Maimonides saw each contradiction Each species of deafness, Loud Each species of blindness, Dark All no less perplexed than the next.
The Elephant of Hindustan,and the sale of creeds; what will you teach me? Pythagoras. Nothing. I will remind you.
So the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Matthew 20:16 KJV
And the final ( FIRST) Word from Pythagorus also courtesy of Lucian.
Hermes. Step up, Pythagoreanism, and show yourself.
Zeus. Go ahead.
Hermes. Now here is a creed of the first water. Who bids for this handsome article? What gentleman says Superhumanity? Harmony of the Universe! Transmigration of souls! Who bids?
First Dealer. He looks all right. And what can he do?
Hermes. Magic, music, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, jugglery. Prophecy in all its branches.
First Dealer. Can I ask him some questions?
Hermes. Ask away, and welcome.
First Dealer. Where do you come from?
Pythagoras. Samos.
First Dealer. Where did you get your schooling?
Pythagoras. From the sophists in Egypt.
First Dealer. If I buy you, what will you teach me?
Pythagoras. Nothing. I will remind you.
First Dealer. Remind me?
Pythagoras. But first I shall have to cleanse your soul of its filth.
First Dealer. Well, suppose the cleansing process complete. How is the reminding done?
Pythagoras. We shall begin with a long course of silent contemplation. Not a word to be spoken for five years.
First Dealer. You would have been just the creed for Croesus’s son! But I have a tongue in my head; I have no ambition to be a statue. And after the five years’ silence?
Pythagoras. You will study music and geometry.
First Dealer. A charming recipe! The way to be wise: learn the guitar.
Pythagoras. Next you will learn to count.
First Dealer. I can do that already.
Pythagoras. Let me hear you.
First Dealer. One, two, three, four,—
Pythagoras. There you are, you see. Four (as you call it) is ten. Four the perfect triangle. Four the oath of our school.
First Dealer. Now by Four, most potent Four!—higher and holier mysteries than these I never heard.
Pythagoras. Then you will learn of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water; their action, their movement, their shapes.
First Dealer. Have Fire and Air and Water shapes?
Pythagoras. Clearly. That cannot move which lacks shape and form You will also find that God is a number; an intelligence; a harmony.
First Dealer. You surprise me.
Pythagoras. More than this, you have to learn that you yourself are not the person you appear to be.
First Dealer. What, I am some one else, not the I who am speaking to you?
Lets not even get started on the Faustian Pact. ( oh go on then!)
The three wise monkeys at youtube up to the usual tricks.
Say yes to Life! Blake Europe a prophesy original sunday 24 march 2024
Bitchute as Mirror , of course, click away now, click away now, oh dear sweet wrong think, thought crime oh sinner get behind, oh this wickedness of inconvienient truth.
So social housing options mixed with private affordable homes?
2 replies
Hello ladyboni, ours is a collaborative approach which starts with the Homemaker whether renting or buying.
we are currently working on Planning permission for our first 6 show homes which have all the components that are assembled first in the Dashboard model ( Digital Twin ) and supplied direct to site for assembly from the collaborative supply chain. This Mind Map gives the overview of what our Homemakers "Home@gineers'' get when they log in with their dongle to our offline procurement engine.
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@real-estatelanddevelopment5672 Start an Affordable Housing Collaborative in your local constituency
Roger LewisView Roger Lewis’ profile (He/Him) • YouSurveyor, Valuer, Real Estate Entrepreneur
Yes and.
In a recent analysis of the modern methods of construction, Roger Lewis from Home@ix delved into the key points made by Modulous in their presentation video. He pointed out some differences in perspective and provided a detailed response to the identified issues. One of the main points of difference highlighted was the misdiagnosis of the housing crisis. Lewis argued that the problem lies not in supply, delivery efficiency, or productivity, but rather in affordability and allocation. He emphasized the misallocation of finance and land as contributing factors to the housing crisis.
