Going Direct Spring 2024.Take Back Control. End Sunacks Whig Junto and Sack the Rump Parliament.
The Trial of Thomas Hardy (political reformer)
Gentlemen of the jury, When we speak of liberty we speak of the liberty of thought and speech and action that every Englishman was born with. It is not a thing granted to him by the King and his counselors and so not to be taken from him by those counselors. It must never be taken from him!
Beware of the role this trial will play in the history of our nation. Be aware that if the prosecution have their way each one of you will be seen as criminal first and Citizen second. Be aware that powers ceded to the government in times of fear are rarely removed from statute. The power of the government to arrest and imprison a man without charge, this removal of his right to know what he is accused of if, it achieves its aim today, be sure it will stay. Be aware that if this imperfect trial finds this man guilty 800 more will be given the same unjust treatment. 800 whose names are on this list.
It is the good fortune of the Government and its secret committees that it fell into my safe hands. 800 warrants for the arrest of innocent men, assumed to be guilty. Some of those names are in this court today. I see names here of those in the public gallery, names of others on the lawyer’s bench, I even see my own name among them, there is even the name of one sat before me in the jury. Be aware that if you send this man to the gallows today you should be prepared to follow him tomorrow. I trust in god you will give your verdict of acquittal for the prisoner.
Jan 20, 2022
The trial of Thomas Hardy (political reformer) is dramatised in Garrow’s Law, a BBC dramatisation based on Hardy’s trial (episode 4, series 1)
The Defender of Hardy was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Erskine,_1st_Baron_Erskine
The Dramatised closing argument whether based on Erskines' actual performance or not, certainly can't do him much of an injustice.
If we truly want freedom, we the people must take back control of our money.
Going Direct Paradigm Monetary History Quiz.
Nul Point.
Zero points, a dread score second only to coming second in Eurovision.
Let me explain myself. What do I really think about when I think about Zero Point? For me, it’s zero point energy sometimes referred to as Over Unity.
There is no such thing as perpetual motion, ergo there can be no over Unity or Zero point energy. In the Great Egg Race of science, Zero point will always be awarded Nul points. Is this because it’s a rubbish claim? or, perhaps the winning claims have political support. That is not what I want to explain, merely a part of it. That’s not quite right, I don’t actually want to explain anything. What I would like to do though is change the subject.
I do not wish to change the subject because I find the current conversation uncomfortable, I wish to change the subject because, I do not wish to contiinue with a conversation that is going around in ever decreasing circles
What do I mean by the current conversation? As with most people that are likely to read this, many of my conversations are online often the other parties to the conversation will not know that I have been listening, the old-fashioned equivalent of hearing a conversation on a Bus or a Train, where one does not comment as it would be rude. Such manners as those for the Clapham omnibus, clearly have been suspended in respect of the man on the Clapham laptop. My blog yesterday referred to the don’t knows, a better description could well be The silent majority or the undecided.
The Silent majority or the undecided speak by not speaking. I personally think that this silence is being heard loud and clear right now; as we do not speak, as it were.
Silence does not denote agreement.
52,232 views 15 Feb 2023
Timestamps 00:00 - Intro 01:23 - Global risk posed by U.S. banking system 02:30 - Repo crisis preceded PANDEMIC!!! 03:32 - WEF’s tote board of risk narratives 04:05 - F.D.I.C. Quarterly Banking Profile (3Q2022): real risk of banking crisis 05:26 - Chart 7 of Quarterly Banking Profile - massive balance sheet losses 08:41 - Why debt-based securities dropped in value by $690 billion 11:40 - Composite balance sheet (entire industry) in Quarterly Banking Profile 14:33 - Why assets on banks’ balance sheet are vastly over-valued 17:12 - That entire banking industry is dead broke, evident from composite liabilities 20:10 - Banks’ counter-measures to their insolvency 21:32 - FHLB advances: panic borrowing 24:57 - Repo market: more panic borrowing 26:54 - FRED’s tale of three crises 35:23 - Role of FHLB advances in last three crises 39:52 - Panic borrowing now - Fed fanning flames of new crisis 41:25 - New era has dawned: Snake Eating Its Own Tail
This video builds on and extends the explosive (but largely overlooked AFAIK) analysis done by Chris Whalen, “Is JPMorgan Chase Insolvent?” While Whalen is imo the best independent bank analyst in the business, he doesn’t have a crystal ball. (At least I couldn’t find one when I ransacked his home many moons ago.) He put out that post, which is nominally about Dimon’s bank but covers the entire banking industry, on Monday, November 28, 2022. He thus didn’t have access to the F.D.I.C.’s Quarterly Banking Profile for the 3rd quarter of 2022, which came out three days later. Whalen’s analysis focused on the dubious valuations of bank assets, which is certainly germane as far as they go and are discussed in greater detail in this video. The real action in the third quarter QBP, though, is on the liability side of the industry’s balance sheet. There we find evidence that aside from being broke, the banks know they’re broke and are panicking about it. But here’s the real kicker: the Fed isn’t helping the banks this go-round. It’s a new ballgame, and it goes by the name ALL. BAD. You can find more detailed written treatments of this video and others I’ve done at my substack:
* * * * * Links Chris Whalen’s November 2022 (in)solvency assessment of banking industry:
World Economic Forum’s 98-page global risk assessment (2023 edition): https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Glo... F.D.I.C. Quarterly Banking Profile: https://www.fdic.gov/analysis/quarter... Basel III regulations - Definition of capital excludes goodwill: https://www.bis.org/basel_framework/c... New York Fed’s take on Federal Home Loan Board (FHLB) during GFC: https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibra... Uncle FREDdie:
Mish Shedlock’s post on exploding interest payments on U.S. debt (Feb. 5, 2023): https://mishtalk.com/economics/the-an...
