulation is sometimes carried out directly by the elites and sometimes indirectly, through populist leaders.” —Paulo Freire
If you are still paying attention you are not paying attention #IABATO
I think it’s an ESG play with a long-term low coupon green bond with values probably rebased on the new ESG metrics. I have been researching ESG and its Metrics seriously for several years, its related to Circular Economy theories and practices which are directly related to my Energy-based economics work.
I have continued analysing the deep reality of the Finance Insurance and Real estate sector, FIRE as Michale Hudson calls that economic sector. I fully expect that imminently the rebasing or re-calibration of the International currency will act as cover for an international devaluation of the dollar and the re-adjustment of Gold as a monetary specie will not occur as it did in the 70s but, Carbon credits will replace Gold. The big beef between China and Russia and the Five Eyes / EU Dollar Fed Axis is that Russia and China prefer Gold and Oil rather than the Energy proxy carbon credits which is a creature of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and the BIS crowd. I have started to value economic sectors now in terms of Price support schemes, those price support schemes will re-calibrate from Currency exchange rates based on the Sovereign bond market to Exchange rates based upon carbon credit rationing. I wrote a lot about the 16to 1 ratio at the end of last year and early this, as my blog is down as per the past two years’ posts, should hopefully have most of those posts up before the end of the weekend. I am working on a Humeian” is” basis and not an “Ought” basis.
When I say if you are still paying attention you have not been paying attention I really mean it. The CEO of SIRCO quoted in the guardian some years ago to the effect ( There are only 5000 key players in the world who need to know what we do), he was not joking, and it is true. In business, those who pay attention can do quite well with it but I will leave this message with a Quote from Unto this last.
“Pardon me. Men of business do indeed know how they themselves
made their money, or how, on occasion, they lost it. Playing a
long-practiced game, they are familiar with the chances of its
cards, and can rightly explain their losses and gains. But they
neither knows who keeps the bank of the gambling-house, nor what
other games may be played with the same cards, nor what other
losses and gains, far away among the dark streets, are
essentially, though invisibly, dependent on theirs in the lighted
rooms. They have learned a few, and only a few, of the laws of
mercantile economy; but not one of those of political economy.”
in the sense and context in which Ruskin developed it. the quo plurinum posset for money as a means of exchange can not be realised where it is adulterated to the modern extent, no touchstone of economics can accept that the current tyranny is widely beneficial, indeed it is most unwise.
Satire is the best weapon against the absurdity of the pantomime, regarding solutions, the system really works as a price support scheme for the Monopolies of the Establishment as such it works very well. Carbon Credits over gold or the petrodollar is really merely an accounting convention, a necessary tweak to rebase to Debt control mechanism used to govern the 95%, 5% is the proportion of people who are net receivers of interest. It may well be that the 5% will be a smaller number in the future although I doubt it Chernoweths’s work should always be borne in mind when considering the safe ratio of those to be kept in the tent pissing out as it were.
Its absolutely endless we pour more and more information into the panopticon Jailer Bot and with the attention spans p attention span of goldfish and the credulity of a 3 year year old newly minted Researchers with their enthusiasm sharp but their intellects dulled by ignorance and arogance think that they have discovered something new, something as yet unseen by the willfully cucked generations past who have cottoned on too who have cottoned on and had their efforts memory holed .
Divide and conquer for fucks sake !!!!!!
#QED Notes from the bottom rung. Klingon’s on the starboard bow, ‘cuz we can’t find reverse.
Star Trekkin’ across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin’ across the universe,
Boldly going forward, still can’t find reverse.
JUNE 27, 2019
To Whom Do We Owe This Money, Exactly? My Debt to Sturdy Blog and Golem XIV. Motley Fool, Cliff Darcy- The Spirit Level. Golem XIV, Positive Money- The Grub Street Journal and #Conquestof Dough
JULY 30, 2021
Debating Covid19 Debating Climate change, Same old tricks same old suspects.
MAY 11, 2011
The Nature of Predictability probability and knowing. Social costs model development notes
NOVEMBER 21, 2012
Tone woods and Solid Guitars. Debate settled, scientifically.
