What is the Purpose of the Economy MARCH 16, 2023
Cause and effect The Causes of Political Economy Outcomes.
What is the Purpose of the Economy? #ArtificialScarcity #TaxFarming #FinanceTailWagsCommunityDog #WagTheDog #Stupidlosophy to #CanofWorms #Aadhaar #
What is the Purpose of the Economy? #ArtificialScarcity #TaxFarming #FinanceTailWagsCommunityDog #WagTheDog #Stupidlosophy to #CanofWorms #Aadhaar
#DutchFarmers filed under #ClimateChange? by #BBC
Saw You Coming – Stupidlosophy (PROBLEM)
Reaction ( Narrative )
85% of deposits at these banks aren't FDIC insured…
Good luck https://t.co/IIrP8sf9vA pic.twitter.com/8ajuwATyma
— Financelot (@FinanceLancelot) March 12, 2023
One of Henry Carey’s closest
friends and collaborators, U.S. State
Department official Erasmus Peshine
Smith, was stationed in Japan from
1871-77 as an advisor to the Japanese
government’s Foreign Ministry on
issues of credit, tariffs, education, and
bilateral treaty agreements with the
western powers. The establishment
of the National Bank in 1872 and the
enactment of educational reforms to
create a literate citizenry, imbued with
scientific and technological optimism,
were directly due to Smith.
With this platform now established
in Russia, Japan and Germany, by the
1890s an historic opportunity for the
nations of continental Europe to unite
and work together emerged. France’s
Foreign Minister Gabriel Hanotaux
collaborated with Finance Minister
Witte of Russia to develop the internal
connections of the European nations,
moving towards a completed Eurasian
The world was advancing in a way
that could smash the power of the
British Imperial forces. The British
counteroffensive, led by the likes of
the son of that dope-sniffing Queen
Victoria, the future King Edward
VII, struck against all those nations
with assassinations, subversion, and
fomentation of wars—and ultimately
World War I.
Equally horrifying to British
Imperial strategists was the work
being done in the laboratories, in all
fields of science, during the decades
after Lincoln’s Civil War victory. It
was against this scientific renaissance
that the Cambridge Apostles of
the Darwin Project for Malthusian
genocide were unleashed, to corrupt,
pollute, and attempt to destroy the new
scientific discoveries and technological
advances, including the revolution in
physical chemistry, taking place during
these years
Why central banks are too powerful and have created our inflation crisis – by the banking expert who pioneered quantitative easing https://t.co/QuPNR5gJeS via @ConversationUK
— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 16, 2023
Like the chicken and the egg, which came first banking or money?, Goldsmiths, or early bankers, started issuing promissory notes for the gold or silver they stored as early as 1633. But how many decades passed before these become legal tender? https://t.co/o9t5z99gmT #quizmaker
— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 16, 2023

Fig 1.
Fig 2
The better Manifesto is the La rouche organisation’s Great Leap Backwards.
Mackintosh’s brand of Green Fascism has emerged fully now from behind the curtain, Let the discussion of the Facts and the Science commence.

Severe Oil Backwardation Is Here. It’s Not All Bad for Stocks. https://t.co/i8cTrL9Y0i via @BarronsOnline
— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 16, 2023
Procrustian modeling and policy-based evidence-making a trial of style over substance and the blind led by the blind. Circular and inductive reasoning, a failure to check and re-check premises.
“The Position was well put indeed in a famous speech by Jbzl to the graduates of the Central Saturnian University when he said that it was a source of great pride to him that although hardly anybody knew anything any longer, everybody now knew how to find out everything.”