Peak Bullshit. Shits fucked up and bullshit. “Don’t Look Up” (Irony)
there is no viable theory of value. Marx’s labour theory of value rests on the … Continue readingPeak Bullshit. Shits fucked up and bullshit. “Don’t Look Up” (Irony)
Sitrep 99%. 1 May 2022. Following the full out attack on civil liberties since March … Continue readingSitrep for the 99% , The Financial Jigsaw, SNAFU & IABATO to Stick your NWO where the sun don’t shine! Two world wars and one world cup!
7. Fascism, Neoliberalism and the Left (The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State)
Sitrep for the 99% , The Financial Jigsaw, SNAFU & IABATO to Stick your NWO where the sun don’t shine! Two world wars and one world cup!
Sitrep 99%. 1 May 2022.
Following the full out attack on civil liberties since March 2020 the dispersed groupings that had led the resistance against the Post 2008 bailouts and austerity regimes through the Occupy movements, have now again regrouped and established communication between themselves and the 99%.The 2700 Billionaires served by the Corporate monopoly establishment have sought to impose Austerity through Inflation and a Hot War in Ukraine Again the multiple cells of resistance across all corporate franchise areas have re-established coherent communications and secured dominance over the psychological and the much degraded groupings of the on the ground forces of State monopoly capitalist violence ( Militarised Police Units).
The psychological theatre has been the last resistance to re-asserting the vector of power from the 99% to its appointed institutions. The extent to which the state monopoly media efforts have exhausted all credibility is now at a level of Public Knowledge, The emperor’s lack of clothing is now openly discussed without fear of fabled state informers or electronic snooping causing a collapse in life chances. This is true of the Sitrep region in which we are reporting, Known as Oceania in the State Monopoly Capitalist franchise manuals. It is presumed that similar breakthroughs in recognising reality are also emerging in East Asia.
Actions required now focus on consolidating the fully sourced evidence of various state crimes against democracy and prioritising repairs to sabotaged supply chains and industrial sectors taken out of commission by the Management fifth columnists under the various banners of WEF and Technofascist Philanthropic foundations, The process must start with rejecting and dismantling the framework implemented through Black Rocks Going Direct paradigm. What is broken through sabotage can be easily repaired and where systems have remained in commission obviously not fit for purpose or designed to fail the process of evaluating and selecting alternative solutions can begin at the appropriate scale and level of democratic institution.
Risks remain as they did following the de-nazification process post 2nd world war and a similar de-radicalisation of higher levels of institutional and corporate management will be necessary to prevent continuity of regime and COG ( Continuity of Government , Gladio 2 ) sleeper saboteurs from preventing the return to the processes of democracy honoured more in the breach than the observation for the past 43 years from 1979 and 50 years since the Nixon shock.
SIT Rep ends.
“the chartered rights of men.”. Burke, and The East India Company Charter. Thomas Paine the trial of common sense! SOme Pamphleteer memorabilia.
“the chartered rights of men.”
“The charters, which we call by distinction great, are public instruments of this nature; I mean the charters of King John and King Henry the Third. The things secured by these instruments may, without any deceitful ambiguity, be very fitly called the chartered rights of men.
These charters have made the very name of a charter dear to the heart of every Englishman—But, Sir, there may be, and there are charters, not only different in nature, but formed on principles the very reverse of those of the great charter. Of this kind is the charter of the East India Company. Magna charta is a charter to restrain power, and to destroy monopoly. The East India charter is a charter to establish monopoly, and to create power. Political power and commercial mono∣poly are not the rights of men; and the rights to them derived from charters, it is fallacious and sophistical to call” Edmund Burke.
Collins, G. (2020). Britain’s East India Company, Indian Markets, and Monopoly. In Commerce and Manners in Edmund Burke’s Political Economy (pp. 347-370). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108776813.010
March 26, 2017
mais par impatience de souffrir
On the present discontents, Burke opined
Putin ,Trump and Farage set courses un-entangled
Junker , Merkel, Call for straight ahead.
Edmund Burke was born at Dublin on the first of January, 1730. His father was an attorney, who had fifteen children, of whom all but four died in their youth. Edmund, the second son, being of delicate health in his childhood, was taught at home and at his grandfather’s house in the country before he was sent with his two brothers Garrett and Richard to a school at Ballitore, under Abraham Shackleton, a member of the Society of Friends. For nearly forty years afterwards Burke paid an annual visit to Ballitore.
“I am not one of those who think that the people are never in the wrong. They have been so, frequently and outrageously, both in other countries and in this. But I do say that in all disputes between them and their rulers the presumption is at least upon a par in favour of the people. Experience may perhaps justify me in going further. When popular discontents have been very prevalent, it may well be affirmed and supported that there has been generally something found amiss in the constitution or in the conduct of Government. The people have no interest in disorder. When they do wrong, it is their error, and not their crime. But with the governing part of the State it is far otherwise. They certainly may act ill by design, as well as by mistake. “Les révolutions qui arrivent dans les grands états ne sont point un effect du hasard, ni du caprice des peuples. Rien ne révolte les grands d’un royaume comme un Gouvernoment foible et dérangé. Pour la populace, ce n’est jamais par envie d’attaquer qu’elle se soulève, mais par impatience de souffrir.” These are the words of a great man, of a Minister of State, and a zealous assertor of Monarchy. They are applied to the system of favouritism which was adopted by Henry the Third of France, and to the dreadful consequences it produced. What he says of revolutions is equally true of all great disturbances. If this presumption in favour of the subjects against the trustees of power be not the more probable, I am sure it is the more comfortable speculation, because it is more easy to change an Administration than to reform a people.”