JUNE 27, 2019
To Whom Do We Owe This Money, Exactly? My Debt to Sturdy Blog and Golem XIV. Motley Fool, Cliff Darcy- The Spirit Level. Golem XIV, Positive Money- The Grub Street Journal and #Conquestof Dough
JULY 30, 2021
Debating Covid19 Debating Climate change, Same old tricks same old suspects.
Star Trekkin’ across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin’ across the universe,
Boldly going forward, still can’t find reverse.
Links to various blogs appear on the wayback rendering of this particular post, there are loads of them
Get Off Line, Get In on the Act, Share a Hug not a Link. Escape the digital gulag. Ditch Big Tech now!
‘There is, of course, no reason why the new totalitarianism should resemble the old. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors, and school teachers. But their methods are still crude and unscientific. The love of servitude cannot be established except as the result of a deep, personal revolution in human minds and bodies.’
— Aldous Huxley, Foreword to Brave New World, 1946
I echo the first comment from georgemci, this is the latest is a very fine series placing a historic context as well as a contemporary interpretation of perception to a bewildering sequence of events over the past 2 years or so.
This article from 2016 .
Neoliberalism is a species of fascism
“We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters” The Parliament of Billionaire’s. or the Robber barons Banquet.
The crux of inflation is not that prices rise in general, but that they rise differentially. Inflation is never a uniform process. Although most prices tend to rise during inflation, they never rise at the same rate. There is always a spread, with some prices rising faster and others more slowly. From this viewpoint, the engine of inflation is a redistributional struggle fought through rising prices.
The overall level of inflation is merely the surface consequence of that struggle. So in the end, Milton Friedman is right – but only in part. Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon; but it is also always and everywhere a redistributional phenomenon.
NITZAN etal Capital as Power 2009 – read or download here
The Pushback for FREEDOM 2022 – 2023. Engage Unite or live the un-examined life. rule by the 0.0000348%
Gold, Carbon , Power , Energy, Work and their convenient posits. Standards of Virtue are not what they were? The Grand Final, The Internationalists versus the Globalist Money Power.
“those who guide Chile’s destiny have devised a pure and precise means of keeping themselves on top forever if it works. Chile has become an accountant’s paradise”
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” —Smedley D. Butler
Putting the Peakist cart before the usury horse. The Carbon Credit crucifixion of democracy.
The world monetary system is moving to a renewables-based carbon credit standard. The price of carbon credits and the control of carbon credit allocation will allow the Central Bank digital currency authority to control all aspects of life on earth. A Carbon-based credit state monopoly feudalism is the end goal of the 4th Industrial revolution and the World Economic Forums Great Reset.
In this article by Dr. Tim Morgan, he puts his surplus energy cart before the Usury horse.
Gail in this article is putting the Peakist cart before the usury horse.
The renewables carbon credits relationship is designed to replace the PetroDollar as world reserve currency with renewables production replacing Saudi Arabia as the world swing producer of Oil which in turn regulates the global money supply and access to energy resources.
Regarding the crucifixion of democracy upon the cross of Carbon credits,
Richard Douthwaite – Money Supply in an Energy Scarce World, Peak Oil – 1 of 4
Notes from the talk:
Gold was primarily an energy currency because more energy meant more gold, and cheaper energy made cheaper gold.
Gold standard broke down when the Spanish raided America and then Spain started to import everything and lost their interest in making things themselves.
The curse of oil — too sudden an influx of money.
If you have a source of energy under your control, then you have the power to decide what is done.
Importing energy is like a loss of sovereignty.
The late Richard Douthwaite explains very well how Energy and economic activity are intimately related, for this second day on the way to Sunday we will continue to focus on how much energy is available over the period which we can sensibly plan our budget. The slide in the screen capture shows the anticipated Peak Oil moment in around 2015, as it turned out the Peak was shortlived, in any event by a pretty well documented and accepted view there are at least 50 years of Oil reserves available, and should we be making a sensible plan 50 years ahead is actually pretty
ambitious after all predictions are difficult especially about the future.
