Chrematistics to Carbon Credits. The new Monetary System, The carbon credit “Gold Standard”
Freewill v Determinism, Augustine V Pelagius.
Roger’s quotes
“A small boy asks his Dad, "Daddy, what is politics?" Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me Capitalism. Your mom, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the People. The nanny, we'll consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the Future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense." So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said. Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper. The little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father having sex with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed. The next morning, the little boy says to his father, "Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now." The father says, "Good, son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about." The little boy replies, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future is in Deep Shit." ♦◊♦◊♦◊♦” —Various
Chrematistics to Carbon Credits. The new Monetary System, The carbon credit “Gold Standard”
Capitalism & the Illusion of Money – David Korten Yanis Varoufakis On Ancient Greece And The Nature of Money Value can not have a quantity it is a perception or notion even a convention. “What’s the good of Mercator’s North Poles and Equators, Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?” So the Bellman would cry: and the […]
Capitalism & the Illusion of Money – David Korten
Yanis Varoufakis On Ancient Greece And The Nature of Money
Value can not have a quantity it is a perception or notion even a convention.
“What’s the good of Mercator’s North Poles and Equators,
Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?”
So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply
“They are merely conventional signs!
Convention Lewis.
Click to access lewis-convention1.pdf
(10) A medium of exchange–say, coin of the.realm–has its special
status by a convention among tradesmen to take it without question
in return for goods and services. Some conventional media are better
than others: bulky or perishable ones are bad; ones that would retain
some use if the convention collapsed are good–but the inconvenience
of accepting a bad medium of exchange is less than the inconvenience
of refusing it when others take it, or of taking What one can neither
use nor spend. Again, as in (4), there is the complication of legal
sanctions, Refusal to accept legal tender makes a debt legally unenforceable. But again, such sanctions are superflous if they agree with
convention, are outweighed if they go against it, are not decisive either
way, and therefore do not make our regularity any the less conventional.
I suppose we may safely define a medium of exchange as any good
that is conventionally accepted in some population in return for goods
and services. This definition raises an annoying question: is it right
to say that we have a convention to accept our media of exchange
in return for goods and services? It is false to say that our convention
is that we accept our media of exchange in return for goods and
services. For what follows “that” does not state any convention
because it is true, by definition, of any population. On the other hand,
it is true to say of our media of exchange that our convention is that
we accept them in return for goods and services. My question was
ambiguous. It can be read opaquely or transparently.6 It is like the
question whether Hegel knew that the number of planets is greater
than seven. He did not know that the number of planets is greater
than seven. But he did know, of the number of planets–namely
nine–that it is greater than seven
Pricing of Opportunity Cost?
If Value is not a thing then a quantity of a not thing is still not a thing
“a quantity of value, must ITSELF be an abstraction”
rogerglewis on October 13, 2019 at 3:14 pm said:
“That means that, whilst as purists we might prefer to set out our findings in calories, BTUs and joules, we have to talk in dollars, euros and yen if we’re to secure a hearing. It also means that we need models of the economy based firmly on energy principles.”
This conflates Apples and Oranges particularly when one talks of Borrowing Value from the future.
Debt is a claim on future Wealth but not future wealth. If wealth is Surplus energy then Borrowing can only sensibly be expressed as Borrowing Future Energy Streams. Energy Budget have to be expressed qua Energy budgets a subjective value-based currency unit is simply not up to the job.
The Gulf in understanding and Speaking at crossed purposes inherent in maintaining the Old Financial artifices, and artifices are what they are, will maintain the ignorance of the majority of people. This is I think perfectly acceptable to those of an Elitist worldview and Mindset.
Embodied Energy pricing and circular economy concepts along with DIstributive concepts of political economy and not re-distributive taxation and state-based centralised top-down control mechanisms are what is required. Vested interests are not going to listen anyway Tim, Afterall Turkeys do not vote for Christmas.
Finally, Interest charged on a dead medium is unsupportable by definition, this is the driver of the Growth requirement it’s the debt-based Financial system, and debt and taxation as a political control mechanism of the masses is something which again Elitist world views are more than comfortable with and simply do not wish to let go of.
drtimmorganon October 13, 2019 at 4:15 pm said:
Hang on a minute – debt IS future wealth, if you’re the person to whom it is owed.