Godwin Caleb Williams
When I had written about seven-tenths of the first volume, I was prevailed upon by the extreme importunity of an old and intimate friend to allow him the perusal of my manuscript. On the second day he returned it with a note to this purpose: “I return you your manuscript, because I promised to do so. If I had obeyed the impulse of my own mind, I should have thrust it in the fire. If you persist, the book will infallibly prove the grave of your literary fame.”
Thus I have endeavoured to give a true history of the concoction and mode of writing of this mighty trifle. When I had done, I soon became sensible that I had done in a manner nothing. How many flat and insipid parts does the book contain! How terribly unequal does it appear to me! From time to time the author plainly reels to and fro like a drunken man. And, when I had done all, what had I done? Written a book to amuse boys and girls in their vacant hours, a story to be hastily gobbled up by them, swallowed in a pusillanimous and unanimated mood, without chewing and digestion. I was in this respect greatly impressed with the confession of one of the most accomplished readers and excellent critics that any author could have fallen in with (the unfortunate Joseph Gerald). He told me that he had received my book late one evening, and had read through the three volumes before he closed his eyes. Thus, what had cost me twelve months’ labour, ceaseless heartaches and industry, now sinking in despair, and now roused and sustained in unusual energy, he went over in a few hours, shut the book, laid himself on his pillow, slept, and was refreshed, and cried,
“Tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new.”
1. The object of moral and political discourse is how to maximize the amount and variety of pleasure and happiness.
2. Injustice and violence produced the demand for government, but due to its propensity toward war and despotism and its perpetuation of inequality, government has come to embody and perpetuate injustice.
3. Government’s chief object is security, and it achieves this through abridging individual independence. This prevents the cultivation of the individual’s happiness. One should aim to maintain general security, while minimizing such damages.
4. Justice must aim at producing the greatest sum of happiness and it requires impartiality. Justice is universal.
5. One’s duty is to fulfill one’s capacity to bring about the general advantage. One’s right is to their share to this general advantage. Ordinarily, one’s contribution to general advantage should be at their discretion. One’s injury to the
general good might sometimes warrant political superintendence.
6. One’s actions are based on feelings rather than reason. Reason merely allows the comparison and balancing of different feelings. Reason, therefore, allows us to regulate our feelings, making its improvement the best method to improve our
social condition.
7. Reason’s clarity and strength depend on the cultivation of knowledge. The cultivation of knowledge is unlimited. Therefore, our social condition is capable of perpetual improvement; however, institutions calculated to give perpetuity to any
particular mode of thinking, or condition of existence, are harmful.
8. The cultivation of happiness requires that we avoid prejudice and protect freedom of inquiry. It also requires leisure for intellectual cultivation, therefore extreme inequality is to be avoided.1794 Treason Trials From Wikipedia.
Historical context
[“”The historical backdrop to the Treason Trials is complex; it involves not only the British parliamentary reform efforts of the 1770s and 1780s but also the French Revolution. In the 1770s and 1780s, there was an effort among liberal-minded Members of Parliament to reform the British electoral system. A disproportionately small number of electors voted for MPs and many seats were bought. Christopher Wyvill and William Pitt the Younger argued for additional seats to be added to the House of Commons and the Duke of Richmond and John Cartwright advocated a more radical reform: “the payment of MPs, an end to corruption and patronage in parliamentary elections, annual parliaments (partly to enable the speedy removal of corrupt MPs) and, preeminently and most controversially, universal manhood suffrage”.[1] Both efforts failed and the reform movement appeared moribund in the mid-1780s.Once the revolution in France began to demonstrate the power of popular agitation, the British reform movement was reinvigorated. Much of the vigorous political debate in the 1790s in Britain was sparked by the publication of Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). Surprising his friends and enemies alike, Burke, who had supported the American Revolution, criticized the French Revolution and the British radicals who had welcomed its early stages. While the radicals saw the revolution as analogous to Britain’s own Glorious Revolution in 1688, which had restricted the powers of the monarchy, Burke argued that the appropriate historical analogy was the English Civil War (1642–1651) in which Charles I had been executed in 1649. He viewed the French Revolution as the violent overthrow of a legitimate government. In Reflections he argues that citizens do not have the right to revolt against their government, because civilizations, including governments, are the result of social and political consensus. If a culture’s traditions were challenged, the result would be endless anarchy. There was an immediate response from the British supporters of the French revolution, most notably Mary Wollstonecraft in her Vindication of the Rights of Men and Thomas Paine in his Rights of Man. In this lively pamphlet war, now referred to as the “Revolution Controversy”, British political commentators addressed topics ranging from representative government to human rights to the separation of church and state.[2]