2.1. EIR of oil and petroleum
The EIRp, oil typically lies between 10 and 30, but from 1949 to 2008 it ranges from 7.5 (1981) to 48 (1998) with a value of 8.8 in 2008 marking the year of the highest oil price in history and the beginning of the latest time period of US economic recession. The minimum EIRp, oil of 7.5 in 1981 also coincided with the peak of an economic recession in the US as well as the time of the highest overall cost of petroleum as a percentage of GDP at 8.5% (EIA 2008). EIRe, petro from 1970 to 2006 ranged from 5.3 in 1981 to 15.9 in 1998, the same years for the lowest and highest EIRp, oil. In 1981 EIRp, oil:EIRe, petro was 1.43:1 (minimum) and in 1998 3.05:1 (maximum). The EIRp, oil from 1949 to 1972 gradually increased from 19 to 29 with little volatility in the value. This lack of volatility can possibly be attributed to the Texas Railroad Commission (TRC) acting as an oil cartel by
pro rationing oil production in Texas from 1935 to 1973 to create a price floor for balancing supply and demand (Prindle 1981)
. With Texas as the swing state oil producer until US peak production in 1970, this balancing on the price was possible.

2.1. EIR of oil and petroleum
The EIRp,oil typically lies between 10 and 30, but from 1949
to 2008 it ranges from 7.5 (1981) to 48 (1998) with a value of
8.8 in 2008 marking the year of the highest oil price in history
and the beginning of the latest time period of US economic
recession. The minimum EIRp,oil of 7.5 in 1981 also coincided
with the peak of an economic recession in the US as well as the
time of the highest overall cost of petroleum as a percentage
of GDP at 8.5% (EIA 2008). EIRe,petro from 1970 to 2006
ranged from 5.3 in 1981 to 15.9 in 1998, the same years for
the lowest and highest EIRp,oil. In 1981 EIRp,oil:EIRe,petro was
1.43:1 (minimum) and in 1998 3.05:1 (maximum). The EIRp,oil
from 1949 to 1972 gradually increased from 19 to 29 with little
volatility in the value. This lack of volatility can possibly be
attributed to the Texas Railroad Commission (TRC) acting as
an oil cartel by prorationing oil production in Texas from 1935
to 1973 to create a price floor for balancing supply and demand
(Prindle 1981). With Texas as the swing state oil producer until
US peak production in 1970, this balancing on the price was
After 1972, the increased oil prices in 1973, caused by the
Arab oil embargos, and again in 1979, impacted by the Iranian
Revolution, forced the EIRp,oil to drop (e.g. lower Btu/$ in the
numerator of (1)). After the mid-1980s, the EIRp,oil follows
a general rise and fall, with increased volatility and a steady
declining trend since 1994 (with one anomalously high value
in 1998). Due to the dramatic drop in the price of oil from 2008
to 2009, the EIRp,oil is higher in 2009.2

Davion M. Hill
DNV Research and Innovation
Dublin, OH USA
Carey King, Ph.D.
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX USA

Oil/tar sands require significantly more energy inputs to produce than historical
conventional oil. The bitumen is too viscous to flow underground in its natural state.
About 80% of bitumen resources are too deep to extract by digging. For these deeper
resources, a significant amount of fuel is burned to create steam that is injected
underground to enable the bitumen to flow and be pumped to the surface. For every
unit of energy input into production, less than 6 units of energy come out in the
extracted bitumen [10]. The U.S. oil and gas industry historically produced 10–20
units of energy relative to a unit of energy input [24]. Considering the additional
energy inputs for refining the oil to products such as gasoline and jet fuel, oil
sands deliver less than 3 units of energy, whereas conventional petroleum gasoline
historically delivered between 5 and 10 [31, 32, 35]. In general, the lower the
EROI, the higher the cost [34]. An EROI of 5 for gasoline roughly translates to
an equivalent gasoline price of near 4 $/gallon that U.S. consumers experienced in
2008 [31].
King, C.W.: Energy intensity ratios as net energy measures of united states energy production
and expenditures. Environmental Research Letters 5: 044006(available at
1748-9326/5/044006) (2010)King, C.W.: The rising cost of resources and global indicators of change. American Scientist
103, 6 (2015)King, C.W.: Information theory to assess relations between energy and structure of the U.S.
economy over time. BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality 1(2), 10 (2016).