Swing production control through Carbon Credits.
Carbon credits and carbon footprints even tons of carbon equivalent metrics are ubiquitous in much modern Sustainable economics literature. Carbon emissions are a handy proxy for how much “Fossil fuel is burnt” some more Sophisticated analysis from say the WEF tend to use Hydrocarbons instead of “Fossil Fuels” but the big three energy sources are Coal, Gas, and Oil and in that order regardless of the present consumption patterns which are definitely not! Market determined. Following the big three, there are two other Staples of modern Energy production and these are Nuclear and Hydro Electric. Then there are Wind, Wave, and Solar which is usually referred to as “Renewables.”
In the Carbon Credit and Carbon debit system of Cap and Trade and Al gores Billions, The Big Three are Debits, Nuclear is a Don’t know and Hydro Wind Wave and solar are Credits. In the available energy budget on the Debit side, we have 94% and on the credit side 6% The Ratio is interesting, Bear it in mind, it also appears in the slides in the William Jennings Bryan video above.
So the good credits for renewables amount to 5.7% of 2020 production and growing if the current dispute at the Eu where Nuclear and Natural gas are touted for inclusion in the definition, In any event, the blueprint for the Credit side of the Carbon monetary equation has 5.7% of the supply of good energy ranged against 94.3 % of the energy supply which is bad.
let’s say 6/94 or a ratio of 15.6 to 1.
Six Ways on Sunday, Carbon Currency end game 16 to 1 on, what are the odds of that?
Islands in the Streams. McKinder to Zbig, The Great Game . Reaching back into the Internets cultural memory.
Episode 298 – Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia
“The Geographical Pivot of History” is the document that is often said to be the founding document of geopolitics and constitutes the first formulation of what would come to be called the “Heartland Theory.” This theory starts from the division of what Mackinder called the “World Island” into inherently divided isolated areas. Each of these areas has its own part to play in the unfolding of world history, with the area he called the “Heartland” of the central Eurasian landmass being the pivot point from which a civilization could derive the geopolitical and economic leverage with which to dominate the world as a whole. This was summarized in a famous dictum from his 1919 work, “Democratic Ideals and Reality”
“Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
Who rules the World-Island commands the World.”
The Old and New Great Game are similar in many ways. The Old Great Game sprang from British fears that Russian incursion into Central Asia would threaten to topple their hold over the crown jewel of the British Empire, India; the New Great Game springs from the fear that Russian and/or Chinese dominance over Central Asia and the Caucasus would prevent NATO from achieving its goal of “full spectrum dominance.” The Old Great Game involved the British invasion of Afghanistan in 1838 and attempt to install a puppet regime; the New Great Game involved the NATO invasion of Afghanistan and attempt to install a puppet regime. The Old Great Game relied heavily on espionage, spycraft and subterfuge to undermine Russia’s sway over the Heartland; and as we shall see, the New Great Game also heavily relies on covert means to undermine Russian and Chinese influence in the region.””
James Corbett, The Corbett report.
Peak X, badly needs a new driver at the wheel. A review of Climate Crisis Economics ( 1st Edition)* By Stuart P. M. Mackintosh. (*not worth rushing stocks will last.)
Mackintosh’s book is a risible screed of cliche and Teenaged emo angst pseudo intellectualism. The seriousness of the academic rigor is amply illustrated with quotes from Greta(fig 1)(No Climate facts then?) andAttenborough.(Fig 2)
The pessimisticpredestined Calvinistwould be commissar givesGem Bendellof Deep adaptation fame a serious run for his money in the inauthenticity of their “Clinton Thumb Sincerity”
FreeTrade Vs Free Markets. The Camera Obscura of the Elite Propaganda discombobulation.
A Camera Obscura was a device used by 17th-century artists to paint according to the new single-point perspective discovery. A grid was superimposed over an inverted image captured by a Lens, the artist would use their own eyes and skill to do what was later replaced by a Photographic plate. The artist would of course turn the image the right way up, not so with the modern media narrative and ELitist narratives since time immemorial, as evidenced by the story of Plato’s cave, Modern images of “Truth” do not turn images the right way up indeed, as Bruce Charlton says in addicted to distraction, the images are left either the wrong way up or described as the opposite of what is being represented.