If you owned £1m of gilts, and the government then said it was never going to pay up, crashing the price to zero, would you not feel just a bit poorer?
rogerglewison October 13, 2019 at 4:43 pm said:
Tim a Claim on wealth does not necessarily represent Skin in the Game. How people feel about wealth or value is purely subjective. For Objective energy-based economics what is important is actually the Pigou Dalton principle, which is related to Status and taxation/re-distribution tolerance.
At its root, “status” is related to mating prospects, these are visceral matters of instinct, the Subjective issues around monetary value are far less problematical than Social re-ordering through perceived discriminatory re-distribution of relative status within civil society.
Energy is a falsifiable measure the Variability and subjectivity of monetary “Values” are pseudoscientific, thats why the conflation is a contradiction of the claimed first principles of energy Economics, That’s just the way it is.
Under a distributive monetary system based on Energy Credits and not Debt, the redistributive aspects of subjective earned monetary income are less acute and the process of a leveling out as posited by Proudhon in his theory and proposal for a State credit bank as argued with Bastiat is well worth reading both are available on my Blog and Conquest of Dough web site.
drtimmorganon October 13, 2019 at 5:52 pm said:
Status is one of the many issues that I think we need to address as we go further into this. At various times, different metrics have determined status. Levi Strauss and others did interesting work on the status-signalling of foods, for example. At various times, too, ancestral lineage has had more status than wealth.
These various indications of status have applied either in economically-static societies or in those where material prosperity has been growing. We have few (though there are some) examples of status markers in deteriorating economies.
On the original point, though, cancelling debts does mean depriving those to whom the debts were owed. This is why, when debt burdens have become excessive in the past, the usual resort has been to inflation – creditors have been ‘repaid’, albeit in money of lesser or even of minimal worth.
rogerglewison October 13, 2019 at 6:06 pm said:
For the greater part of Human History in sedentary societies, the solution has been Jubilee, not Inflation. Inflations are a fairly modern innovation as is, of course, the secular State and Supra-National Government and Corporate monopoly Capital. Since John Law got his innovations adopted by the French court, there has been a considerable memory holing of the Science of Money ( Del-Mar and Zarlenga require mention).
From the perspectives of Monetary History, the timeline goes back a long-Long way and feudalism and outright Slavery also enters the equation even in the relatively modern era. There is certainly a conversation to be had. Of Course, even the Work of Henry George, well known at the Fin De Cicle is all but forgotten after over Half a century of Hayekian and Chicago School Neo-Liberal monetarism and financialization.
Regarding Usury, I consider Benthams in defence of Usury to be the point at which the Liberal lobby for Usury to have bamboozled the better judgment of more Conservative heads, overturning a couple of Millenia of religious and ethical thought. Bentham’s Treatise is well worth reading it is an un-requited invitation to Dialogue with Adam Smith who opposed usury.
Money and Goods Are Different
Thus, clearly, money and goods are not the same thing but are, on the contrary, exactly opposite things. Most confusion in economic thinking arises from failure to recognize this fact. Goods are wealth which you have, while money is a claim on wealth which you do not have. Thus goods are an asset; money is a debt. If goods are wealth; money is not wealth, or negative wealth, or even anti-wealth. They always behave in opposite ways, just as they usually move in opposite directions. If the value of one goes up, the value of the other goes down, and in the same proportion. The value of goods, expressed in money, is called “prices,” while the value of money, expressed in goods, is called “value.”
June 15, 2018
The Control of Oil
4.33 · Rating details · 9 ratings · 1 review
Everything you always suspected about the oil industry but weren’t certain was true–and Blair has proven it for you in the best book to be written about the oil industry. A documented chronicle of the conniveries of the world’s oil barons–most of whom always have resided and continue to reside in America.
Carbon Currency End Game.
Keep Going Almost there.
If one observes the long game the dominant Narrative of the past 30 years is Climate Change and CO2 emission being the only thing anyone needs to focus upon. The Carbon footprint narrative is by a long chalk well ahead of the curve even with the relatively short but seemingly endless Pandemic and Vaccine Narratives of the Past two years.