There are competitive- and resource-based explanations for the phases I have outlined in the results. Phase 1 (from 1947 to 1967) was a period in which there were no apparent limits to U.S. economic expansion. The U.S. was the major market economy as Western Europe and Japan were rebuilding from World War II. Thus, the U.S. had little economic competition. Declining food expenditures (e.g., food = energy) along with cheap and abundant energy via prolific oil fields (e.g., in Texas) enabled the U.S. to control energy prices. Texas oil production actually had to be held back by the Texas Railroad Commission to prevent price collapse. During this time, the U.S. economy built up ‘structural reserves’ in the sense that money became more evenly spread throughout the domestic economy. By all measures in this paper, monetary flows became more evenly distributed during Phase 1.
The years 1967–2002 (Phase 2) are characterized by energy and environmental constraints affecting the U.S. economy for the first time. The Clean Air Act (1970) and Clean Water Act (1972) were substantially increased in scope and enforcement. Further, peak U.S. crude oil production in 1970 enabled the Arab oil embargo of 1973, and OPEC’s increase in posted oil price in 1973 (Mitchell 2013), to raise oil prices to such a degree to cause major reactions by importing countries. The environmental and energy changes encouraged significant investment in utilities (e.g., wastewater treatment) and resource extraction (see Table 17) along with a focus on consumer energy efficiency for the first time since industrialization. As examples, the U.S. created car fuel efficiency standards known as Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE), shifted away from using oil for power generation (and temporarily also away from natural gas and toward coal), and expanded oil production into Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. These and other macroeconomic factors (increasing debt ratios non-financial corporations (Minsky 2016; pp. 48–52); the end of spending for the Vietnam War; and a transition to government deficits in 1970 (Galbraith 2014; p. 41) resulted in gross power consumption and GDP increasing at a slower rate than before the 1970s. Starting in 1972, the U.S. has no longer been a net exporter of goods and services (except for 1982), and the oil and gas sector has been a net importer (in monetary terms) since 1967 (see Figure S7).
Thus, economic transactions stopped becoming more evenly distributed as the annual changes in conditional entropy and indeterminacy were close to zero. Hierarchy started to increase as fast as it decreased during Phase 1 while redundancy kept increasing. This combination of metrics indicates that some sectors started attracting an increased share of total flows through them even while all flows within the economy became more distributed.
The years 2002–2012 (Phase 3) are unique in that the I–O tables became more concentrated by all measures (the exact opposite trends of Phase 1). Mutual constraint, hierarchy (of node flows), and efficiency (of all flows) all increased during this time, while conditional entropy decreased. These changes are largely due to shifts toward increased energy (“Oil and Gas Extraction” Sector 3) and food sector purchases.
King, C.W., Hall, C.A.S.: Relating financial and energy return on investment. Sustainability
3(10), 1810–1832 (2011)King, C.W., Maxwell, J.P., Donovan, A.: Comparing world economic and net energy metrics,
part 1: Single technology and commodity perspective. Energies 8(11), 12,346 (2015). https://
doi.org/10.3390/en81112346. http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/8/11/12346

One takeaway is that the EIR of gasoline is lower than that for oil. For energetic
and monetary reasons this must be the case. As previously stated once we’ve
extracted oil, refiners must consume additional energy and spend more money to
turn oil into gasoline. The figure also compares the EIR of oil to a more detailed
calculation of EROI for the U.S. oil and gas sector. This EROI calculation uses
a more specific method that includes energy consumption data available every five
years [24]. Importantly, the two calculations follow the same trends. When one went
up, so did the other, and vice versa. Also, EIR of oil (only) is larger than the EROI of
the oil and gas sector, but when they approach values below ten (when oil is getting
relatively expensive), they become much closer to each other. This shows that when
energy costs get high, prices are forced to follow.
The comparison of energy output to inputs of energy carriers is not limited to
liquid fuels such as oil, gasoline, and ethanol. Figure 5.1 also shows the EIR for
electricity. This metric and its price inputs account for the entire supply chain of
extracting fuels burned in power plants, generating electricity, and delivering that
electricity to each business and homes. We tend to place more value on electricity
delivered to our home relative to gasoline at the pump. Electricity powers our
appliances and televisions and it charges our mobile devices and computers, and
we don’t have to operate a power plant in our home to use electricity. Thus, we pay
more dollars per unit of energy for electricity than for gasoline, and the net energy
ratio, or EIR, is lower.
