The Digital Servile State: Aadhaar and the New Feudalism
In the style of Chesterton and Belloc. Men without chests: a dystopian future. C S Lewis
Men without chests: a dystopian future
Lewis criticizes modern attempts to debunk natural values, such as those that would deny objective value to the waterfall, on rational grounds. He says that there is a set of objective values that have been shared, with minor differences, by every culture, which he refers to as "the traditional moralities of East and West, the Christian, the Pagan, and the Jew...". Lewis calls that the Tao, from the Taoist word for the ultimate "way" or "path" of reality and human conduct. (Although Lewis saw natural law as supernatural in origin, as evidenced by his use of it as a proof of theism in Mere Christianity, his argument in the book does not rest on theism.)
Unto us is born a son,
King of choirs supernal:
See on earth his life begun,
Of lords the Lord eternal.
Christ, from heav'n descending low,
Comes on earth a stranger;
Ox and ass their Owner know
Now cradled in a manger.
This did Herod sore affray,
And did him bewilder,
So he gave the word to slay,
And slew the little childer.
Of his love and mercy mild
Hear the Christmas story:
O that Mary's gentle Child
Might lead us up to glory!
O and A and A and O,
Cantemus in choro,
Voice and organ, sing we so,
Benedicamus Domino.
“So he sent the word to slay And slew the little childer”. — Traditional Carol
I doubt whether we are sufficiently attentive to the importance of elementary text books. That is why have chosen as the starting-point for these lectures a little book on nglish intended for ‘boys and girls in the upper forms of schools’. do not think the authors of this book (there were two of them) intended any harm, and owe them, or their publisher, good language for sending me a complimentary copy. At the same time shall have nothing good to say of them. ere is a pretty predicament. do not want to pillory two modest practising schoolmasters who were doing the best they knew: but cannot be silent about what think the actual tendency of their work. therefore propose to conceal their names. shall refer to these gentlemen as Gaius and Titius and to their book as The Green Book. ut promise you there is such a book and have it on my shelves.
Without the Tao, no value judgments can be made at all, and modern attempts to do away with some parts of traditional morality for some "rational" reason always proceed by arbitrarily selecting one part of the Tao and using it as grounds to debunk the others.
The final chapter describes the ultimate consequences of this debunking: a not-so distant future in which the values and morals of the majority are controlled by a small group who rule by a perfect understanding of psychology, and who in turn, being able to see through any system of morality that might induce them to act in a certain way, are ruled only by their own unreflected whims. In surrendering rational reflection on their own motivations, the controllers will no longer be recognizably human, the controlled will be robot-like, and the Abolition of Man will have been completed.
An appendix to The Abolition of Man lists a number of basic values seen by Lewis as parts of the Tao, supported by quotations from different cultures. The dystopian ideas in Abolition of Man is fleshed out in Lewis's science fiction novel, That Hideous Strength, as Lewis himself makes clear in the preface of the story.[7]
# The Digital Servile State: Aadhaar and the New Feudalism
Take the outline above and produce a blog post with prose in the style of GK CHesterton and Hillaiire Belloc and reference Bellocs Servile State and Chestertons Notting Hill Napoleon to give examples of the presicence of Chester Bellows warning against the hascent fascism in their time and the Actual Fascism now doinating political discourse with the rise of Thiel , Musk , Omidyar and the Techigarchy and cults of personality around the faux libertarian clothing masking the authoritarian and fuedalist morres of the imature and siloed limited personalities of the Likes of Musk , Spectrum ( Full Spectrum) Autistic ( Autocracy)
*In the style of Chesterton and Belloc*
## The Modern Paradox
My dear reader, let us begin with a paradox that would have delighted old Gilbert Keith Chesterton himself: In our age of supposed liberation through technology, we have willingly forged chains more binding than any medieval serf ever wore. The Aadhaar system, that great digital behemoth of India, presents us with precisely the sort of contradiction that Chesterton would have seized upon with gleeful fury.