“Thus, the major output of the modern international Mass Media consists of only four categories:
1. Good presented as bad
2. Bad presented as Good
(That is to say simple inversion)
3. Good presented as Good for a bad reason
4. Bad presented as bad for a bad reason
(That is to say explanatory inversion)
These four categories, which can be summarized as either simple or explanatory inversion, account for all sustained and high impact modern major Mass Media stories without any exceptions.”
Professor Bruce Charlton, Addicted to Distraction.
This post ends with David Malones Public Talk on TTIP in 2015, Free Trade as a category has been through the Camera Obscura it is not free trade at all. What is refers to is Open Markets to unfettered exploitation my Transnational Monopoly Corporate interests, Like NAFTA, international Free Trade impoverishes the people who live in the Franchise areas we once called nations.
Don’t Get Fooled again.
The Power Elite Analysis “Mother Lode”. Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century. An Overview of the Elite Forces Controlling the World Economy by Michael L. Chadwick
“a state of semi-permanent health emergency is preferable to a vertical market crash that would turn the memory of 2008 into a walk in the park.” September 17th 20019 #RepoSpike #GoingDirect
This is an excellent article and analysis. The driving motivation behind the accelerated rush to a Techno Fascist Feudalism has been occupying my mind for the years leading up to the Repo Spike in New York in September 2019.
In the Financialised economy and with the CBDC push tied to DIgital Id’s, we see a symptom of the appearance of what the system is trying to preserve, namely itself and its Monopoly ingroup. The real Economy is put in the position of trying to make bricks without straw, a misallocation of resources, and the Credit tokens to acquire those resources.
The Dominant Resource tieing the Financial system’s real potentials to the Real potentials of the real economy is the Flow of Energy resources and Primary resources through the economy. It would seem that a Hard limit on available energy to sustain the present industrial output of the global economy has been hit, what seems inexplicable is the Priorities touted in narratives regarding Why our largest Energy Sources the Hydro Carbons, Gas, Oil and Coal, and the largest potential replacement for them Nuclear are being demonised?
I will not “debate” morons.”AGW has finally reached the point that the price of food can be used as a proxy for the economic cost of environmental degradation. “
I have been getting my head further around The Energy Market and how it affects the money supply
I think the priority variables are
1. Electricity Base Load production, Coal and Natural Gas, and LPG products?
2. Crude Oil Production and Refinery capacities, Volumes of production are more important than the price per barrel
=3. Swing Production from Shale or Capped and ready to go existing discoveries, Very important to who has upper hand on Marginal pricing on swing production, Texas Rail Road, OPEC, US Shale production?
=3. Gas Production and Coal production are probably equal with 3 or interchangeable with 3.
5. Venezuelan and Iranian supply disruption through Sanctions is a political bottleneck to an otherwise trivial supply problem in the Oil Market.
6. Geo-Political and Green New Deal political economy choices vis Gas Pipe Lines ( Nord Stream / Syria / Ukraine ) are again self-inflicted own goals? Why?
Best wishes Erl.
Roger Lewis
New Book: The Movement of the Atmosphere
If you want Australia and the West to go on the offensive against China, first, take into account the point of view of Martin Jacques, a man uniquely attuned to the desirability of adopting a well educated, appreciative, cross cultural point of view. Ray Dalio, a long term student of China and the rise and fall of empires, also makes a lot of sense.
This distraction with ‘climate’ and sabre rattling in connection with China is ruinous and likely terminal.
The Southern Hemisphere, as a whole, has not experienced any increase in temperature in the month of January since the decade 1978-1987. Let that statement sink in.
Over the largest portion of the globe, for the largest portion of time, temperature is sub optimal for photosynthesis. All life depends on plants. Let that statement sink in.
Nice weather, the dams are full, just a bit cold. Some remarks about climate science.
Nice weather, the dams are full, just a bit cold. Some remarks about climate science.