Overall, Roger Lewis' analysis provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges within the housing industry and offered valuable insights into potential solutions for addressing the housing crisis. His formal and detailed approach to the subject matter demonstrated a deep understanding of the complexities involved in affordable housing and allocation issues.
This Mind Map gives the overview of what our Homemakers "Home@gineers'' get when they log in with their dongle to our offline procurement engine.
Karl DixonView Karl Dixon’s profileAuthorCore Founder at Altek Off-Site Construction Consultants - VEMAS Education Consulting - Cyber Technology VEMAS
Hi Roger, interesting video I and Queen thank you,
Keep an eye open for further micro videos as they will be released in the coming weeks, likely months as they are constructed 24-48 hours before posting and it’s getting warmer here in Shanghai, those Sundays are getting precious.
The content eventually will cover the whole value chain in OS modular project delivery, and the creation of wealth through housing stock regionally, nationally & internationally.
Now inspired to dust off my green screen, maybe I can get them down to 3 minutes.
Hi Karl, Thankyou, the problem of housing everyone is a question abouth starting assumptions I think and the Tyranny of specialisation is ever apparent.
Chapter XII: The Barbarism Of "Specialisation" The specialist serves as a striking concrete example of the species, making clear to us the radical nature of the novelty. For, previously, men could be divided simply into the learned and the ignorant, those more or less the one, and those more or less the other. But your specialist cannot be brought in under either of these two categories. He is not learned , for he is formally ignorant of all that does not enter into his speciality; but neither is he ignorant, because he is "a scientist," and "knows" very well his own tiny portion of the universe. We shall have to say that he is a learned ignoramus, which is a very serious matter, as it implies that he is a person who is ignorant, not in the fashion of the ignorant man, but with an the petulance of one who is learned in his own special line. Jose Ortega y Gasset.
A Truthful Song
I tell this tale, which is strictly true,
Just by way of convincing you
How very little, since things were made,
Things have altered in the building trade. <
A year ago, come the middle of March,
We was building flats near the Marble Arch,
When a thin young man with coal-black hair
Came up to watch us working there.
Now there wasn't a trick in brick or stone
Which this young man hadn't seen or known;
Nor there wasn't a tool from trowel to maul
But this young man could use 'em all !
Then up and spoke the plumbyers bold,
Which was laying the pipes for the hot and cold:
"Since you with us have made so free,
Will you kindly say what your name might be ?"
The young man kindly answered them;
"It might be Lot or Methusalem,
Or it might be Moses (a man I hate)
Whereas it is Pharaoh surnamed the Great.
"Your glazing is new and your plumbing's strange,
But otherwise I perceive no change;
And in less than a month if you do as I bid
I'd learn you to build me a Pyramid !"
I tell this tale, which is stricter true,
Just by way of convincing you
How very little, since things was madse,
Things have altered in the shipwright's trade.
In Blackwall Basin yesterday
A China barque re-fitting lay;
When a fat old man with snow-white hair
Came up to watch us working there.
Now there wasn’t a knot which the riggers knew
But the old man made it – and better too;
Nor there wasn’t a sheet, or a lift, or a brace,
But the old man knew its lead and place.
Then up and spoke the caulkyers bold,
Which was packing the pump in the afterhold:
“Since you with us have made so free,
Will you kindly tell what your name might be ?”
The old man kindly answered them:
“It might be Japheth, it might be Shem,
Or it might be Ham (though his skin was dark),
Whereas it is Noah, commanding the Ark.
“Your wheel is new and your pumps are strange,
But otherwise I perceive no change;
And in less than a week, if she did not ground,
I’d sail this hooker the wide world round !”
We tell these tales, which are strictest true,
Just by way of convincing you
How very little, since things was made,
Anything alters in any one’s trade !
Outside 34 Dan Caerlan Llantrisant Roger Lewis , Suzanne Lewis and llewelyn Harrison.