Naming names, Larry Fink of Blackstone and Blackstones Going Direct is considerably more powerful a control lever on what happens next than the efforts of Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci to enrich Big Pharma and themselves, Gates also has a bigger card in the game and that is Digital ID and its relationship to both Near earth Satellite networks and the 5G networks, which coincidentally really were rolling out at the Same Time as the Wuhan Event, also in coincidentally Wuhan.
The Vaccines and Vaccine Injury is very much closely related to the Adjuvants and not necessarily the Pathogen dose delivered in the solution of the Adjuvant. It is the Adjuvant rather than the disease which is of interest to the 5G / ID aspects of what the past two years have really been all about.
The Repo Spike in Newyork on September the 19th was the starting pistol, of course, the dress rehearsal was Event 201, The Objective was almost certainly to gain widespread acceptance of Digital IDs on SmartPhone devices and possibly by stealth through Nanotechnology, within the Adjuvant solutions in the mRNA vaccines( Experimental Gene Therapies?).
the underside of the Western tradition
“Western philosophy, after all, really begins with the quarrel between Heraclitus and Parmenides; a quarrel that Parmenides won. As a result, from almost the very start, the Western tradition marked itself by imagining objects that exist, as it were, outside
of time and transformation. So much so that the obvious reality of change has always been something of a problem.” Sunack, Davies v Cameron, Smith v Corbyn
WHY are we here? many choices at the end of the day are actually either or, Science or God, Evolution or Creation/Intelligent design?
Perhaps there is a useful distinction to be made between Science and Technology and between God and mental well- being. If it works don´t fix it and if it feels good or does some apparent good then keep doing it. In this area Rupert Sheldrakes´ notions of habits in nature along with C S Pierces´ Agapism, take me down a path I am always happy to re-visit with either doubt or scepticism depending whether I am blowing in a Materialistic or Idealistic breeze that particular day. Perhaps the best thing to do with mind if we accept such a thing exists is to keep it (mind)open to the possibility for changing once we think we have made it up, or to accept the possibility of contradictions and being in two or multiple minds at once. What are our choices and how do we prioritise or rank them. All of this with the knowledge that we will never have all of the information we would like to overcome our doubt or scepticism. ( Back to Ceteris Paribus? )
There are then notions of received, accepted and popular wisdom, the things we take for granted, the ´Settled Science
´´or ´´Consensus ´´Viewpoint. Beware the thought Police neither the God Squad or the Science Mob have a monopoly on policing thought crime against their Dogmas and they all have plenty of Dogma to go around. Michel Foucault got at this notion of the In Group bias of what Polyani called the Science republic. It applies equally well to any formalised structure of allowed realities I find; secular, scientific, political or religious.
”I would define the episteme retrospectively as the strategic apparatus which permits of separating out from among all the statements which are possible those that will be acceptable within, I won’t say a scientific theory, but a field of scientificity, and which it is possible to say are true or false. The episteme is the ‘apparatus’ which makes possible the separation, not of the true from the false, but of what may from what may not be characterised as scientific.” Michel Foucault.
´´Let those that deny the educational significance of the Bible, that declare it has outlived its usefulness, invent such a book, such stories, such explanations of the phenomena of nature, either from general history or from imagination, which should have such a recap- ion as the Bible ones have, and then we will agree that the Bible is superannuated .
Pedagogy serves as a verification of many, many vital phenomena, of social and abstract questions.Materialism will have the right to proclaim itself as victorious only when the bible of materialism shall have been written, and childhood shall have been educated according to this bible. Owen’s experiment cannot be regarded as a proof of such a possibility, any more than the growth of a lemon tree in a Moscow greenhouse is proof that it could grow without the open sky and the sun.I repeat it, my conviction, drawn perhaps from a one- sided experiment, is that the development of a child and a man is as unthinkable without the Bible as it would have been in Greek society without
Homer. The Bible is the only book for the elementary education of the young. The Bible, both in its form and in its con- tent, ought to serve as the model for all children’s manuals and reading books. A simple popular translation of the Bible would be the most popular of all books. The appearance of such a translation in our day would make an epoch in the history of the Russian people ´´ (YASNAYA POLYANA SCHOOL 253, Tolstoy,
There is one object to the Game – To get Rent!
Then become a Master at it, find The Key and get to NextLevel, where life is more valuable than wealth, finally.