Posted on August 2, 2021 by erl happ
The basic problem in climate science, and its indeed a very basic problem, is an inability to differentiate between cause and effect. Its the old problem of the chicken and the egg.
All ye promoters of erratic sources of energy, come now, repent, and be forgiven.
All ye promoters of erratic sources of energy, come now, repent, and be forgiven.
Posted on July 9, 2021 by erl happ
All the diagrams below present data from a same archive, that can be found here.
In short, ‘decarbonization’ is unnecessary, economically harmful and socially destructive. It will do nothing for ‘the climate’ because the modes of variation in climate have nothing to do with carbon dioxide.
At issue is the question of what determines the surface temperature on planet Earth.
Tic Toc, the ENSO clock, the origins of natural variability in climate.
Tic Toc, the ENSO clock, the origins of natural variability in climate.
Posted on June 21, 2021 by erl happ
The linkage between cloud cover, surface pressure and temperature
Posted on June 14, 2021 by erl happ
For the albedo data in this presentation I am indebted to Zoe Phin at. https://phzoe.com/2021/06/01/on-albedo. As per usual the temperature data comes from: https://psl.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/data/timeseries/timeseries1.pl
The linkage between cloud cover, surface pressure and temperature
Atmospheric albedo is due to particles that reflect visible wave lengths in the spectrum of light emitted by the Sun. This reduces the light that reaches the surface of the planet.
Hi Erl.
The Rocket Scientists Journal by Dr Geoffrey Glassman
rogerglewis says:
I noticed your comments on the SEEDS Blog of Tim Morgan, My comments were barred there a couple of years back, it seems that it is a Huge echo chamber for Catastrophism and Sychophancy these days.
My Two latest Blogs which Advance the Critique of Tims obsession with Energy becoming somehow both scarce and expensive to Extract. Both of which are belief based predicates not supported empirically.
Unravelling Catastrophe. Seeds of Hope or Seeds of destruction.
Unravelling Catastrophe. Seeds of Hope or Seeds of destruction.
#163. Tales from Mount Incomprehension
Will! on January 26, 2020 at 12:02 pm said:
“Because literally none of the goods and services which comprise the economy could be produced without energy, it should hardly be necessary to point out that the economy is an energy system. Equally, it should be obvious that, whenever energy is accessed for our use, some of that energy is always consumed in the access process. This access component is known here as the Energy Cost of Energy (ECoE), and it forms a critical part of the equation which determines our prosperity.”
Thank you for another interesting post Dr Morgan.
Does SEEDS offer any insight into how the rate at which energy is accessed by the economy affects our prosperity?
For example, shale appears to have increased the rate at which chemical energy can be accessed by the economy relative to the economy’s ability to use it (i.e. convert that chemical energy to other forms of energy) and so the monetary price of oil has fallen even as the ECoE has risen.
The economy appears to change the way it uses energy more rapidly in response to the monetary price of oil that it does in response to rising ECoE. Some of the changes in response to a lower price of oil appear to exacerbate the effects of rising ECoE. How can economic actors look beyond the oil price?
It is interesting but not wholly surprising to me that Dr. Tim Morgan has not answered this “Confounding” question showing the inconvenient truth in Dr. Morgans Seeds analysis. Seeds is something of a black box , we are not allowed to look under the hood of Dr. Morgans claims that Energy Cost of energy (ECOE) is acting as a hard limit to the prospect of prosperity in the world economy.
This question from Will, shows how far short Dr Morgans analysis comes up in answering the Balance between the effects of Finance and the Financialised Economy over the real Energy availability questions. The shortcomings in Dr. Morgan’s analysis encompass Ignorance of Technological innovation and invention and in short, the massive trend we see of actors in the modern economy’s ability to do more with less as per pro current technology and energy mixes.
Energy, Currency, FIAT, Marginal Pricing, Futures. ELECTRICITY, Coal. Transport Fuels, Petroleum, Diesel, Kerosene Bunker, PetroChemicals, Natural Gas, Hydro, Nuclear . WInd Wave Solar Other?