## The New Napoleons of Notting Hill
Just as Chesterton's "Napoleon of Notting Hill" satirized the small-minded bureaucrats who imagined themselves emperors, we now face the tech-oligarchs – our modern Napoleons of Silicon Valley. These are men who, like Thiel and Musk, drape themselves in the romantic garb of libertarianism while building empires of surveillance that would make Auberon Quin blush. [1], [3]
## Belloc's Prophecy Fulfilled
Hilaire Belloc, in "The Servile State," warned us that capitalism would not end in a workers' paradise but rather in a new form of slavery. How prophetic those words seem now! The Aadhaar system, with its biometric chains, creates exactly what Belloc foresaw: a population entirely dependent on the state's digital architecture for their daily bread. [2]
## The Peculiar Case of Our Tech Lords
Consider, if you will, the peculiar spectacle of our modern tech-lords:
- Elon Musk, who promises freedom while building digital panopticons
- Peter Thiel, who speaks of liberty while funding tools of surveillance
- Pierre Omidyar, who champions transparency while profiting from data opacity
They are, as Chesterton might say, "the kind of men who would miss America and hit the moon, Or perhaps Mars." [4]
## The Digital Feudalism
What we witness in Aadhaar is not progress but regression – a return to feudalism dressed in digital clothes. The serf of old needed his lord's permission to travel; today's digital citizen needs authentication to buy bread. The parallels would be amusing if they weren't so terrifying. [1]
## The Autistic Autocracy
There is a particular irony – and here I must tread carefully – in how the spectrum-specific thinking patterns of some of our tech leaders have shaped our digital future. Their brilliant but often narrow worldview has created systems that reflect their own limitations: rigid, binary, and intolerant of the gloriously messy nature of human society that Chesterton so celebrated. [2]
## The False Libertarians
"The free market," wrote Belloc, "will create its own servitude." How right he was! Our tech oligarchs speak the language of freedom while building the architecture of control. Aadhaar, like its Western counterparts, represents not liberation but what Chesterton would recognize as the worst form of tyranny – one that claims to be for our own good. [3]
## The Modern Paradox Resolved
And so we return to our paradox, but now with clarity: The very tools promised to liberate us have become our chains. Aadhaar, like all such systems, offers convenience at the price of freedom – a bargain Belloc warned us about and Chesterton would have mocked with his characteristic wit. [4]
## A Chestertonian Conclusion
What would Chesterton say about Aadhaar? Perhaps something like this: "The problem with digital identity is not that it will fail to work, but that it will work too well." Or as Belloc might have put it: "The servile state has not disappeared; it has merely learned to code."
Let us remember, as we rush headlong into this brave new digital world, that both Chesterton and Belloc warned us about the danger of solving problems by surrendering our humanity. The true solution, as they would remind us, lies not in more efficient chains, but in the messy, glorious freedom of being human. [1], [4]
*"The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."* - G.K. Chesterton
And so, dear reader, as we contemplate this digital servitude, let us remember that the greatest rebellion might simply be to remain gloriously, inefficiently, and stubbornly human. [2], [3]
25 Mapped Links
↑ Aadhaar (21 siblings)
Write an essay of 3000 words on Aadhaar the Indian Indentity based austerity card using these links from the Going Direct paradigm Mindmap 146 Mapped Links
↑ Mega trend Tool
↑ 25 Most Cited Think Tanks
↑ Brendon O'Connell 111
→ 2/2 Q&A - Judaism vs Jewish Identity Politics - Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro and Gilad Atzmon
→ 12log-2-8ers-gonna-12log-2-8-and-haters-gonna-hate-aadhaar/
→ 99. Hitlers Dream - The Great Reset & The United States Of Europe
→ 125. The Ukrainian Future - Smart Cities - The 4th Industrial Revolution With Julianne Romanello
→ 176-russia-for-78085500?utm_medium=post_notification_email&utm_campaign=patron_engagement&utm_source=post_link
→ australian-man-100016798
→ IWWH Ep. 22: Gilad Atzmon & Julianne Romanello
→ Judaism vs Jewish Identity Politics - Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro and Gilad Atzmon
→ Ron Paul and Alex Jones (Gold Bugs?)