GameWorld – a dystopian setting in which The Game is played
BoilerRoom – a trading floor where foolish players play and then complain when their gamble loses
FakeWorld – a utopian world that makes no sense in The Game
GamePlay – how you choose to play the game, for better or worse
The Field – where all trade and exchange takes place, markets
Rent – your score in the game, aka wealth or money in FakeWorld
RentSeeking – the skilful art of getting a higher score
Tokens – what players buy things with, a useful proxy for Rent
Value in modern monetary Accounting.
“well that stuff’s worth something only
on the point passes from me to you”
Going direct Paradigm Mind Map
Value in modern monetary Accounting.
“well that stuff’s worth something only
on the point passes from me to you”
Going direct Paradigm Mind Map
Understanding Affordability issues for the Property Market
Welsh : arian
English : cash; money; silver; wherewithal
June 6, 2019

August 29, 2017
Why Money is such a bad metric for Energy investment decisions? EROI, Towards an Energy-Based Economics. More Notes from the Digital Coalface.
How so? The worlds money supply has doubled in the 9 years since the 2008 financial crisis, Incomes have not doubled and neither have most peoples savings. The transfer function of wealth through Interest Charges and also priority and first mover advantage with those with first use of newly created debt based bank credit make Money as biased a unit as well as a highly variable unit of measurement you could hope to invent, of course you do not need to invent it because it already exists.
“”Who hasn’t experienced the following? Just the other day
it happened to me! Just like any other weekend, I went
to the supermarket to replenish my empty pantry and as
always, I made the mandatory stop at the fresh produce
section, where I placed some tomatoes in one of those
little plastic bags that you tear from a dispenser. As
always, I went to one of those electronic scales full of
those colourful figures that represent the different
produce: I put the bag on the scale and pushed the key
with the little tomato on it. And oh my God, the
following message appeared on the screen! “Error: This
scale has run out of grams. Please excuse the
inconvenience”. What a pain and just at the worst
moment! But then again, we all know that given the
times, grams are scarce…””
Introduction to Technocracy – 1933
discussions — of ‘value,’ of fluctuating prices, of the gold standard, of changing interest rates, of items of pecuniary wealth which are at the same time items of debt — are
merely discussions looking toward a readjustment of the factors which prevent them
The problem of analysing political choices against the metric of a Monetary measure is the Money as a Thing is most certainly a Variable and as any good technologist, scientist or metrologist will tell you a unit of measurement has to be clearly defined and fixed.
The dollar. He notes that it is a variable. Why anyone should attempt, on this earth, to use a
variable as a measuring rod is so utterly absurd that he dismisses any serious
consideration of its use in his study of what should be done.
He also considers ‘price’ and ‘value’ and the fine- spun theories of philosophers and
economists who have attempted to surround these terms with the semblance of meaning.
These terms, like the monetary unit, may have had meaning to men in the past but they
mean nothing whatsoever to the modern technologist. The standard of measurement is
not relevant to the things measured; and the measuring rod and the things, measured as if
they were stable, are all variables.
This is from 2013 and storage solutions to utilise peak generation of both wind and solar and to provide supply when generation is not possible to have improved since 2013 and will continue to improve. This is another interesting thing about the Time value of money basis of comparison it leads to short term solutions being preferred over long term ones explained by Berard Lietaer here.
I Made these interactive Quizzes based upon the Positive Money Quiz By David Faraday
and the money creation Survey of MP´s
For people who are surprised with the claims I make above please take the quiz see how much you know about money? many people are surprised about how little they really know.
Fig. 8. Imbalance in the intermediate trade and final
trade (The size of the sphere represents the corre-
sponding economy’s gross trade volume of embodied
Global primary energy use associated with production, consumption and international trade (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed Mar 10 2018].
Click the Link Below and please read this book, written by a Physicist, Engineer and sadly now departed all round good egg Prof. Sir David MacKay.
February 25, 2016
The text appears to be a poetic reflection on the harshness of usury and the consequences it brings. It delves into the theme of justice, mercy, and the impact of financial dealings on individuals and society. The imagery and metaphors used convey a sense of unease and moral ambiguity surrounding the pursuit of wealth and power.
the Courtroom. A usurer demands his deserts.
When shylock petitions the Duke
can he exact a pound of flesh and spill no blood.