I have been getting my head further around The Energy Market and how it affects the money supply
I think the priority variables are
1. Electricity Base Load production, Coal and Natural Gas, and LPG products?
2. Crude Oil Production and Refinery capacities, Volumes of production are more important than the price per barrel
=3. Swing Production from Shale or Capped and ready to go existing discoveries, Very important to who has upper hand on Marginal pricing on swing production, Texas Rail Road, OPEC, US Shale production?
=3. Gas Production and Coal production are probably equal with 3 or interchangeable with 3.
5. Venezuelan and Iranian supply disruption through Sanctions is a political bottleneck to an otherwise trivial supply problem in the Oil Market.
6. Geo-Political and Green New Deal political economy choices vis Gas Pipe Lines ( Nord Stream / Syria / Ukraine ) are again self-inflicted own goals? Why?Best wishes Erl.
Roger Lewis
erl happ says:
Roger, I agree with you, the assertion that the economic cost of accessing energy is increasing needs substantiation. Its obviously true on the micro scale as miners extract the richest, thickest seams in a particular location and have to move overburden to extract the thinner seams. But only insofar that one assumes that all resources have already been discovered and are being worked through. That’s obviously not the case.
The cost of extracting coal is likely still declining given the development of machinery and systems since the advent of the bulldozer and the front end loader. It wasn’t long ago that coal was won with a pick and shovel. The tools being used to do the job are constantly being improved and the manpower requirement shaved.
I believe that the biggest problems relate to credit, leverage and the tendency for income to go to the very rich to the exclusion of the middle and bottom. Take the credit away from the middle and the bottom or start to inflate their payments via increasing the rate of interest and we will begin to see how this house of cards behaves.
rogerglewis says:
Hi Erl,
I think you and I are very much on the same page, the ivory tower mob really do have a lot to answer for as well as far to much continuing influence on Policy.
Sanctions on Iran and Venezuela see a big gap in potential absolute Oil and condensate output and of course, The lessons of Industrial history are that more is done with less in the true Bucky Fullmeister tradition.
I have seen a lot of commenters come and Go at Tims’s blog, I was cheered to see your comments but unsurprised at the usual ” I don’t debate with Climate denier” responses.
Tim did actually publish my comment, even before he had stopped doing that my comments had been moderated regardless of Links being included or not.
Great to be in touch, I hope thing is OZ are getting back to normal or do so fairly quickly, The Covid 19 response is in my view largely to do with the FInancial Collapse from 2019 and implementing the Blackstone going Direct Central Bank DIgital currencies play.
Best wishes,
erl happ says:
Agreed, its the financiers that need to be driven out of the temple.
I am tempted to stop there at not debating morons or Researchers for that matter?
But just one more thing #Aadhaar
I will be your rock of ages look me up in yellow pages. When Big Data Fooled the World. #Aadhaar #Central Bank Digtal Currencies
I wrote some time ago that Data was the new fool’s gold. Upon returning to the field of property development it had become very apparent that my own industry had fallen to the
“It’s all about the Data” chant. Lots of people were doing lots of things to do with data in lots of very clever ways offering up lashings of reverence to the gods of Bits and bites
but paying scant regard to boots on sites.
We are told that DATA is valuable, the necessity of connectivity is a matter of security in much the same way as Energy Security and Food Security or Border security were once
high on the list of competencies, we sought from our government agencies and security services, those same agencies now tell us that our Cyber security has to be prioritised against Cyber threats.
In this short post, I am seeking to call out the Digital Snakeoil Noise and see if there is a worthwhile signal which can be interpreted into a meaningful context for proper application of “The Data” to Something!
“The Position was well put indeed in a famous speech by Jbzl to the graduates of the Central Saturnian University when he said that it was a source of great pride to him that although hardly anybody knew anything any longer, everybody now knew how to find out everything.”
The Hal Draper short story written in 1961 quoted above was sent to me a few days ago by a “Data Guy”, as with many data guys of my acquaintance he has a sense of humour and disarming modesty about the business in which he is assuredly something of an expert and a veteran expert at that.