We know different energy commodities have different prices per unit of energy,
different EROI, and we buy a mix of many energy products. Thus, we can also think
about the net energy of the entire energy system.
2/4 of the role of energy in the economy AND to learn about those of us that are pointing the way to better integration of energy and physical principles into macroeconomic modeling such that we can be better informed on impacts of policy (e.g., zero carbon, #GreenNewDeal).
— Carey W. King (@CareyWKing) October 14, 2020

The question we should be asking, once again, is why the folks we pay so much are, once again, exposed as being no smarter than me playing with my Fidelity account? And why the people who regulate such risk taking are once again bailing out the people who take the risk?
— Mark Blyth (@MkBlyth) March 14, 2023

Budget focused on growth but light on direct housing help
12 “potential Canary Wharfs" ( Got that T Shirt ed.)
urther support for ensuring nutrient neutrality obligations can be “effectively delivered”
Another nothing burger from a Kakistocratic Shower.— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 15, 2023
No matter what happens next, it's a relief knowing Fed officials were forced to sell their stock holdings for "ethical reasons" in September 2021 https://t.co/rad2BiU9FE pic.twitter.com/Jrp0RdCmEt
— Financelot (@FinanceLancelot) March 15, 2023
Expiration Time (in Options) – Overview, Options, After-Hours …
— Expiration time in options trading occurs on the third Saturday of the expiration month at 11:59 a.m. EST.— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 15, 2023
Markets are still under control and Aladdin will continue to keep them under control until OPEX.
Then markets collapse at the end of the month, exactly like Sept 2008 and Feb 2020. https://t.co/RyjMgTFNCX pic.twitter.com/zOEGGJMLMz
— Financelot (@FinanceLancelot) March 15, 2023
#AirStrip1 and the SVB collapse.
Households are struggling more than ever in the #CostOfGreedCrisis.
But chronic underfunding means they are in a critical condition.
The @GOVUK must make #profiteering big businesses fund #debtadvice properly.#SaveDebtAdvice pic.twitter.com/RCMwH8M6XN— Claire Unite the Union (@ClaireUnite) March 13, 2023
UK Budget today, a report from #AirStrip1 Oceania vs East Asia it’s on.
The Budget ( Treasury ( Kakistocracy ) and the Kleptocracy ( ESG bandits of the Green Fascist Mafia) The Budget is basically the Looters Manifesto. ( Austerity for thee and me, !)
The Budget ( Treasury ( Kakistocracy ) and the Kleptocrayc ( ESG bandits of the Green Fascist Mafia)
The Budget is basically the Looters Manifesto. ( Austerity for thee and me, !)https://t.co/4MgLBMSW19
— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 15, 2023


https://t.co/BK4OfGopH2 pic.twitter.com/HNM27HvjRm
— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 14, 2023
John Titus, 14 Feb, called the St Valentines Day Massacre and STeph Pomboy called it 1 March@spomboy @ClonalAntibody @ProfSteveKeen— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 12, 2023
85% of deposits at these banks aren't FDIC insured…
Good luck https://t.co/IIrP8sf9vA pic.twitter.com/8ajuwATyma
— Financelot (@FinanceLancelot) March 12, 2023
Campbells Soup, Can of Worms 15 minutes of fame , Where this is all Headed?
Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity https://t.co/w4XzXL2bb7
— Real-Estate Land Development Limited (@RealEstateLand3) March 16, 2023
Remember Smaug the dragon, in The Hobbit? He hoarded up a vast pile of wealth, and then he just hung out in his cave, sitting on it (with occasional forays to further pillage and immolate the local populace).
The Monetary System bakes this into the cake with Interest going to the very top of the Pile. On Growth, GDP is a very poor metric both in what it seeks to measure and its monetary measuring metric.
The Graphic makes a Stunning point, what is needed is the hard work in explaining why this happens and this comes from a better understanding of USURY, which delivers serfdom by stealth.