The Judge must honour the contract,
how many others does the forfeiture doom?
Neither brassy bosoms, rough hearts of flint
nor stubborn Turks and tartars feel obliged
to temper the harshness of usury or forfeiture, when the price can not be met.
The Quality of mercy is most definitely strained.
It flattens crops like hail.
Truly only the usurer is twice blessed
and the throned monarch is unthroned.
Usury the usurers crown of gold, our crown remains of thorns.
New suitors of title ´Masters of the Universe´.
Not Belmont’s fair Portia sought.
Porches and financial instruments of many more horse power,
torque of Twisted vigour.
No longer metaphors of Gold for gaining mans desire,
Or of Silver and its just deserts.
Always Lead and usurious alchemy,
hearts now made of stone.
failed suit of Morocco,
return and count revenues from the Sookes.
Failed suit of Aragon,
beware robbers from Flanders with heavy dennier stockinged masques.
Seek inside your own Bossanio,
rejecting usury´s gold, hard food of Midas.
Tween Man and man no usury.
Plain lead and recognise moneys deceit.
As Portias counterfeit, redeemed in marriage.
So too should all value tokens declare the
facsimile of exchange they truly be.
Money a true handshake in honour alone.
The courtiers of the Exchequer address the king;
We economists beholden as we are to the princes of usury and as the false prophets of usury.
We fit the horse foot to the shoe that suits us best. It matters not that the horse becomes lame and less furlongs are ploughed. As we deny the poison in our own usurious medium. We also deny that what ills our patient, could be from any panacea concocted in our own alchemists crucible.
Our unit of account, that is to say this store of value.
Not to leave unsaid, this medium of exchange.
Our scarlet pimpernel which no one quite pins down.
We say; ”we give you something , always the same
fungible with each the other. The one whole. Held in safe keeping, returned. What we call these claims or, definitions of claims. These bundles of demands, is money.
Insinuated into civil intercourse,
ubiquitous in the machinery of community,
deployed as a lever and pulley in affairs of state.
A measure of nothing, conjured to divine what’s important.
This baron abstract that claims fruit.
This heavy invisible burden,
a yoke. Fashioned in language,
felt but never seen.
inflicting scars as deep as any lash,
claiming lives as real as any canon.
This nightmare device of imagination.
Who are the slayers of this mythical dragon?
Coleridge saw beauty in nature where sweet amaranths bloom. And Shakespeare compared his summers day.
What of this hamlets ghost of a spectre?
something is rotten in the danegeld,
many more promises are written than can be kept.
So much nectar strained from thin broth,
which bargains can be made?
When the music stops and the dancers
sit down. Chairs are our metaphor for the real.
Always too few.
Rascals become clothed in robes
and honesty is reduced to rags.
Elisabeth lease had a purchase on truth.
”When people starve how can overproduction stand charged. It is money promises, kept short in supply that causes starvation. The consumption in the lungs of the community, is the usurers confection.
A counterfeit Nobel laureate, theres an irony.
Denies that in money there can be a place that gertrude stein called there, home once but no longer there , there in Oakland. A precursor to some sub prime heritage.
A speaker of truth to power could follow Pauli ´Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig, es is nicht einmal falsh!
Not even wrong, not even there.
All counterfeit, yet to counterfeit the counterfeit? a crime.
What of the shepherd of this unruly nothing,
where will they pen and fence this pack of wolves.
Will they dress this pack of cards in sheep’s clothing.
Limit the herd a need for Golden standards.
Prudence of sound Money and even sounder usury.
Fix the price and patronise those who will honour the thievery. A mechanism to harmonise silent ballot boxes.
A gentlemen from belgium would complement his single currency. Unruled and unruly sets a course for austerity on a continent many times at war. A fight of 11 rounds.
Spread like a cancer through the development of continents, enabling the killing called wars. That increase the debt and centralise the money power.
Quiggly shewed the tragedy, little hope it seemed,
blind faith in capitalisms harlot. That babylonian whore.
At first a mere money trick for ragged trousered philanthropy. With usury, take away whats not even yet been paid. Ruskin would see wealth as that which is valuable in the hands of the valiant. Real goods sustain and wealth succours. Usurious money is but an unmade claim and worse. No banker has earned that newly minted note that hangs discordant in the air, as apt to rob as to pay.