My discussions with my Data guy acquaintance have inspired me to write this post. This post seeks to show that Big Data seduction is a symptom of a larger problem as in Jbzl’s famous Speech “although hardly anybody knew anything any longer, everybody now knew how to find out everything.”
First some broad definitions. Data is information about something and metadata is information about information. More briefly Data about data is several steps removed from something. Let’s assume that the Something of interest is all of our own favorite subjects ourselves I will refer to our collective selves as “Citizens”.
As Citizens, we want some measure of certainty and security to several necessary things, including Food, Energy, and borders( both personal and national), These requirements are manifested in each citizen’s lived experience daily, one sees what’s on the shelves at the shops, the cost of the monthly or quarterly energy bill. As citizens, do we wish to present data to the Government which drives their policy, or do we agree that our government should be Data-driven to the furthest extent of the current fashion? This poses the question At which point should the Data be taken as an input, indeed should it ever be taken as an input? These two additional questions are also key, should we do;
Data as if Citizens Mattered?
There are two Big Data areas that I think will soon become very central to the lives of all Citizens. These are Central Banks Digital Currencies and transnational digital identification systems. Aadhaar in India was blogged about my friend Ranjan at London Conversation the other day. Aadhaar is the first implementation that seems to be integrated with crossover banking/government services functionality. Aadhaar has its critics and Ranjan’s blog points to their criticisms which can be heard in their own words, for me, I take their words as a timely warning against the Big Data Snake oil jamboree which portends more towards
a New Speculative asset class than an application of Data insights to formulating solutions to problems with the primary objective to do this as if Citizens mattered.
That it was not about identity, but about identification, about being identified —
and being identified by people other than yourself.
And the ubiquity was about peopling the numbers —
you know, every database being populated with the number
and universal was making the project develop in such a way
that every person would feel compelled to have it and that
you can’t survive without it and therefore you can get onto the database.
And that that would be the shape that the project would take.
It was clear from the beginning that the people who would suffer the most
in this in terms of immediate and direct effect would be the poor!”
[SUNIL ABRAHAM] The the first area of broad concern
is the use of biometrics in the [Aadhaar] project
which is technology that is perhaps more appropriate when it comes to
police surveillance or law enforcement purposes,
but really not an appropriate technology
when it comes to the implementation of e-governance projects.
On the Central bank digital currencies side of the Big Data snake oil jamboree this from my Data Guy.
“I would ask you to look at what the bank for International settlements are currently working on”.
A) https://www.bis.org/publ/othp40.htm
(Special Thanks: Raphael Auer, Codruta Boar, Jon Frost, Henry Holden, Ben Dyson, Anneke Kosse,
Thomas Lamar, Tara Rice, Takeshi Shirakami, and Thomas Nilsson.) (ed. Ben Dyson the founder of Positive Money in the UK namechecked in this publication, see this post )
mBridge project builds on initial experimentations from the Hong Kong and Thailand central banks
Platform can be an alternative to complexities and inefficiencies of the correspondent banking system
Joining up national digital currencies in common interoperable platforms, offer central banks a technological clean slate
“Inthanon-LionRock to mBridge: Building a multi CBDC platform for international payments. Joint report by the BIS Innovation Hub Hong Kong Centre, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Bank of Thailand, the Digital Currency Institute of the People’s Bank of China and the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates.”
B) https://www.bis.org/publ/othp40.pdf
Section 3.3.3 Data privacy protection
” A data protection policy will be created outlining how data is to be classified”
Project Ellipse is a proof of concept (POC) launched by the
(BISIH) to explore how supervision could become insights-based and data-driven using an integrated regulatory data and analytics platform.
D) https://ellipse.bisih.org/proof-of-concept/ellipse-mortgage-cdm-demostration
If a common data standard was agreed to and implemented, financial institutions may no longer need to interpret reporting instructions and submit aggregated data by use case; and With additional logical instruction based on the same data model, supervisors may also be able to automatically query the underlying transaction data and generate regulatory metrics referencing that standardized data.
E) Cross-Border Data Model using Retail Mortgage Loans
I find nothing remarkable in what the BIS has been working on my only comment would be that it is at a very intermediate level as presented in the online materials. The Big question that remains unanswered is what is all of this for?