Wealth inequality in the U.S. is much worse than income inequality. The difference between the Top 0.01% (red line) and everyone else is so enormous that we couldn’t fit it in an image: “The bottom 90% of Americans aren’t even visible on this chart — and it’s a very tall chart!…But If you’re thinking that they “deserve” all that wealth, and all that income just for owning stuff, because they’re “makers,” think again: between 50% and 70% of U.S. household wealth is “earned” the old-fashioned way: it’s inherited.”
Anyone wondering where it all is headed? The World Follows the US example ( Bad Example) If we want to know where the Script is Headed, The Narrative is not the Script people, think of the Narrative as the False Panels on a New Auto Line out for Road Testing.
The US is 180 degrees reversed from what it says on the Tin. In Pop Art think of The Warhol Campbells Soup Tin.And a Can of Worms.
Been thinking for the past few weeks and this PCR Article has unlocked some themes may be a Blog by Tomorrow.
The US Economy Is Failing — Paul Craig Roberts – PaulCraigRoberts.org
The US Economy Is Failing
Paul Craig Roberts
Do the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page editors read their own newspaper?
The frontpage headline story for the Labor Day weekend was “Low Wage Growth Challenges Fed.” Despite an alleged 4.4% unemployment rate, which is full employment, there is no real growth in wages. The front page story pointed out correctly that an economy alleged to be expanding at full employment, but absent any wage growth or inflation, is “a puzzle that complicates Federal Reserve policy decisions.”
This Saturday – March 11 – farmers and civilians will gather in The Hague to protest against the insane plans of our government to expropriate 3000 farms.
I’ll be speaking there.
United we stand. Let’s go! #DutchFarmerspic.twitter.com/aX8rnRk8PZ
— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) March 8, 2023

Bill Kruse – http://www.economania.co.uk/various-authors/various-authors.htm – Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if attributed to Bill Kruse, unedited and copied in full, including this notice.
Members can discuss this and other articles on the economics forum at International Mensa.
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3 thoughts on “What is the Purpose of the Economy? #ArtificialScarcity #TaxFarming #FinanceTailWagsCommunityDog #WagTheDog #Stupidlosophy to #CanofWorms #Aadhaar #”
4 hrs agoLiked by Grub Street In Exile
Thanks Grub St - a great find and I will reference it in my seriaised book, The Financial Jigsaw Part 2 in the coming weeks, which is ongoing now. It's an uncannily accurate prediction, especially since it is almost 20 years ago. I have difficulty predicting next month, let alone 20 years hence, because of the turmoil generated by The Fourth Turning. Has he read Straus & How? LOL :-)
2 hrs agoAuthor
Morning Peter,
Greetings from a glorious morning here in Sweden.
From Skype.
Peter, 11:10
I am on this afternoon BST 1500 will keep Skype open for a chat whenever you are available today. I usually email scheduled times because I am busy writing and researching most of the time and don't want to break my thread
Hi Peter, I am around all day. My present focus is on mt UK property Business which is focused on Building affordable homes, most of my recent research , in the past two years has been around the interface of Finance and the regulatory framework for mortgages and the Finance landscape for Large House-builders and building contractors. The Caused of the Housing Crisis, or what I say is an affordability crisis. Here is a recent article on Bloomberg which completely misdiagnoses the problem https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-13/a-guide-to-fixing-the-broken-u-s-housing-system?srnd=citylab-housing Anand Giridharadas on 'Winners Take All' and
Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism Both speak to the problem with the Big Tech and Data-driven approaches to solving the affordability crisis, The problem is the Data is seen as the end in itself coupled with mission creep around ESG goals.
Rather than fixing the actual problem and doing so in a way that is consistent with environmental and occupier convenience. The data capture is prioritised over the Affordability problem. That may seem like a simplistic diagnosis but it's true. I can still barely believe it myself but none the less there you have it. My new business Home@ix is a way of addressing the problems identified by S.T.O.P.