How obscure this obscurant cult of mammon.
What smoke screened hall of mirrors.
How obese and gluttonous the leviathan of usury.
Austerity for the likes of you and I.
More banqueting and evacuated vomit spews from the sceptred top table. Corrupt in patronage and jealousy of power. Overstuffed with greed and thirsty for more.
How mean the jealousy of greed grows.
As more wants more and demands all.
The truly poor are those who desire much,
oppressive wealth no longer is, it only has.
Usury consumes the usurer, no self just an exponential nothing. Growing ever more grotesque in a shadow of what never was and never could be.
A doom laden ring of the nibelungs slained by teutonic nobles and routed by heroic Norsemen.
The paper money shrouds the rock of prometheus and
still he forgets in whose promises the usurers truck.
rephrase into a canto in the style of Ezra Pound ?
In the temple of justice, a usurer presides,
Demanding fair repayment for his loan.
Can Shylock claim a pound of flesh,
Sans shedding his debtor's scarlet blood?
The Duke, bound by the sacred contract's word,
Contemplates the souls condemned by this severe penalty.
No bold hearts, nor unyielding spirits,
Feel compelled to soften the sting of debt and usury.
Mercy strains, like hail upon the land,
As the usurer's riches multiply,
And the regal monarch is overthrown.
Usury, the lender's gilded crown,
While our own crown rests upon thorny brows.
"Master of the Universe" seekers, seek not fair Portia,
But porches and potent financial schemes.
Gold and silver, no longer symbols of desire and righteous reward,
But lead and usury harden men's hearts.
Morocco's suitors count their incomes,
While Aragon's must beware masked thieves.
Bassanio, forsake the golden usury,
Which is but the solid fare of Midas's avarice.
Among men, let there be no usury,
But honest lead to discern the falsehood of money.
As Portia's false love was redeemed in marriage,
So should all tokens declare their true value.
Money should be an honest, honorable pact.
The Light Within: Augustine on Human Nature
The video discusses Augustine's journey from a hedonistic youth in Rome to his profound Christian faith, highlighting his intellectual transformation, critique of pagan philosophies, and contributions to religious thought, especially through his work "Confessions."
Detailed Summary for [The Light Within: Augustine on Human Nature](
by [Monica](
Augustine's transformation from a wild youth in Rome to a mature thinker on the transitory nature of human empires
- Augustine's youthful love for Rome and his wild lifestyle}
- Augustine's realization of the transitory nature of human empires}
- Augustine criticizes Rome's reliance on gods to save the city}
- Augustine's shift towards seeking deeper meaning beyond physical pleasures}
- Augustine's adoption of Roman culture and his family background}
Augustine's journey from Manichaeism to Christianity and asceticism
- Augustine's attraction to Manichaeism and the problem of evil}
- Augustine's appointment as professor of rhetoric in Milan}
- Influence of Saint Ambrose on Augustine's conversion to Christianity}
- Ambrose's guidance towards asceticism and retreat from the world}
- Augustine's struggle with anti-intellectualism in early church teachings}
Early Christians' skepticism towards ancient pagan practices and philosophical teachings
- Early Christians rejecting pagan wisdom and focusing on Christian beliefs}
- Lack of alignment between Aristotle's writings and Christian faith}
- Divergence between ancient Greek thought and early Christian values}
- Early Christians' skepticism towards philosophical achievements}
Promulgation of beliefs through teaching and cultural translation
- Religion should be taught rather than forced}
- Promulgation through appropriate symbols and idioms}
- Cultural translation requires abstraction and effective use of metaphor}
- Teachers must have a deep understanding of the beliefs they promote}
- Challenges of anti-intellectualism and anti-aristotelianism in promoting beliefs}
Augustine emphasizes the importance of faith in seeking knowledge
- The knowledge sought by Christians is unattainable without faith}
- Augustine writes about the ascent toward knowledge driven by love of God}
- Faith, hope, and love are essential for human development according to Augustine}
- Human knowledge is fallible, but truth can be grasped through God's grace}
- The truths of religion are considered indubitable and come from God}
Augustine discusses the problem of evil and free will in relation to God's omnipotence and omniscience
- Christ's mission to redeem all humanity}
- Christianity emphasizes the journey to heaven not through intellect}
- Pagan philosophers criticized for corrupting the world}
- God in Christianity is portrayed as loving and good}
- Augustine delves into the problem of free will and God's omnipotence}
Augustine's approach to the problem of free will
- Predicting human behavior based on probabilities}
- The concept of free will and volitional decisions}
- Augustine's analytical dialectical approach to philosophical problems}
- Recovery of dialectic in the context of religious teaching}
- Exploring the problem of knowledge, specifically knowledge of God}
Augustine's contribution to psychology and epistemology
- Augustine's significant contribution to understanding psychology and epistemology}
- Augustine's use of epistemic distinctions to support religious teachings}
- Augustine's Confessions as a profound and inspiring work}
"Man’s status is better and higher for the very reason for which it is thought to be inferior"
The Gap. Filling in the blanks, reading between the lines
Rog and Ranjan, Amazing Grace, What isn't on the page?