1792 was the “annus mirabilis of eighteenth-century radicalism”: its most important texts, such as Rights of Man, were published and the influence of the radical associations was at its height. In fact, it was as a result of the publication of the Rights of Man that such associations began to proliferate.[3] The most significant groups, made up of artisans, merchants and others from the middling and lower sorts, were the Sheffield Society for Constitutional Information, the London Corresponding Society (LCS) and the Society for Constitutional Information (SCI).[4] But it was not until these groups formed an alliance with the more genteel Society of the Friends of the People that the government became concerned. When this sympathy became known, the government issued a royal proclamation against seditious writings on 21 May 1792. In a dramatic increase compared to the rest of the century, there were over 100 prosecutions for sedition in the 1790s alone.[5] The British government, fearing an uprising similar to the French Revolution, took even more drastic steps to quash the radicals. They made an increasing number of political arrests and infiltrated the radical groups; they threatened to “revoke the licences of publicans who continued to host politicized debating societies and to carry reformist literature”; they seized the mail of “suspected dissidents”; and they supported groups that disrupted radical events and attacked radicals in the press.[6] Additionally, the British Government initiated the Aliens Act of 1793 in order to regulate the entrance of immigrants into Great Britain. Essentially, the Aliens Act enforced that aliens be recorded upon arrival and register with the local justice of the peace. Specifically, immigrants were required to give their names, ranks, occupations, and addresses.[7] Overall, the Aliens Act reduced the number of immigrants into Great Britain out of fear that one of them may be an unwanted spy. Radicals saw this period as “the institution of a system of terror, almost as hideous in its features, almost as gigantic in its stature, and infinitely more pernicious in its tendency, than France ever knew”.[8]””]
John Swinton quote is from 1853
“There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an "Independent Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
September 10, 2014
Thomas Paine was an English Revolutionary he wrote a pamphlet which got the American Revolutions purposes against imperial /Colonial Rule form England cemented in the minds of ordinary people in the US at that time being milked by King George, Of course the US have had two further King Georges since then and exchanged one Aristocracy for another over the course of 250 Years.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Sense_(pamphlet
“When another Country colonises and says it will run things better than the people of that other country themselves you know there has to be something uncommon in that reasoning. Jeremy Bentham published a long Correspondence with Adam Smith on the title The Defence of Usury, Bentham also in that Pamphlet set out the logical basis upon which Colonialisation would make sense to a colonising power. The value of a colony to the mother country, according to the
the common mode of computation is equal to the sum total of imports
from that colony and exports to it put together.
From this statement, if the foregoing observation be just,
the following deductions will come to be made.
1. The whole value of the exports to the colony.
2. So much of the imports as is balanced by the exports.
3. Such a portion of the above remainder as answers to so
much of the trade as would be equally carried on were the colony
4. So much of that reduced profit as would be made, where the
same capital employed in any other trade or branch of industry
lost by the independence of the colony.
5. But the same capital, if employed in agriculture. would
have produced a rent over and above the ordinary profits of
capital: which rent, according to a general and undisputed
computation may be stated at a sum equal to the amount of those
profits. Thence arises a further deduction, viz. the loss to the
nation caused by employing the capital in the trade to the
colony, in preference to the improvement of land, and thence upon
the supposition that the continuance of the trade depended upon
the keeping the colony in subjection.
The other mischiefs resulting from the keeping of a colony in
subjection, are:
1. The expence of its establishment, civil and military.
2. The contingent expence of wars and other coercive measures
for keeping it in subjection.
3. The contingent expence of wars for the defence of it
against foreign powers.
4. The force, military and naval, constantly kept on foot
under the apprehension of such wars.
5. The occasional danger to political liberty from the force
thus kept up.
6. The contingent expence of wars produced by alliances
contracted for the purpose of supporting wars that may be brought
on by the defence of it.
7. The corruptive effects of the influence resulting from the
patronage of the establishment, civil and military.
8. The damage that must be done to the national stock of
intelligence by the false views of the national interest, which
must be kept up in order to prevent the nation from opening their
eyes and insisting upon the enfranchisement of the colony.
9. The sacrifice that must be made of the real interest of
the colony to this imaginary interest of the mother-country. It
is for the purpose of governing it badly, and for no other, that
you wish to get or keep a colony. Govern it well, it is of no use
to you.
To govern its inhabitants as well as they would govern
themselves, you must choose to govern them those only whom they
would themselves choose, you must sacrifice none of their
interests to your own, you must bestow as much time and attention
to their interests as they would themselves, in a word, you must
take those very measures and no others, which they themselves
would take. But would this be governing? And what would it be
worth to you, if it were?
After all, it would be impossible for you to govern them so
well as they would themselves, on account of the distance.
10. The bad government resulting to the mother-country from
the complication, the indistinct views of things, and the
consumption of time occasioned by this load of distant
dependencies.”Benthamns Defense of usury is flawed in that it misunderstands the Debt aspects of Money creation, which was not as bad then as it is now but was still a system being pedalled by the infamous John Law in France.
Thomas Hardy (political reformer)
Garrow’s Law, BBC dramatisation based on Hardy’s trial (episode 4, series 1)
Fox has been portrayed on screen by many actors:including
Blake Ritson in a 2011 episode of the television series Garrow’s Law
Fox proposed an East India Bill to place the government of the ailing and oppressive British East India Company, at that time in control of a considerable expanse of India, on a sounder footing with a board of governors responsible to Parliament and more resistant to Crown patronage. It passed the Commons by 153 to 80, but, when the King made it clear that any peer who voted in favour of the bill would be considered a personal enemy of the Crown, the Lords divided against Fox by 95 to 76.[24] George now felt justified in dismissing Fox and North from government and in nominating William Pitt in their place; at twenty-four years of age, the youngest British prime minister in history was appointed to office, apparently on the authority of the votes of 19 peers. Fox used his parliamentary majority to oppose Pitt’s nomination, and every subsequent measure that he put before the House, until March 1784, when the King dissolved Parliament and, in the following general election, Pitt was returned with a substantial majority.