→ Trump and the Greater Israel Plan
↑ Dr Pippa Malmgren
→ "The True Horrors of China's Social Credit System" - From the Archives
→ #Assange #BeforetheLaw #Kafka âThe Processâ , a descent into fascist dystopia. Show Trial at Belmarsh.â
→ #Covidstroika
→ 125. The Ukrainian Future - Smart Cities - The 4th Industrial Revolution With Julianne Romanello
→ AI connects the dots | Dr Pippa Malmgren | Huxley Summit
→ Are We Facing a Great Depression? James Rickards and Pippa Malmgren
→ David Malones New Improved Magic Money Tree Quiz
→ Dr Pippa Malmgren on Trump, Social Credit, AI & Virtual Reality
→ Hillary Clinton Begs Forgiveness From Rothschilds In Leaked Email
→ Interview with Jonathan Sugarman
→ James Rickards: "Globalization is Dead"
→ Jokes about White Sugar are rare, Brown Sugar? Demerara. AIâs and Media Monopolies. Antisocial Media. #ConquestofDough
→ Llyods Bank
→ Matt Hancock
→ naomiclature, Nomiclature. Trinomilclature
→ NSA SHA-256 SHA-2 Mrkel Trees and Magic Money Trees Bitcoin and the CIA
→ The Dark Side of Technology
↑ full spectrum surveillance apparatus through digital passports, #Thiel, #Schmidt #Assange , When Google Met Wikileaks #Bilderberg #Palantir
→ 125. The Ukrainian Future - Smart Cities - The 4th Industrial Revolution With Julianne Romanello
→ Inside the Beltway 3. The Reality Based Community. Graph Fitting and Political Graft. Bourgeois Resolution. (Part 2)
→ Outside the narrative, Technocratic Tyrrany
↑ Going Direct Paradigm (49 siblings)
↑ London Conversation
→ #BankConfidential : #AndrewBailey Governor of the Bank of England is guilty of #MarketAbuse & #Fraud
→ Ann Pettifor
→ Blogs
→ David Graeber - Syria, Anarchism and Visiting Rojava
→ Dr Bob Gill â General Election 2019 â Great NHS Heist
→ Interview:Real Media David Malone, Green Party
→ Real Media
→ Richard Murphy - What is Theresa May Hiding? Hard Brexit & #GE2017
→ rog-and-ranjan-amazing-grace-what
→ Roger Hallam XR (Insane Catastrophist)
→ Tower Hamlets: Did Billionaire Richard Desmond bribe Robert Jenrick?
↑ Money Debt and Usury
→ Banking Cartels
→ BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis
→ Carbon Taxation. GE2019 the #CO2 #COP outs, Our Democracy is on Fire!
→ Conquest of Dough , Buy the Novel
→ David Malones New Improved Magic Money Tree Quiz
→ Desperate Central Bankers Grab for More Power
→ Dr Adrian Wriggley, Tax , Banking , Paper
→ Interview with Jonathan Sugarman
→ Military Industrial Complex
→ never touch the money System
→ Original post Authentic Decisions To Act
→ Rationing Carbon, Carbon Currency end game. Why the Overshootist Elitist like Attenborough want fuel poverty.
→ Real Currencies (anti-Usury)
→ the Positive Money quiz Written and developed by David Faraday
→ The Financial System Is Broken (w/ Jeff Snider)
↑ Piers Corbyn on Mandatory Vaccines & New Prisons for the Unvaccinated
→ Democracy/Populism
↑ Sitrep for the 99%
→ Brain Builder
→ sitrep-1-the-going-direct-spring?r=l1oox&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
↑ The Iron Law of oligarchy
→ All Posts Iron Law Of Oligarchy
↑ The Unknown Oligarch
→ They? #Metternich and #DeMaistre v #ThomasJefferson and #JohnStuartMill
↓ #Aadhaar #Central Bank Digtal Currencies
↓ #SerfingTheWeb. World Government Forum Dubai. #Aadhaar #RishiSunack #Infosys #Omidyar #Zuckerberg #InThisTogether #DigitalSerfFramework
↓ 5g-control-grid
↓ 12log 2-8âers gonna 12log 2-8, and Haters Gonna Hate. #Aadhaar
↓ A Basic Income for All: Dream or Delusion?
↓ A Basic Income for All: Dream or Delusion?
↓ Digital Identity
↓ ESG (Environmental & Social Governence
↓ Fourth Industrial Revolution
↓ Global Health Governance
↓ Globalisation and Urbanisation.
↓ Government
↓ Ian Davis
↓ Imperialism
↓ Love is the Answer
↓ Omidyar Network
↓ Omidyar NWO COntext
↓ The Chartist Movement
↓ WEF India, Sadhguru: "They want more souls, I want less on the planet."