For a Tear is an Intellectual thing. William Blake
rogerglewis says:
August 2, 2018
That Link to Dr Paul Craig Roberts Article, From “The Dr Paul Craig Roberts” who served in the Reagan Administration.
Going back to an earlier analogy about the map not being the territory, I see this Article as a Map of Political Economy in the USA and By Extention a blueprint upon which the nation states which form The Washington Consensus, base their own political economy. ( The PetroDollar is Massively significant in compounding mistakes in our present Navigational Bearing)
Of Course, Energy is a Fundamental *First Cause* if you will in the economy but if one looks to Motivations and the end causes by which we can come to find a sensible course.
“This is most obvious in the animals other than man: they make things neither by art nor after inquiry or deliberation. That is why people wonder whether it is by intelligence or by some other faculty that these creatures work, – spiders, ants, and the like… It is absurd to suppose that purpose is not present because we do not observe the agent deliberating. Art does not deliberate. If the ship-building art were in the wood, it would produce the same results by nature. If therefore, purpose is present in art, it is present also in nature.[20]”
What after all is seeds? what indeed is the Value of One Dollar or One MToe of Oil or 1000 Kwh of Electricity.
After all of the Measurement and Analysis is done and we have our Cold Hard figures what do we do with them what are we aiming for.
Ezra Pound wrote his ABC of Economics in 1932/33, it is a quick short read and dispatches the dismal science efficiently without bluster
The Penrtich Uprising marched to the Sloga, An End to the National Debt and a Larger Loaf of Bread, The Distributists ( Chesterton and Belloc ) Espoused 3 Acres and A Cow, The US Emancipation movement 40 acres and a Mule. Pounds Solution would seem very much in tune with Dr Craig Roberts, Half the Working Week and Pay a wage commensurate with a dignified happy life.
Distributism favours the dissolution of the current private bank system, or more specifically its profit-making basis in charging interest. Dorothy Day, for example, suggested [36] abolishing legal enforcement of interest-rate contracts (usury). It would not entail nationalization but could involve government involvement of some sort. Distributists look favourably on credit unions as a preferable alternative to banks.
“The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Martin Shubick,
”The monetary and financial system of an economy are part of the socio-politico-economic control mechanism used by every state to connect the economy with the polity and society. This neural network provides the administrative means to collect taxes, direct investment, provide public goods, trade. The money measures provide a crude but serviceable basis for the accounting system which in turn, along with the codification of commercial law and financial regulation are the basis for economic evaluation and the measurement of trust and fiduciary responsibility among the economic agents. A central feature of a control mechanism is that it is designed to influence process. Dynamics is its natural domain. Equilibrium is not the prime concern, the ability to control the direction of motion is what counts.
Money and financial institutions provide the command and control system of a modern society. The study of the mechanism, how they are formed, how they are controlled and manipulated and how their influence is measured in terms of social, political, and economic purpose pose questions, not in pure economics, not even in a narrow political economy, but in the broad compass of a political economy set in the context of society. ”
Martin Shubik
What I am trying to get across is even where we base our analysis in terms of the energy conversion potential of the economy, which I believe is a positive Story where there is room for ‘Miserable Optimism’, The Miserable element provoked by the future prospect of confronting Twain’s aphorism, ‘ It is much easier to con a man than to convince him he has been conned after the event’