“Two Pair of Portraits;” – presented to all the unbiassed Electors of Great Britain, by John Horne Tooke. A caricature by James Gillray, published by John Wright. Although Gillray’s work was generally bipartisan, he received a pension of £200 by the Tory-led government to produce anti-Whig propaganda between 1797 and 1801. In this complex print published in 1798 for the Anti-Jacobin Review Gillray lives up to his expectation as a political propagandist for the Tories by ridiculing John Horne Tooke and his support of Charles James Fox (British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) and The Whig party. Tooke had switched political allegiances. Previously he had been a conservative journalist and politician and had written an essay entitled Two Pair of Portraits in 1788, which championed William Pitt the Elder and Younger and denounced Fox and his father, Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland. In his print, Gillray attempts to discredit Tooke by exposing him as a hypocrite. He entitled his print “Two Pair of Portraits” as a direct allusion to Tooke’s pamphlet, in which Tooke attacked the very same figures he now supported. In the illustration, we see two portraits placed on an easel, one of Fox as the personification of vice next to a portrait of Pitt as the embodiment of honesty, followed by portraits of their fathers, Lord Holland and William Pitt senior displayed below. Gillray also includes the final lines of this pamphlet in a bubble emerging from Tooke’s mouth. Tooke is surrounded in the etching by other questionable and dramatic characters such as Wilkes, Robespierre and Machiavelli. It has been argued that “Two Pair of Portraits” may also be a masked self-portrait and critique of Gillray’s own role as a paid political propagandist. His message may have been that he was no better than Tooke whom he was ridiculing.
The Peripatetic; Or, Sketches of the Heart, of Nature and Society; in a Series of Politico …
by John Thelwall
Coleridge expresses it better than I could in Table Talk.this from 27th April 1823.
The national debt has, in fact, made more men rich than have a right to be so, or, rather, any ultimate power, in case of a struggle, of actualizing their riches. It is, in effect, like an ordinary, where three hundred tickets have been distributed, but where there is, in truth, room only for one hundred. So long as you can amuse the company with any thing else, or make them come in successively, all is well, and the whole three hundred fancy themselves sure of a dinner; but if any suspicion of a hoax should arise, and they were all to rush into the room at once, there would be two hundred without a potato for their money; and the table would be occupied by the landholders, who live on the spot.
April 27. 1823.
April 28. 1823.
The conduct of the Whigs is extravagantly inconsistent. It originated in the fatal error which Fox committed, in persisting, after the first three years of the French Revolution, when every shadow of freedom in France had vanished, in eulogizing the men and measures of that shallow-hearted people. So he went on gradually, further and further departing from all the principles of English policy and wisdom, till at length he became the panegyrist, through thick and thin, of a military frenzy, under the influence of which the very name of liberty was detested. And thus it was that, in course of time, Fox's party became the absolute abettors of the Buonapartean invasion of Spain, and did all in their power to thwart the generous efforts of this country to resist it. Now, when the invasion is by a Bourbon, and the cause of the Spanish nation neither united nor, indeed, sound in many respects, the Whigs would precipitate this country into a crusade to fight up the cause of a faction.
I have the honour of being slightly known to my lord Darnley. In 1808-9, I met him accidentally, when, after a few words of salutation, he said to me, "Are you mad, Mr. Coleridge?"—"Not that I know, my lord," I replied; "what have I done which argues any derangement of mind?"—"Why, I mean," said he, "those letters of yours in the Courier, 'On the Hopes and Fears of a People invaded by foreign Armies.' The Spaniards are absolutely conquered; it is absurd to talk of their chance of resisting."—"Very well, my lord," I said, "we shall see. But will your lordship permit me, in the course of a year or two, to retort your question upon you, if I should have grounds for so doing?"—"Certainly!" said he; "that is fair!" Two years afterwards, when affairs were altered in Spain, I met Lord Darnley again, and, after some conversation, ventured to say to him, "Does your lordship recollect giving me leave to retort a certain question upon you about the Spaniards? Who is mad now?"—"Very true, very true, Mr. Coleridge," cried he: "you are right. It is very extraordinary. It was a very happy and hold guess." Upon which I remarked, "I think 'guess' is hardly a fair term. For, has any thing happened that has happened, from any other causes, or under any other conditions, than such as I laid down Beforehand?" Lord Darnley, who was always very courteous to me, took this with a pleasant nod of his head.
* * * * *
Many votes are given for reform in the House of Commons, which are not honest. Whilst it is well known that the measure will not he carried in parliament, it is as well to purchase some popularity by voting for it. When Hunt and his associates, before the Six Acts, created a panic, the ministers lay on their oars for three or four months, until the general cry, even from the opposition, was, "Why don't the ministers come forward with some protective measure?" The present Ministry exists on the weakness and desperate character of the Opposition. The sober part of the nation are afraid of the latter getting into power, lest they should redeem some of their pledges.
* * * * *
Pitt’s administration took the guilty verdict in Paine’s trial as a sign that further prosecutions for sedition were possible and so began many. In the 17 months following the trial, 11 publishers of the Rights of Man were prosecuted, receiving prison sentences of up to four years.[33] They acted as a prelude to the 1794 Treason Trials in which a dozen reformers were indicted for allegedly conspiring to bring about a revolution.[34] Erskine played a prominent role in defending many of them, including Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke and John Thelwall,[35] all three of whom were acquitted.[36]
Trial of Thomas Paine Film.