↓ World Government Summit 2022: Dr. Pippa Malmgren Talks About Blockchain & Digital Currencies
↓ World Health Organisation
Provide other insights about Pierre Omidyar the teflon Billionaire 25 Mapped Links
↑ Aadhaar (21 siblings)
↓ #SerfingTheWeb. World Government Forum Dubai. #Aadhaar #RishiSunack #Infosys #Omidyar #Zuckerberg #InThisTogether #DigitalSerfFramework
↓ Omidyar NWO COntext
↓ Pierre Omidyar Co-funded Ukraine Revolution Groups With US Government, Documents Show By Mark Ames February 28, 2014 "Pando" -
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3 Unlinked Mentions
Pierre Omidyar Co-funded Ukraine Revolution Groups With US Government, Documents Show
In 2011, Omidyar Network gave $335,000 to “New Citizen,” one of the anti-Yanukovych “projects” managed through the Rybachuk-chaired NGO “Center UA.” At the time, Omidyar Network boasted that its investment in “New Citizen” would help “shape public policy” in Ukraine:
“… With support from Omidyar Network, New Citizen will strengthen its advocacy efforts in order to drive greater transparency and engage citizens on issues of importance to them.”
Detailed financial records reviewed by Pando (and embedded below) also show Omidyar Network covered costs for the expansion of Rybachuk’s anti-Yanukovych campaign, “Chesno” (“Honestly”), into regional cities including Poltava, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Sumy, and elsewhere, mostly in the Ukrainian-speaking west and center.
↓ #SerfingTheWeb. World Government Forum Dubai. #Aadhaar #RishiSunack #Infosys #Omidyar #Zuckerberg #InThisTogether #DigitalSerfFramework
↓ Omidyar NWO COntext
↓ Pierre Omidyar Co-funded Ukraine Revolution Groups With US Government, Documents Show By Mark Ames February 28, 2014 "Pando" -
0 Backlinks
3 Unlinked Mentions
Pierre Omidyar Co-funded Ukraine Revolution Groups With US Government, Documents Show
In 2011, Omidyar Network gave $335,000 to “New Citizen,” one of the anti-Yanukovych “projects” managed through the Rybachuk-chaired NGO “Center UA.” At the time, Omidyar Network boasted that its investment in “New Citizen” would help “shape public policy” in Ukraine:
“… With support from Omidyar Network, New Citizen will strengthen its advocacy efforts in order to drive greater transparency and engage citizens on issues of importance to them.”
Detailed financial records reviewed by Pando (and embedded below) also show Omidyar Network covered costs for the expansion of Rybachuk’s anti-Yanukovych campaign, “Chesno” (“Honestly”), into regional cities including Poltava, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Sumy, and elsewhere, mostly in the Ukrainian-speaking west and center.
61 Mapped Links ↑ Major Narratives ↑ #Covidstroika → 25 Most Cited Think Tanks → Billionaires Club → Bruce Charlton. Addicted To Distraction → Coercive Aggregation [Democracy and the State. – Not The Grub Street Journal]( → Coronavirus → EX-RUSSIAN INTEL OFFICER EXPOSES THE CORONAVIRUS SCAMDEMIC → From Dollar Hegemony to Global Warming: Globalization, Glyphosate and Doctrines of Consent → Joe Rogan Experience #282 – Dr. Peter Duesberg & Bryan Callen → Matt Hancock → Novichock, Salisbury → Oligarchy → Rich Planet Covid Sense #Exosomes → Skin in the Game , Two haâpennies to rub together? Covered Bonds and the Repo Rate Spike in 2019? #CovidPurpose #GreatReset → The People Who Run the Country → The People Who Run the Country, The People who own the World. → WATCH THE WATER FULL MOVIE → Welcome to Digital Hell ↑ Monopoly through WEF → 25 Most Cited Think Tanks → About Tim Gielen → Bio Medical Response to Financial Crisis → Blogs → Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World? → → Main Sectors of Oligarchy → Neo-Con v Neo-Lib. MIC-OGAM-FIRE. Commodity-Chartilist-Credit. G7-BRICS-BIS. BIG TECH = MIC =Technocracy= NEOCON. Vs Neo-Lib/OGAM= Brics Vs ? âRomani ite domumâ → Real Currencies (anti-Usury) → the 5,000 not the five billion (SERCO) ↑ the capitalist network → 25 Most Cited Think Tanks → Banking Cartels → Billionaires Club → Corporate Governance → Don't Mention The Money Power → Fourth Industrial Revolution → Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World? → Love is the Answer → Oligarchy → the 5,000 not the five billion (SERCO) → The People Who Run the Country, The People who own the World. → Think Tanks → upward redistribution of income and wealth → Who controls the world? James Glattfelder → World Economic Forum → World Health Organisation ↑ World Economic Forum (25 siblings) ← SCADS ↓ "MONOPOLY - Who Owns The World?" by Tim Gielen (English Subs) SUmarise this set of links from the going Direct Paradigm Mind Map then write a post introducing the Mind Map major naratives link. 29 Mapped Links ↓ Articial Scarcity ↓ #Covidstroika ↓ 25 Most Cited Think Tanks ↓ Agenda 2021/2030 ↓ An analysis of the current events and the bigger picture ↓ Anti Semitism , contexts ↓ âthe gates of the technocratic prison ↓ Austerity ↓ Authentic Discourses on Decisions to Act ↓ Coronavirus ↓ Elitism, Starfucking worship of âThe Elites** ↓ ESG (Environmental & Social Governence ↓ EX-RUSSIAN INTEL OFFICER EXPOSES THE CORONAVIRUS SCAMDEMIC ↓ Globalisation and Urbanisation. ↓ History Blueprint Model 2018-05-31 ↓ James Kunstler: There Will Be Revolt Against the Neo-Jacobin Program ↓ Love is the Answer ↓ Man Made Global Warming ↓ Monopoly through WEF ↓ Overshoot Over population ↓ Peak Oil ↓ Petro Dollar Hegenomy . Addiction to Oil. ↓ Propaganda ↓ The Money Syndrome, Review by Germer Rudolf ↓ The People Who Run the Country ↓ The People Who Run the Country, The People who own the World. ↓ The Spectacle ↓ THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF OLIGARCHICAL COLLECTIVISM by Emmanuel Goldstein ↓ War on Terror Loves is the answer Link 143 Mapped Links ↑ Major Narratives ↑ Aadhaar (22 siblings) ↑ Billionaires Club → Agenda 2021/2030 → Banking Cartels → How BlackRock and Vanguard Can Advance the Net-zero Emissions Movement → Monopoly through WEF → The BlackRock Revolving Door → The People Who Run the Country → THE INTER-ALPHA GROUP ↑ Blackrock transparency project → Banking Cartels → Fed reveals ETFs it purchased in emergency lending program → Oligarchy → The Banker → The People Who Run the Country, The People who own the World. ↑ Brain Builder → Bourgeois resolution. A poem → Globalisation Un-Entangled. (A FOUND POEM, CIPHER OF GLOBALISM ) → Grub Street In Exile Substack → History Blueprint Model 2018-05-31 → Let Them Eat Cake (Song) 2011 → Meet The Fuggers, Brexit, The Euro and Clueless Elites → Philosoetry , poetry book → THE CONQUEST OF DOUGH ( NOVEL) MULTIMEDIA WEB SITE → Usury Hells Fuel and Mans oppressor. → We are all precogs now ↑ geopolitics and empire → Brother could you spare a dime? Hey, Mr. Rockefeller → COUNTERING THE IRON LAW OF OLIGARCHY →
→ James Kunstler: There Will Be Revolt Against the Neo-Jacobin Program → THIERRY MEYSSAN: THE GOAL OF THE UKRAINE CONFLICT IS TO ECONOMICALLY COLLAPSE EUROPE → World Government Summit 2022: Dr. Pippa Malmgren Talks About Blockchain & Digital Currencies ↑ Government (38 siblings) ↑ Overshoot Over population (25 siblings) ↑ the capitalist network → 25 Most Cited Think Tanks → An analysis of the current events and the bigger picture → Banking Cartels → Corporate Governance → Don't Mention The Money Power → Fourth Industrial Revolution → Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World? → Monopoly through WEF → Oligarchy → the 5,000 not the five billion (SERCO) → The People Who Run the Country, The People who own the World. → Think Tanks → upward redistribution of income and wealth → Who controls the world? James Glattfelder → World Economic Forum → World Health Organisation ↑ World Economic Forum (25 siblings) ← Authentic Discourses on Decisions to Act ↓ #Covidstroika ↓ #QED ↓ âthe gates of the technocratic prison will open automatically, despite their rusty ancient hinges, as soon as we choose to walk out.â ↓ Brian Haw & Barbara Tucker on Edge Media TV ↓ Going Direct Paradigm ↓ March for Science Reloaded Christian Kreiss, July 2018 ↓ Money Debt and Usury ↓ Peace ↓ Planned obsolescence of products Prevalence â Manifestations â Causes â Remedies ↓ Real Love Reality Is ↓ Render Unto Ceaser ↓ Sitrep for the 99% ↓ The Iron Law of Oligarchy ↓ WikiTacticalVoting