"Implicit is a sense that tech, which has sold a narrative of “algorithmic alchemy” that can solve societal problems, is also a prime cause of many of these challenges, said S.T.O.P. executive director Albert Fox Cahn. “We see this backlash because tech doesn’t fix it, and the pandemic only accelerated this disillusionment,” he said. " This morning I have been working on Two Situation Reports ( Sit Reps ) one for the Macro political economy and civics outlook for private citizens, The other for the Micro picture for my investors and how we should deploy our capital into the Housing Market to provide a commercially viable and socially useful contribution to the much neglected First time buyer and affordable family homes market. I would be interested Peter to hear what your Sit-rep would say to The private citizen of the Uk on an average income 25 -30 years old and thinking of settling down. and a sit-rep for the 55-65 year old couple looking at retirement with 300k in capital and a 30k p.a final salary pension available to cover regular living expenses. Our exchange in February 2020 Peter on The Seeds blog is in this Blog https://notthegrubstreetjournal.com/2020/03/02/money-its-a-gas-used-to-be-oil-but-you-still-have-your-hands-on-my-stash-energy-economics-banned-from-seeds-wtf/
My current appraisal of Tims work is that it is fundamentally flawed in that Tim remains silent on my question to him , is seeds Impirically based on stylized Facts ? Founded in a praxelogical ideology rooted in Peak everything. https://notthegrubstreetjournal.com/2022/03/04/stylized-modelled-theory-and-empirical-evidence-seeds-of-proof/
https://boomfinanceandeconomics.wordpress.com/2020/01/18/boom-as-at-19th-january-2020/ Given that Tim has his epilogue at the end of the Financial Jigsaw I would be interested also in your Sit rep on the question of "Peak Oil". Would the above form the basis for a discussion we could record and put up on Youtube and Bitchute? I would be interested to hear what your position is on the different themes set out in any even. Best Rog
We never did have our discussion of my review of your Jigsaw book.
I would still very much like to publish a chat between us.
I would propose this title.
"Gold Is Money" JP Morgan. Discuss
rogerglewison February 16, 2020 at 10:39 am said:
Hi Peter, Austrian Economics has several sub-schools, For instance, Schumpeter and Mises have differences not only of degree but of kind, Also Hayek is accepted by some but not all Austrians? What kind of Austrian are you? Wasn’t Adolph Hitler also Austrian? Yes of course he was, so Schact and Fitcsh should also factor into any debate on Austrian Economics which I contest as a School of Economics is widely misunderstood and misrepresented by those who adoipt it as a Political Stance absent the requirement of evidence as much as other Schools of Thought that morph into dogmatism.
MMT has its factions also, I like Hudson but think Bill Mitchell is a Zealot hiding in Academic Clothes of pretended Objectivity.
This Narrative on The Schumpeter Mises difference of opinion is I contend polish on an actual turd.
May 2, 2020
“The fact is, that people never have had clearly explained to
them the true functions of a merchant with respect to other
people. I should like the reader to be very clear about this.
Five great intellectual professions, relating to daily
necessities of life, have hitherto existed — three exist
necessarily, in every civilised nation:
The Soldier’s profession is to defend it.
The Pastor’s to teach it.
The Physician’s to keep it in health.
The lawyer’s to enforce justice in it.
The Merchant’s to provide for it.
And the duty of all these men is, on due occasion, to die for it.
“On due occasion,” namely: –
The Soldier, rather than leave his post in battle.
The Physician, rather than leave his post in plague.
The Pastor, rather than teach Falsehood.
The lawyer, rather than countenance Injustice.
The Merchant-what is his “due occasion” of death?
It is the main question for the merchant, as for all of us.
For, truly, the man who does not know when to die, does not know
how to live.”
Sometimes they divide, four classes of men: lazy intelligent, active intelligent, and lazy fool and active fool. The active fool is fourth-class because whatever he’ll do, it is foolish. So result will not be very good. So lazy fool is better than the active fool.