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Be Like Vinnie, No Faith in the System
523 views5 years ago
Still Have faith in the system, Vinnie Doesn't Be Like Vinnie
26K views5 years ago
Man of the world cover instrumental
475 views10 years ago
Henry George Peace by Standing Army or Debauched by Robber Barons and Bankers
24 views10 years ago
After Defeat of Swiss Basic Income Proposal, Let’s Name the Real Problems, Find the Real Solution

From William 111 to Present Day. William Cobbett against Gold!
All systems of political economy are idealistic constructs that are either, sold to the populace or imposed upon them. At the root again of this question is what are the choices and who is making them. This question is postulated by James Harrington in his book The Commonwealth of Oceana from 1656 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Commonwealth_of_Oceana.
In Our own country, the Debate goes back to William the Third and the establishment of the monopoly of the Bank of England.
I have been very deeply engrossed in the Pamphlets surrounding the issues raised by the Dissidents in the English Civil War the later Luddite rebellion and what is called the last revolution in England the Pentrich Uprising.
I was offended by this statement in Wikipedia.
“They were lightly armed with pikes, scythes, and a few guns, which had been hidden in a quarry in Wingfield Park, and had a set of rather unfocused revolutionary demands, including the wiping out of the National Debt.[1]”
It is true they were lightly armed but it is not true that their grievances were “Unfocused, revolutionary demands”
The Bumper sticker of their demands was
the “End of the National Debt and a Larger Loaf of Bread”.
Now that’s some Bumper Sticker, I am now going to bake our family bread for today, Seriously I do bake our bread.
Jul 31, 2022
An overview of George Orwell's views, guided by Orwell's reflections on his own career.
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0:00 The Spanish Civil War
2:20 The Soviet Union
3:33 Truth And Politics
06:01 Totalitarianism
09:55 Democratic Socialism
13:50 Other Writing
Homage To Catalonia - George Orwell
Animal Farm - George Orwell
1984 - George Orwell
Essays And Other Writings
Why I Write - George Orwell
Looking Back On The Spanish War - George Orwell
Notes On Nationalism - George Orwell
The Lion And The Unicorn - George Orwell
Toward European Unity - George Orwell
Review By Orwell: The Road To Serfdom - George Orwell
Literature And Totalitarianism - George Orwell
The Prevention Of Literature - George Orwell
Politics And The English Language - George Orwell
Freedom Of The Press - George Orwell
Preface To The Ukrainian Edition Of Animal Farm - George Orwell
London Letter To Partisan Review December 1944 - George Orwell
Thoughts On The Common Toad - George Orwell
Pleasure Spots - George Orwell
The Moon Under Water - George Orwell
Ryan Chapman
Jun 19, 2022
Aaron Swartz, How people using the Internet Stopped SOPA #FreeAssange
This film follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz's help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over the internet. But it was Swartz's groundbreaking work in social justice and political organizing combined with his aggressive approach to information access that ensnared him in a two-year legal nightmare. It was a battle that ended with the taking of his own life at the age of 26. Aaron's story touched a nerve with people far beyond the online communities in which he was a celebrity. This film is a personal story about what we lose when we are tone deaf about technology and its relationship to our civil liberties.
"If Humanity knew what i know , it would be unable to sleep". ( Klaus Schwab quoting a Leader in the
Mar 19, 2022
In order to gain a clearer picture of the emerging global community we will need to traverse the subjects of international finance, international trade, international relations, international organizations, nation-state governance, central banking policies, international educational policies, the world of the large tax-exempt foundations, politics, economics, science, philosophy, social engineering and much more. It is an exciting and highly rewarding adventure, however, the reader may encounter information which will challenge his former worldviews.
Mar 16, 2022
Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? "Ukraine on Fire" by Igor Lopatonok provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which lead to the 2004 Orange Revolution, 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people's revolution, it was in fact a coup d'état scripted and staged by nationalist groups and the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting America's geopolitical agenda abroad.
Dear audience, if you like Ukraine on Fire documentary, please visit page of film on IMDB and rate it link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5724358/...
Feb 06, 2022
If one observes the long game the dominant Narrative of the past 30 years is Climate Change and CO2 emission being the only thing anyone needs to focus upon. The Carbon footprint narrative is by a long chalk well ahead of the curve even with the relatively short but seemingly endless Pandemic and Vaccine Narratives of the Past two years.
Naming names ,Larry Fink of Blackstone and Blackstones Going Direct is considerably more powerful a control lever on what happens next than the efforts of Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci to enrich Big Pharma and themselves, Gates also has a bigger card in the game and that is Digital ID and its relationship to both Near earth Satellite networks and the 5G networks, which coincidentally really were rolling out at the Same Time as the Wuhan Event, also in coincidentally Wuhan.
The Vaccines and Vaccine Injury is very much closely related to the Adjuvants and not necessarily the Pathogen dose delivered in the solution of the Adjuvant. It is the Adjuvant rather than the disease which is of interest to the 5G / ID aspects of what the past two years have really been all about.
The Repo Spike in Newyork on September the 19th was the starting pistol, of course, the dress rehearsal was Event 201, The Objective was almost certainly to gain widespread acceptance of Digital ID's on SmartPhone devices and possibly by stealth through Nanotechnology, within the Adjuvant solutions in the MRNA vaccines( Experimental Gene Therapies?).