As citizens, we should ask, what is the point of this and what useful purpose are you the Bank of International Settlements serving with these “Innovations”?
Someone who has been asking these question of The BIS and other Banking institutions is Per Kurowski.
OCTOBER 18, 2021
Martin Wolf, again, any good economic plan needs, sine qua non, to get rid of bank credit distorting regulations.
Sir, I refer to Martin Wolf’s “Without an economic plan, patriotism is Johnson’s last refuge” FT, October 18, 2021
In Martin Wolf’s Economist Forum of October 2009, FT published an opinion I titled “Please free us from imprudent risk-aversion and give us some prudent risk-taking” (The link is gone, I wonder why)
In that article, commenting partly on the 2008 crisis, I held that getting rid of the risk weighted bank capital requirements, that which distorts the allocation of credit to the real economy, was an absolute must.
Now, 11 years later, I must still insist in that, without doing so, there’s no economic plan that can deliver sustainable results.
How do you regulate a regulator’s algorithm?
Sir, I refer to your opinion “Want to regulate ‘the algorithm’? It won’t be easy” Washington Post December 3, 2021, in which you discuss the thorny issue of how to regulate social media in general and Facebook in particular.
Regulators, like the Federal Reserve, de facto also use an algorithm, the risk weighted bank capital requirements. This one determines how much capital/equity banks need to hold and, by its incentive of allowing more or less leverage of bank capital, influences how credit is allocated to the economy.
Let me list a few of too many worrisome aspects of that algorithm:
That what’s perceived as risky is more dangerous to bank systems than what’s perceived as safe
That bureaucrats know better what to do with taxpayer’s credit than e.g.., entrepreneurs with theirs.
That banks should refinance much more our “safer” present than finance our children’s and grandchildren’s’ “riskier” future.
That residential mortgages should be prioritized over small business loans.
How did we get there? My briefest answer: Groupthink by deskbound members of a mutual admiration club. Anyone who has walked on main-streets would e.g., understand that the real risks are conditioned to how risks are perceived, signifying assets can become very risky by the sole fact of being perceived very safe.
John A. Shedd, in “Salt from my attic” 1928 wrote: “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for”. Sir, I submit that goes for banks too. Try to ask current regulators about the purpose of our banks.
PS. Rachel Siegel wrote on December 3 “Biden’s pledge to bring ‘new diversity’ to Federal Reserve to soon be tested” I just hope the true meaning of diversity is really understood.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Without freeing Venezuela from its centralized oil revenue curse, Venezuelans will only live in somebody else’s business
Too many leaders around the world keep a Che Guevara shirt in their closet. Therefore whenever Venezuela’s tragedy is framed in terms of socialism… like well fed Pavlov dogs, many of them react instinctively with a: “then it cannot just be so bad”.
That makes it harder for us who need to get rid of the current odious regime and urgently build a better future.
The truth is that Venezuela lives under the yoke of immense natural resource revenues, which are centralized and managed by some few redistribution profiteers.
Some years those revenues have signified 97% of our entire nation’s exports, something that would negate a free capitalistic market anywhere.
What we need, in order to at last live in a nation, and not in somebody else’s business, is oil revenue sharing.
“Socialism…then it cannot just be so bad”? During the corrupt, inept and human rights violating regimes of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s poorest 40% got less than 15% of what they would have received had oil revenues been shared out equally to all.
If we are doing big data, don’t overthink the Big Data. Claims of the efficacy of Big Data are bogus as they are for the use of any Tool applying the rule of the hammer. Famously by that rule every problem begins to look like a nail and certainly can only be treated as a Nail. Big Data is becoming an end in and of its self, everyone knows we need more big data if we are to solve the problems only Big Data can solve. Big Data is at best a diagnostic tool another set of analog tools and remedies always have to be mobilised to solve real flesh and blood problems IRL ( in real life) And that is why Big Data is the fools gold busily fooling the worlds Technocratic ( Big Data Junkie) Corporate and Government leaderships.