Busy Fools=WHO, Fauchi, Gates and the idiot statistician prof from Imperial college
lazy intelligent- Lord Sumption
busy intelligent- Dr Judy Mikovits and Dr Rashid Bhuttar
lazy fool- Bojo the Political class
A busy fool is fitter to be shut up than a downright madman. – George Lord Halifax
“Nowadays it is the days of vote. Any rascal, if he gets vote somehow or other, then he acquires the exalted post. That is also written in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no consideration who is fit to occupy the exalted post of presidentship or royal throne. Simply somehow or other, by hook and crook, he’ll occupy the seat. Therefore people are suffering. It is not… Nowadays, in democratic days, the government by the people, government for the people. So if the government is by the people, yes, you select your representative. If you are a fool, then you will select another fool. So Bhagavata says, sva-vid-varaha ustra-kharaih samstutah purusah pasuh. Anyone who is not a devotee, Krsna conscious devotee of God, then he may be in a exalted post, but he is praised by some people who are exactly like sva. Sva means dog, and vid-varaha means pigs who eat stool. Sva-vid-varaha. Vid-varaha. And ustra, ustra means camel. And ustra-kharaih. Khara means ass. Sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih. If a person who is not a devotee, he is praised or he is exalted, then the praisers, the persons who is praising him, he must be among these animals: dog, camel, pig and ass. So the whole population is like that, like dog, like camel, like ass and like vid-varaha, pig, the stool-eater, the whole population, at the present moment. So he must elect another big animal who is also in this category. Because he has no knowledge. If you takes votes from the camels, to whom he will vote? Another big camel, that’s all. If you take votes from the dog, then whom he will elect? Another big dog. Therefore, anyone who is not a devotee of God, Krsna, he is either of these animals. And if he is praised, it is to be understood that he is being praised by the similar type of animals. So if we remain sva-vid-varahostra-khara, then we must elect another big sva-vid-varahostra-khara. So how there can be good situation of the state? It is not possible. Therefore the public must be educated so that they may not elect another big dog or big camel or big ass to the exalted post. It is the public’s fault. Nowadays it is democratic days. So why should you complain against such-and-such person or president? You have elected him, and now you find fault with him. So it was your fault that you selected such a rascal, sva-vid-varahostra. It is very right conclusion.” Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.37 — Los Angeles, December 15, 1973
Of course in the New Dystopia there really is no choice.
Pardon me. Men of business do indeed know how they themselves
made their money, or how, on occasion, they lost it. Playing a
long-practised game, they are familiar with the chances of its
cards, and can rightly explain their losses and gains. But they
neither know who keeps the bank of the gambling-house, nor what
other games may be played with the same cards, nor what other
losses and gains, far away among the dark streets, are
essentially, though invisibly, dependent on theirs in the lighted
rooms. They have learned a few, and only a few, of the laws of
mercantile economy; but not one of those of political economy.
Primarily, which is very notable and curious, I observe that
men of business rarely know the meaning of the word “rich.” At
least, if they know, they do not in their reasonings allow for
the fact, that it is a relative word, implying its opposite
“poor” as positively as the word “north” implies its opposite
Busy fool is very dangerous. So all these people, they’re busy. Even in this country, everywhere, all over the world, not this country or that country. They have discovered this horseless carriage—very busy. “Ons, ons,” (imitates cars’ noise) this way this way, this way. But actually, they are not intelligent. Busy fool. Therefore they are creating problems after problems. That’s a fact. They are so busy, but because they are fools, therefore they are creating problems. This is fact. Even the animals, lower than the human beings, they have no problem.
A busy fool is fitter to be shut up than a downright madman. – George Lord Halifax
My point is we are all occupied with so much of the mundane so much of it imposed from above there is barely time to enjoy any time with our families and each other in relaxation let alone the luxury to think and reflect to step back and enjoy the over view, the Vista to reflect on the scent of the roses all around. Accident or design?
And now well Our man BoJo ( or fill in the Blank to taste )
Boris almost had me at the start I thought he was being sincere but fresh off the 350 million quid a week for the NHS wheeze, post-Brexit &; plastered all over the side of a Bus. And given the scant acquaintance old Bozzer seems to have with telling the truth, I remained unhooked but admit almost lured. But then ‘the tell’, the giveaway, everything was,´´ especially the blame of the Assad regime´´, who could possibly see them as the part of any solution? They alone responsible for the ´´greater part of the 400,000 deaths in Syria” and on and on he went with his own curious set of facts, and with an awed equine mastication of the acronym UNGA, after all, Caligula had done much the same and a borrowed fact here and there, who could possibly notice?