So what about Climate Change, CO2, and all that, no its not the Graphine found in some adjuvant samples but the Rationing of Carbon through a Carbon-based currency which is why the Climate Change Agenda particularly the CO2 control knob is so important.
The ratio of Good Energy ( renewables) for which Carbon Credits will be created and Bad Energy of "Fossil Fuels which represent Carbon debits, is 16:1. There are various combinations which could see the ratio vary but essentially as with The Gold Standard a Carbon Credit Renewables Standard has the same ratio as the Historical Bi-Metallic ratio known to numasticist's the world over. A deflationary centralised banking regime will be able to impose Austerity to an authoritarian extent extending to a population control mechanism. This is a far more likely delivery mechanism for Rapid population reduction policies than any Vaccination regime, Famine equally, is a far more effective and efficient means of population reduction than certainly War or any other form of genocide, also for the Authoritarian regime deploying it, it is also complete with a shield of plausible deniability.
Just my 10 cents per KW/h or my 100 euros/tonne of CO2
Just Saying.
Julian Huxley Eugenics film from 1937
The Archbishop chairs the first session
by Ingrid de Kok
Ian R Crane
36.3K subscribers
The UK population is perhaps just a few years away from sleepwalking into an irreversible Totalitarian Corporatocracy. Film Director David Crowley tried to share his insight only for himself and his family to pay the ultimate price. Those who believe themselves (wrongly) to be the Rightful Rulers of this planetary fiefdom have awakened a force within Humanity that WILL prevail ... but it needs everyone to step out of their fear and ENGAGE IN THE GAME!!
GRAY STATE is a vision of a dystopian near-future in which abusive government has delivered the coup de grâce to the American life you have known. The last vestiges of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the laws that protect you from tyranny have been shredded in a public display of authoritarian power that you enabled through generations of inaction, complacency, and apathy.
Now federalized National Guard patrol the streets while TSA thugs move checkpoints to highways. Militarized police forces funnel your tax dollars into military-grade armored vehicles, surveillance equipment, and weapons for the sole reason of suppressing dissent. Under police state lockdown - under martial law - the Gray State rules. And now the battle turns to the homeland - where American citizens become the targets.
GRAY STATE is the reality that can no longer be ignored. It is coming - by consent or conquest.
My Estimation of and Journey around the Matrix. #Sue Supriano #RobertMoore #IanCrane #F. William Engdahl #WhatyaGonnaDo
Money and Goods Are Different
”Thus, clearly, money and goods are not the same thing but are, on the contrary, exactly opposite things. Most confusion in economic thinking arises from failure to recognize this fact. Goods are wealth which you have, while money is a claim on wealth which you do not have. Thus goods are an asset; money is a debt. If goods are wealth;money is not wealth, or negative wealth, or even anti-wealth. They always behave in opposite ways, just as they usually move in opposite directions. If the value of one goes up, the value of the other goes down, and in the same proportion.”
Baileys Bust
Blog on wayback machine
Klown & the Gang’s Apocalypse Derby
A guide for handicapping the next big "event"
Happy Valentine’s Day to my substack subscribers.
The purpose of this post is two-fold. First, I want to give my subscribers a heads-up that tomorrow (Feb. 15, 2023) I’ll be releasing a new video, “Why Is the Federal Reserve Provoking a Financial Crisis?” I’m shooting for noon eastern time, but we’ll see how the timed-publication feature on YouTube works out.
rogerglewis on November 5, 2023 at 12:30 pm
Morning John,
For what it’s worth IABATO still about sums it all up.
Hysteria and the 2 minutes of Hate binary windup that is the Twatterverse,
render any need for the higher-ups to “Outsmart” the masses unnecessary.
Anyone still paying attention has not been paying attention.
I greatly enjoyed a comment from Ryhs Jagger the other day about which vegetables went well in Blighty this summer get offline and get an allotment everything else is IABATO
“You say IABATO I say Tomato” you might say.
If the Covid Enquiry tells us anything it is that no one is really in control but there are some epoch-class opportunists convincing the twattering classes that they are a lot more all-knowing than they really are.
The narcissistic addiction fed by online short attention span dopamine stimulating crap is interfering with grassroots organising ability right down to feeding victim persecution complexes rather than doing anything. The human survival instinct is very strong the thinking instinct somewhat less so apparently.
“No Taxation without representation” is a good old-fashioned slogan and the Great Money trick as described by Robert Tressel
On today’s article on the Slog, see Tragedy and Hope, Quigley’s classic for more details
and especially for Rhys,
Ooooh! What a beauty, I’ve never seen one as big as that before,
Oh Oh! What a beauty, it must be two foot long or even more.
Now about that allotment?
Ayes to the Right No’s to the Left , the Don’t Knows have it. Pivot to who gives a f@¤k. Victor Kiam or Omar Khayyam
The Gold Standard was replaced by a Defacto Truth in intensive care. Eye See You. … Continue readingDefacto Bi-oilism. Petro/CarbonDollar Standard. The Burning Platform, Seeking Alpha and British Interests in Ukraine? A failure to deal with Abundance. Watching the Wheels.
(#85, p. 47)
The inescapable trilemma of the world economy. “The End of Democracy, not the end of … Continue readingJanuary 30, off with the heads of the many headed hydra. Love is the answer, lets pray for the Kakistocracy’s redemption. Render unto Ceaser.
Stylized modelled theory and Empirical Evidence. Seeds of Proof.