In Chapter 5 of My Novel the Character
Bunto Thompson his old Burlington buddy had been busy spinning artifices at the UN earlier, having risen to Foreign secretary ad narrowly missing out on the Premiership. It had been Bunto who had cleared the way for Rog to get the Marina Contract in Tripoli Libya, it had been a shame that the Crimea deal had fallen through. Their fathers had also greatly profited back in the day with the Marina Deal in Split.
The friendly guns have done their bit.
Shock doctrine strikes! Now dig that pit!
We’ll build a massive mall right here, and you can work in it.
Once you clear the bodies.
There are many flavours of Capitalism, the less Greed Centred ones tend to do better based on the evidence available in Capitalisms brief history.
As a bit of light relief, this is a fun way of giving a hat tip to Bastiat’s petition of the Candlemakers.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have been with us since the first century AD, what are they and what do they signify?
As empire prosperity
“According to Edward Bishop Elliott’s interpretation, that the Four Horsemen represent a prophecy of the subsequent history of the Roman Empire, the white color of this horse signifies triumph, prosperity and health in the political Roman body.
Covid19 its Turds all the way down you know.
TheTurdle, a belief that the world stands atop the shoulders of an amphibian reptile.
“Rationality, Activity and Faith”:
Like the old woman in the story who described the world as resting on a rock, and then explained that rock to be supported by another rock, and finally when pushed with questions said it was “rocks all the way down,” he who believes this to be a radically moral universe must hold the moral order to rest either on an absolute and ultimate should or on a series of shoulds “all the way down.”[9]
il 26, 2018
#Viens Of Wealth, Storage and Distribution of Scarce resources, Protection, Hierarchy Centralisation, Determinism, Parmenides.
#Scarcity #Cornucopian #Malthusian #Assumptions
Reality cannot be put on a bumper sticker and then used as a blueprint for life.
There are plenty of Green Energy Films and television series, and as with all anthropological commentary, there is lots of information.
Fully Charged is a compendium of a lot of what is happening now. My own interests are actually in cryptographic blockchain distributed computing, which has a lot to do with the “Internet of Things.” My particular interest is in trustless contracts which will enable Exchange and trade without centralised administration. In effect full subsidiary.
Localised, directly democratised, direct democracy in real time. With my methods of visualisation, I look at what we call Alternative energy as a Portfolio system interacting across communities and family household relationship groups.
October 8, 2017
Bentham also pointed out that Self Evident Truths still require Evidence to be produced.
“They are about “to assume,” as they tell us, “among the powers of the earth, that equal and separate ( 120 ) station to which” — they have lately discovered — “the laws of Nature, and of Nature’s God entitle them.” What difference these acute legislators suppose between the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, is more than I can take upon me to determine, or even to guess. If to what they now demand they were entitled by any law of God, they had only to produce that law, and all controversy was at an end. Instead of this, what do they produce? What they call sell-evident truths. “All men,” they tell us, “are created equal.” This rarity is a new discovery; now, for the first time, we learn, that a child, at the moment of his birth, has the same quantity of natural power as the parent, the same quantity of political power as the magistrate”.
#Turdsallthewaydown #CovidTurdFest #LetThemEatShit #Idiocracy #ItsGotElectrolytes @WIKI_BALLOT #4PAMPHLETEERS @GRUBSTREETJORNO @WIKI_BALLOT @FINANCIALEYES @JOEBLOB20May 2, 2020Liked by 1 person
Our Nation is an Island, It is our right, as the peoples of Britain to alter, To abolish and to institute a new Government. #IABATO #GrubStreetJournal #TheThreePamphlateers @financialeyes @DavidGolemXIV @Wiki_Ballot @JoeBlob20October 29, 2019Liked by 1 person
Brino Dont Get tangoed. Reject the Brino Cool Aid. #Tellitasitis #IseesEmIcallsEm #TwoFingers2Brino @wiki_ballot #4Pamphleteers @GrubStreetJorno @Survation @wiki_ballot @financialeyes #WIKIBALLOTPICK #IABATO #SAM #GE2019 Roger Lewis ( Porthos) @JoeBlob20November 23, 2019Liked by 1 person
Real Estate Entrepreneur. http://www.realrld.com/View all posts by rogerglewis