Tim, You say and have said before many times that. “All of these hopes miss … Continue readingStylized modelled theory and Empirical Evidence. Seeds of Proof.
if your working hypothesis requires certitude refrain from tailoring cloth that renders the emperor nude … Continue readingAn Emperors New Clothes Moment. Pivot to the Economy and Monetary System. An Epidemic of Debt, #Debtgov21 a new variant on #GFC08
´´The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” … Continue readingWe’re an empire Now #TheGreatReset #Iconoclasm #Zealotry #ObeidiencetoAbove Welcome to the Brave New World of #PEANACFascism.
“A fiction that elevates my soul is dearer to me than a host of base and despicable truths”.
“Translators – are false horses of enlightenment” Pushkin 57 Years young today “Translators – are … Continue reading“A fiction that elevates my soul is dearer to me than a host of base and despicable truths”.
The latest blog from Tim Morgan on the SEEDS blog is premised upon the inevitability … Continue readingDid you hear the one about the Blind Straw-man leading the Blind Straw-men. A Utopia of Usurers . the plutocratic appeal to science, or, rather, to the pseudo-science that they call Seeds.
#QED Notes from the bottom rung. Klingon’s on the starboard bow, ‘cuz we can’t find reverse.
Star Trekkin’ across the universe, On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk. Star Trekkin’ across … Continue reading#QED Notes from the bottom rung. Klingon’s on the starboard bow, ‘cuz we can’t find reverse.
#QED Notes from the bottom rung. Klingon’s on the starboard bow, ‘cuz we can’t find reverse.
This Motley Fool, From 2009 via 2011 Freinds gained and innocence lost. RogerGLewis May 18, 2011 … Continue readingTo Whom Do We Owe This Money, Exactly? My Debt to Sturdy Blog and Golem XIV. Motley Fool, Cliff Darcy- The Spirit Level. Golem XIV, Positive Money- The Grub Street Journal and #Conquestof Dough
Money does not initiate Economic activity, in all cases, it is an intermediary token or rain check
rogerglewissays: September 5, 2017 at 10:10 pm Your comment is awaiting moderation. “Money is created … Continue readingMoney does not initiate Economic activity, in all cases, it is an intermediary token or rain check
Read the first few pages which weren't inspiring or well written. — F**Ke EU (@FawkeEU) … Continue readingThrough The Needle’s Eye The Future of Global Competition Author Gopi Kumar Bulusu #GrubStreetJournal
full spectrum surveillance apparatus through digital passports, #Thiel, #Schmidt #Assange , When Google Met Wikileaks … Continue readingfull spectrum surveillance apparatus through digital passports, #Thiel, #Schmidt #Assange , When Google Met Wikileaks #Bilderberg #Palantir
Heisenberg, Gödel, and Chomsky walk into a bar. Neo-Classical Economics is the Joke!
Godel Escher Bach art print! https://www.redbubble.com/people/comastar/works/10658819-godel-escher-bach-art-print Another interesting discussion of Lars Syl’s Real Economics Blog … Continue readingHeisenberg, Gödel, and Chomsky walk into a bar. Neo-Classical Economics is the Joke!
Dr. Mackintosh’s book is a risible screed of cliche and Teenaged emo angst pseudo intellectualism. … Continue readingPeak X, badly needs a new driver at the wheel. A review of Climate Crisis Economics ( 1st Edition)* By Stuart P. M. Mackintosh. (*not worth rushing stocks will last.)
Unravelling Catastrophe. Seeds of Hope or Seeds of destruction.
#219. The unravelling beginsPosted on January 1, 2022THE REALITY OF SCARCITY, THE SCARCITY OF REALITY … Continue readingUnravelling Catastrophe. Seeds of Hope or Seeds of destruction.
Innovating to Zero Debt. A Model Answer.
A Guide for the Perplexed , That or This? “Here’s what I came up with: … Continue readingInnovating to Zero Debt. A Model Answer.
The Control of Oil. The Energy/Exchange Cartel. (Who Shot JR?)
The Control of Oil by John Malcolm Blair My rating: 5 of 5 stars This … Continue readingThe Control of Oil. The Energy/Exchange Cartel. (Who Shot JR?)
Professor Richard Werner joins Hugh Hendry, founder and former CIO of Eclectica Asset Management, for … Continue readingThe Central Bank Coup det Tat. Hugh Hendry and Prof. Richard Werner , Are we headed for A 90’s style “Japanese” lost decade? #WAGTHECOV
The logarithm is the mathematical inverse of the exponential, so while exponential growth starts slowly … Continue reading12 Log2-8 The Super Cooperator Constant. Remove the mote ( Log) from your own eye before accepting the exponential as punishment from the #WEF #GreatReset Borg.
Problems with the Money System & the Y2K bug that pulled up the Property Ladder. #QED
An excellent Blog. Heres a Mind Map I have called the “Going Direct Paradigm https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/DF9DB595-A602-0BF0-DF0D-24BD4E25F6DF#-332 … Continue readingProblems with the Money System & the Y2K bug that pulled up the Property Ladder. #QED
Star Trekkin’ across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekkin’ across the universe,
Boldly going forward, still can’t find reverse.
(#85, p. 47)
I liked that quote so much I remembered the guy who wrote it buying some company or other.
#GulagDigihellico #Addictedtodistraction #DigitalGulag #WagesofSpin
And everything which is by now comprised in the traditional, even literary, image of an … Continue reading#GulagDigihellico #Addictedtodistraction #DigitalGulag #WagesofSpin
I liked that quote so much I remembered the guy who wrote it buying some company or other.